Well, me, here named a „RELIGIOUS NUTTER - no words exist to bring me back to realistic and true Catholic understanding, in the thread WHO CREATED GOD?
would like to answer once more, though I wouldn’t particularly want to know anyone who holds a veiling cover before himself when he talks to me, afraid of anyone recognizing him. That way one can call people names, which is constantly done in a dreadful, most unchristian way in many forums.
Like „religious-nutter" me, others call each others in this CATHOLIC forum even godless. The list of names many shed over others, is endless.
Have we all forgotten Psalm 101:5 If anyone secretly says things against his neighbor, God will stop him.
He will not allow people to be proudly look down on others. - Or take Christ’s word in Mt 5,22: …anyone who (calls his next names) will be subjected to judgment…….
The other way round, we find it in Proverbs 29,27 Good people hate those who are dishonest. And the wicked hate those who are honest.
Now, let’s admit, that you and I and many sometimes call others secretly a humbling name, fool, or nutcase, without thinking twice. We shouldn’t or let me say rather I should not. Even worse of course, if we do under the shield of a nickname in a anonymous forum, directly to our „victim“. This produces similar resistance on end, and is a disgrace to heaven - it hurts - even insults God.
Of course I pondered as to why this nickname wrote, that there are „no words to bring me back to true Catholic understanding“ - and I think I do know now:
It’s because I put Evangelicals, Protestants and Catholics on one level; believers in Jesus Christ.
But when - as often is to be read in CAF - either of these believers in Jesus Christ dare to say, the others go to hell - which even is to some Catholics the old conviction, that solely true Catholics go to heaven - other go to hell, still rumors in their and many Christian’s of all denomination’s head. A conviction that contradicts Christ’s doctrine in a truly bad way. God is not Catholic and He wants all to be His - not jut Catholics. Our diverting views are nothing but a disgrace in heaven.
Though it’s still - as Christ said, a minority who will enter heaven - but this minority is not Catholics only, but all who love and live in Jesus Christ. ALL true Christians do. Even those who never heard of God, but otherwise are or were good, we will see in heaven. If or not they where in Purgatory before Christ welcomes them, is not ours to decide.
Among those who are convinced that in heaven are Catholics only, are even many Catholics who think the present Pope Francis will be condemned and not enter heaven. How ill-minded is this?! Even MailCircle broke on this and now’s got much less than half of the former members because of Pope Francis, who not only lives absolutely in Christ’s doctrine, but also brought many to our Church, who before stood aside.
We all ought to repent and try to understand Christ’s doctrine more and better and deeper.
The sentence "Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus“ (Salvation through the Church only)
was coined, referring to John 14,6: No one comes to the Father except through Me. The Church however, is here not mentioned.
No Christian denomination though, denies Jesus. But please mind, that THROUGH ME is meant for all people, all Non-Christians too, for Jesus Christ judges ALL - disregarding if Christian pagan, heathen or even atheist and evildoer. But (unless it’s obvious to anyone) it’s not ours to judge who is the better person and who evildoer.
The Pharisees tested Christ in John 8,3-6, and told Jesus what the Holy-law says: Stone such women!
Jesus Christ - God - is not bound to human translation of God’s law (not on our Church-Doctrine). The answer was tricky. Our answers and decisions on many religious questions are all the same tricky. So let’s not get lost in considerations that lead astray.
Jesus too didn’t burst out with a quick verdict as we too often do. He instead bend down and wrote or scribbled with His finger on the sand. In other words; this beholding of Christ meant same thing we should do, instead of quick verdicts: Christ asked the Father in prayer, and Christ was given the answer.
We too often are given an answer if we do not rely on our little mind, but on God, meaning to us: To take for serious Christ’s word in Luke 21,15: I will give you the words.
Hence, Christ’s verdict was: Whoever among you is guiltless might throw the first stone at her. Result: They became silent and drifted away, one at a time.
See: They at least had the sudden insight that is conform with God.
Do we? In rare cases only we do!
Let’s always keep in mind the devastating, though true word of Christ, when He said in Mt 12.36: I earn you that people will have to explain about every careless thing they have said about others. This goes for me, as for all my brethren on earth.
Lets fearfully beware, that we not belong to that lot, of which Isaiah heard from God and Jesus Christ repeated in Mt 13,15: For the heart of this people has become dull; they are hard of hearing, and they have shut their eyes, so that they would not see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them. Repeated in many others, like in Acts 28,27
would like to answer once more, though I wouldn’t particularly want to know anyone who holds a veiling cover before himself when he talks to me, afraid of anyone recognizing him. That way one can call people names, which is constantly done in a dreadful, most unchristian way in many forums.
Like „religious-nutter" me, others call each others in this CATHOLIC forum even godless. The list of names many shed over others, is endless.
Have we all forgotten Psalm 101:5 If anyone secretly says things against his neighbor, God will stop him.
He will not allow people to be proudly look down on others. - Or take Christ’s word in Mt 5,22: …anyone who (calls his next names) will be subjected to judgment…….
The other way round, we find it in Proverbs 29,27 Good people hate those who are dishonest. And the wicked hate those who are honest.
Now, let’s admit, that you and I and many sometimes call others secretly a humbling name, fool, or nutcase, without thinking twice. We shouldn’t or let me say rather I should not. Even worse of course, if we do under the shield of a nickname in a anonymous forum, directly to our „victim“. This produces similar resistance on end, and is a disgrace to heaven - it hurts - even insults God.
Of course I pondered as to why this nickname wrote, that there are „no words to bring me back to true Catholic understanding“ - and I think I do know now:
It’s because I put Evangelicals, Protestants and Catholics on one level; believers in Jesus Christ.
But when - as often is to be read in CAF - either of these believers in Jesus Christ dare to say, the others go to hell - which even is to some Catholics the old conviction, that solely true Catholics go to heaven - other go to hell, still rumors in their and many Christian’s of all denomination’s head. A conviction that contradicts Christ’s doctrine in a truly bad way. God is not Catholic and He wants all to be His - not jut Catholics. Our diverting views are nothing but a disgrace in heaven.
Though it’s still - as Christ said, a minority who will enter heaven - but this minority is not Catholics only, but all who love and live in Jesus Christ. ALL true Christians do. Even those who never heard of God, but otherwise are or were good, we will see in heaven. If or not they where in Purgatory before Christ welcomes them, is not ours to decide.
Among those who are convinced that in heaven are Catholics only, are even many Catholics who think the present Pope Francis will be condemned and not enter heaven. How ill-minded is this?! Even MailCircle broke on this and now’s got much less than half of the former members because of Pope Francis, who not only lives absolutely in Christ’s doctrine, but also brought many to our Church, who before stood aside.
We all ought to repent and try to understand Christ’s doctrine more and better and deeper.
The sentence "Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus“ (Salvation through the Church only)
was coined, referring to John 14,6: No one comes to the Father except through Me. The Church however, is here not mentioned.
No Christian denomination though, denies Jesus. But please mind, that THROUGH ME is meant for all people, all Non-Christians too, for Jesus Christ judges ALL - disregarding if Christian pagan, heathen or even atheist and evildoer. But (unless it’s obvious to anyone) it’s not ours to judge who is the better person and who evildoer.
The Pharisees tested Christ in John 8,3-6, and told Jesus what the Holy-law says: Stone such women!
Jesus Christ - God - is not bound to human translation of God’s law (not on our Church-Doctrine). The answer was tricky. Our answers and decisions on many religious questions are all the same tricky. So let’s not get lost in considerations that lead astray.
Jesus too didn’t burst out with a quick verdict as we too often do. He instead bend down and wrote or scribbled with His finger on the sand. In other words; this beholding of Christ meant same thing we should do, instead of quick verdicts: Christ asked the Father in prayer, and Christ was given the answer.
We too often are given an answer if we do not rely on our little mind, but on God, meaning to us: To take for serious Christ’s word in Luke 21,15: I will give you the words.
Hence, Christ’s verdict was: Whoever among you is guiltless might throw the first stone at her. Result: They became silent and drifted away, one at a time.
See: They at least had the sudden insight that is conform with God.
Do we? In rare cases only we do!
Let’s always keep in mind the devastating, though true word of Christ, when He said in Mt 12.36: I earn you that people will have to explain about every careless thing they have said about others. This goes for me, as for all my brethren on earth.
Lets fearfully beware, that we not belong to that lot, of which Isaiah heard from God and Jesus Christ repeated in Mt 13,15: For the heart of this people has become dull; they are hard of hearing, and they have shut their eyes, so that they would not see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them. Repeated in many others, like in Acts 28,27