Evangelical Christian Preachers

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I listen to some of them, some I don’t. However, I know enough of my faith well enough to know what they say that is correct and what they say that isn’t correct. If a person is capable of doing that, then listening to different preachers can be helpful. If a person can’t, then they should stay away from things outside the faith.

Scout :tiphat:
I think listening to someone like Billy Graham would be harmless enough, but unless a person is strong in their faith and understand the Bible pretty well, I’d stay away from any with an anti-Catholic bias or are targeted to proselytize Catholics. These sorts generally twist Scripture, torture history, and outright lie about Catholic teaching in order to lure Catholics away from the faith.
I think it is fine, provided you have a solid understanding of your Catholic faith. Like someone in my Bible study class said when we were discussing the book “The Purpose Driven Life”, go ahead and eat the meat and leave the bones.
I listen to them occasionally only because it is good excercise in heresy recognition. Sometimes I can’t believe what I’m hearing from them. I was listening to a young protestant last week who was from TX and was speaking to a HUGE arena full of people. I listened very hard to hear ANY kind of interesting or credible theological teaching…NADA! All touchy feely pep rally stuff. I could have written a better script… AND THEN the pitch came… and the basket was passed. Those arenas and Lexus cars are spendy.

And since someone mentioned “The purpose driven life”. My born-again friend insisted that I read it. It was terrible I thought. Basically more pop pyschology and feel good stuff. I finally started skimming chapters trying to find out what they were trying to say. I got to the dreadful end and thought… “They are just trying to put a pop culture spin on what the Church has always taught about a persons purpose in life. To know, love, and serve God in this life, and to be happy with Him forever in the next”.
Just so you know ridesawhitehors, even us protestants have a lot of issues with what you just mentioned!!! I do not go to church to hear a self-help talk instead of a sermon!
It’s dangerous because the message is not founded on the rock and even someone very well intentioned may have something that is different from the Truth. Discern carefully; pray sincerely.

All that glitters is not gold -Tolkein
I think listening to someone like Billy Graham would be harmless enough, but unless a person is strong in their faith and understand the Bible pretty well, I’d stay away from any with an anti-Catholic bias or are targeted to proselytize Catholics. These sorts generally twist Scripture, torture history, and outright lie about Catholic teaching in order to lure Catholics away from the faith.
I agree. Generally, if they are televangelists and have their own network, I don’t watch. Their is an organization in Orange County (I’m in Los Angeles) that has a big network and begs for $ contantly. They preach that if you send them $ then God will bless you with more $!!! The Los Angeles Times did a big story on them with photos of their mansions, private jets, etc. I know there are lose organizations of people who watch the channel and, when they see a big plug for donations, they take turns calling in the the 800 number to keep it busy so fools won’t be parted from their money so easily. 😛
Many people (including Catholics) find that evangelical preachers, such as Billy Graham, and Joyce Meyer have very powerful and relevent messages. The fact of the matter is, other than on EWTN, you just don’t find a lot of well-known Catholic evangelists who aren’t afraid to talk about the tough stuff- all people find are people who talk about feeding the poor (which is important, but it doesn’t help the people who need inspiration themselves- and cannot simply rely on “seeing Christ in others and being Christ to others”), and maybe touch the tip of the iceberg on some other issues (like prayer, why bad things happen, the bible, etc.), but are afraid to get controversial- or really get into a topic (other than social justice).
I listen as away to strengthen my faith and to know what I am up against when dialogging with Protestants. Sort of apologetics exercise so to speak.😉
May God Bless and Protect Us All,
OK so I should be ecumenical - the Holy Father has said so and I am failing at it – and realize the other’s have at least some of the Truth.

Except they took the Truth and cut out it’s heart and soul and then spend so much time attacking the Whore of Babylon. This is just my personal experience, I do not have the fullness of knowledge of all the separated brethen out there on the airwaves.

It is kind of like listening to Christian music. Sure it is better than the junk that being offered to the masses, but when the doctrine and dogma start clashing with Catholic doctrine and dogma is not possible to start singing seemingly innocent lyrics that deny the fullness of our faith and be led astray?

Perhaps I am just too biased from the cultic influence of my youth in within a very conservative Baptist church to see any value when there are men like Fr. John Corapi or even Fr. Stan Fortuna (francescoproductions.com) where he has distilled messages from his hero, the Late, Great, JPII and our current Holy Father. He also distills the Theology of the Body into six minutes of rap called “Say YES to Sex” an unlikely title coming from a CFR, but he really does a great job with humor added in, no less.

I tried being serious once, it gave me a headache, so I don’t do that anymore. should be my motto, I love humor when applied at the appropriate time.

So, here I am, a biased convert who is ecumenical with … um… a lot to learn.
Perhaps I am just too biased from the cultic influence of my youth in within a very conservative Baptist church to see any value when there are men like Fr. John Corapi or even Fr. Stan Fortuna (francescoproductions.com) where he has distilled messages from his hero, the Late, Great, JPII and our current Holy Father. He also distills the Theology of the Body into six minutes of rap called “Say YES to Sex” an unlikely title coming from a CFR, but he really does a great job with humor added in, no less.
I have so many Catholic tapes to listen to that I can’t imagine wanting to listen to non-Catholic preachers.
There are so many really great Catholic speakers who have tapes available. I really love ones who were former Evangelicals, like Scott Hahn. They are so well versed in Scripture that, when they apply it to Catholic teaching, I just can’t get enough of them.

I am developing a website and work at home most days. I open up EWTN and listen to talks while I am working sometimes. It not only keeps me from getting lonely, but sometimes I hear something that makes me stop and take notice.
I gave the cop-out “perhaps- maybe -under some circumstances” answer. I’ve a pile of tapes of various sermons and studies, including a fair number of “yours truly” sermonizing.( a nite time soporific?):sleep: [Almost all haven’t seen a tape-player in a decade] since my conversion [Easter 2005] I have had occasional thoughts of dipping into the old theological waters for my apologetic development. But I just can’t be bothered. There is just too much for me to learn about the Church’s Fathers, Saintsx Culture, history, laws, structure, dogma, doctrine and teaching.
Sadly I aint gettin younger an’ I havre to much to do anyway.
I’ll not toss them … but they are packed away.
I think it’s fine if you’re not overly impressionable. I love watching this show called Shepherd’s Chapel that comes on sometimes. The pastor (Arnold Murray or something) says some out-there stuff. For instance, I think he advocates the basic premise of ango-Israelism, and I’ve heard him talk about how there were 2 Adams. Hogwash. But it’s still entertaining for me to watch, particularly when he answers letters at the end of the show.
I voted unsure but I feel I’m leaning towards Catholic only so I’m boxing up all of my old cd’s and tapes from the evangelicals. We have it all so why settle for anythinh else?

I used to listen to Alistar Begg occasionally in the mornings on my way into work a year or two ago. I enjoyed listening to him until one day when he went into some holier-than-thou rant glorifying Calvin and bashing the real presence in the Eucharist. I was pretty disappointed and I’ve not listened to him since.
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