Evangalise using incorruptables

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I want to evangelize to Atheists using information about incorruptible saints.

Can anyone give a good example to use and if there is any good Scientific data available or other information that would appeal to Atheists who always look for a reason to not believe.

Any good links to information on this topic again with good data available.

I hope you can help me, thanks.
I once hoped that the incorruptables might provide irrefutable proof of the supernatural and purchased The Incorruptibles: A Study of the Incorruption of the Bodies of Various Catholic Saints and Beati, but was dissapointed. It had dozens of amazing stories of incorrupt bodies, but it lacked the two things I was most looking for: a scientific explanation of how corruption normally occurs, and a detailed explanation of how some of these bodies could not have been naturally preserved.

I would have been much more impressed with a detailed, referenced explanation of a small number of cases, with an explanation of how this particular body could not have been preserved naturally, than a large number of impressive, but not irrefutable, cases.

Part of the problem is that all of the bodies seemed to showed some degree of corruption.

Good luck! From my own reading, the field is open for someone with medical and forensic skills to write such a book!
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