I am a new Catholic…just one year ago…and I come from a protestant background with several years of fundamentalism and sinful rebellion thrown in for excitement Currently a group of us are doing a Catholic Bible study titled, “The Words of the Risen Christ” by Rich Cleveland. Throughout the book is a strong emphasis on sharing our faith with others. What I am struggling with is how does one do this exactly in the Catholic Church? I mean…before I was Catholic I always felt a great desire to reach out to those around me and tell them about Jesus. I especially enjoyed reaching out to the “unlovely” or sometimes ignored…those who have lived difficult lives and made poor choices. (I could relate…I made some really bad decisions in my life) Although I enjoyed reaching out to those people it wasn’t always easy…but I knew that with some effort and compassion they would eventually come to know the Christ I loved so dearly. And the great thing was I could bring them into the loving and compassionate arms of the church where they would be welcomed, nourished and eventually grow. Many of these people came from lives full of destruction and shame. I always believed that the church would welcome them once they recognized their sin and repented and they would be able to fully participate and contribute to the further function and growth of the church. But how is this same acceptance available in the Catholic Church? Please understand that I converted to the Catholic faith because it confirmed many truths I always felt in my heart…and I love Her. But I remember before I converted how lonely it felt to be “on the outside” …not able to participate fully but longing to so desperately. How do I go to my neighbor who is divorced (maybe even 3 times!) and tell them of the wonderful Church I belong to and then explain to them that they can not fully particpate in the most important part of what I believe…the Eucharist…the receiving of Christ’s body and blood? How do I invite the un-churched neighbors who were married by a ship’s captain on a cruse to come and visit my church then encourage them not to be offended when the church views their marriage as invalid? I understand that even though our sins are forgiven once we confess them, there is still a price we must pay for sin…and sometimes that price is great…but how do I minister to them? How do I show them love and welcome them when the barrier of their sin to the Church is so prevalent? Is there some information out there somewhere that deals with this subject more fully? Is evangilism in the Catholic Church only for the pagans who know no different or to inspire and encourage the growth from within the Church with established families? I love the Church…I love being Catholic…but I love telling others about Christ…how he died for our sins and that through repentance and forgiveness, participating in the Sacraments, and the power of the Holy Spirit we can come to know him personally and then share that knowledge with others. I want to do this right. I want to do as Christ commands to be His witness to others…especially those without hope. Please help me understand.