Eucharistic experience

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When I go to communion, I sometimes get e really weird feeling. My chest gets tight, and it feels like I have no air in my lungs. My heart seems to catch fire. I never know whether to expect it or not. Can anyone else explain this? Does anyone else feel this?
Dearest friend

I can’t explain it and have never experienced it. What do you think it is?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I have never felt this. Sounds kind of like asthma, but if it only happens during the eucharist then it must be supernatural or mental in nature.

Pray!! 🙂
well, it’s GOD. He is so awesome, that if we were to see Him face to face, without the aid of His grace, we would die. many of the saints often felt they would die so great was the love they experienced of HIm in prayer.
Hello Kamerbaby!

What a beautiful gift you have recievced!
I’m unable to tell you exactly what it is, but yes, I agree, it is God and I agree that you should pray too. I mean, if it is God, and you ask Him to show you, He will.
I’ll share something with you.
I was at church one day and the night before I had just had a bible study group where we talked about the great gift that Christ offers us in the Eucharist. I was prepareing myself for communion. I recieved the Host and as the Chalice was offered to me, this feeling that someone very important was standing before me washed over me. I reached out my hands and drank. When I reached the pew, I had an uncontrollable desire to kneel. Now you must understand- I have never been comfortable kneeling, especally in Church (that has since changed (smile)) so this was a huge thing for me to be asked, but again I felt like I was in the presence of Someone very important, and so I knelt. This desire flaired within me, blinding me with joy when my knees hit the floor and my heart burst. I felt as if Jesus where infront of me, smiling, happy that I had first, commuined and second, had the courage to kneel and honor Him that way.
Now. There are some who will say that I was imagining things, that it was my of own making, but you know what? I know what I felt and I know that I am incapable of producing that kind of utter joy. It was purely spiritual, it was purely Christ. You know what you feel, and please don’t let anyone else try and rob you of the wonderful gift God is gracing you with. The next time that happens, maybe welcome it (not that I mean you don’t already) and praise God, thanking Him for the gift His is showering you with. For me the key is that you said it feels like your heart is on fire- God frequently uses the image of fire to portray His Presence. Just think of Penecost.
I’ll pray for you Kamerbaby!

God Bless!
When I go to communion, I sometimes get e really weird feeling. My chest gets tight, and it feels like I have no air in my lungs. My heart seems to catch fire. I never know whether to expect it or not. Can anyone else explain this? Does anyone else feel this?
It’s love – anticipation of receiving the Lord of Lords – you a mere mortal are about to encounter the most divine, Jesus Christ.

I feel that love-sick, twitter-pated way sometimes. Other times, I feel kind of giddy like when I knew I would see my husband after missing him a while.

Don’t know if you agree, but that is how I see it.😉
In all seriousness, I would speak with a physician. Do you ever experience this anywhere else?

It sounds like descriptions I have heard of panic attacks.
Great book on stories of the Eucharist and how people personally feel. See 201 stories of the Eucharist. If you look closely you might find a little story by a familiar deacon.

God bless you,
Deacon Tony
In all seriousness, I would speak with a physician. Do you ever experience this anywhere else?

It sounds like descriptions I have heard of panic attacks.
No, not really. It is only right after I recieve comminion. But it doesn’t happen al the time. So I never know if it will happen. It happened last weekend, but not this weekend. I wonder why…
I’ve had similar experinces when I make Acts of Spiritual Communion or ask to be united to the Sacred Heart I think it may be a low grade Ecstasy it doesn’t last very long nor is it really strong (I fear if it were I would die). Just my :twocents:
I have these feelings sometimes too and it doesn’t have the negative aspect of a panic attack - agitation and anxiety, fear of death, etc.

Sometimes a person facing a major loss can feel chest pains – along with a slew of other stress symptoms. It is a common phenomon – unfortunately I can speak from experience.

Even when we share symptoms with a serious problem there is the matter of degree that makes the difference.

I have similar feelings about my husband. and best friend. A profound, non erotic, love where even I am speechless – a miracle:yup:

I don’t believe you are sick, but that you are receiving a special grace from God. Go with it, be grateful for it, sink into it. Give thanks, and enjoy God’s revelation of Himself to you.
this may seem like a silly question, but have you asked God about it?

i would suggest asking Him. i’ve often found that when i’m perplexed about something, especially regarding Him, if i ask Him, i get an answer pretty soon, sometimes the same day, from an unexpected source.

are you allergic to anything? (another possibility)
this may seem like a silly question, but have you asked God about it?

i would suggest asking Him. i’ve often found that when i’m perplexed about something, especially regarding Him, if i ask Him, i get an answer pretty soon, sometimes the same day, from an unexpected source.

are you allergic to anything? (another possibility)
penicillin… but nothing else to my knowledge. And that is not a sillly question. I guess I probably should ask him, huh?:o WEll, I will mediate on it for a while and pray. I hope I find an answer! Maybe it is grace, maybe not. (It might sound selfish, but I hope it is!) May God bless you all! -Kramerbaby
to me it sounds like either a panic attack or asthma. probably a coincidence that it happens during communion time. Like Saint Teresa of Avila, I would be highly suspicious of any physical or emotional sensations during communion or adoration, and certainly would not allow them to affect my faith.
Dear Kramerbaby,

I loved to see your post!! Hooray! I have had this experience before…it preceeded the gift of tears. GO WITH IT! You are not having a panic attack! I have had a panic attack. This is quite different. I think it is a shame that so many of us who have been given this gift didn’t even know it was a gift. I finally asked my priest out of embarrasment what was going on. First it started out with my chest getting tight…almost to the point I would feel dizzy. Then I started to cry for “no reason” or so I thought. It frightened me…I tried to supress it, and yet at some level I was aware that maybe the Holy Spirit was at work in me. I can tell you though…I didn’t want this “gift”, people would stare at me in church, my husband didn’t know what to do with me! I did talk to my priest in confession one time and he explained that this was a gift of the Spirit and to try and relax and go with it. I do, it’s hard sometimes…I get to feeling so overwhelmed during that time that it scares me sometimes. I don’t like loss of control! But I am praying and working with it. It can happen during my private devotion…but mostly and most strongly right as I receive Our Lord. I hope this post helped you. I encourage you to talk to your priest. :blessyou:
Just be open!!!
God wants to pour out His gift of the Holy Spirit on all His children.
Don’t put God in a box…Be open to it all…
What a gift you have received…My prayer is that all His children receive this gift.
Just be open and accept all He wants to give you…
My opinion anyway…
Praise God!!
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