Evangelization via t-shirts

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I had an idea about making my own t-shirts with quotes from the ECF’s. One that I have in mind already is using this pic:


with St Ignatius quote from his letter to the Romans:

“I am God’s wheat and shall be ground by their teeth so that I may become Christ’s pure bread.”

I want to use other pictures for other quotes as well, but I don’t want to infringe on copyrights and what not. Are paintings and icons generally public domain? There are alos some cool pics I want to use that I found in google, but again, I don’t know if they are protected or not. What do you guys think of my idea.
An Orthodox priest had a parishioner who ran a t-shirt shop.

She showed him one she had made with an Icon of Christ on it. He asked her, “How would I venerate this?”

In other words, icons are, in the Eastern Christian tradition, things that are venerated by kissing, so this would simply NOT be appropriate.

And as far as bumper-sticker, t-shirt theology goes, I feel it merely inoculates people with bits and pieces of the Gospel, building up an immunity in them, and making it impossible to catch the real thing.
Should have put more thought about what I was going to say before typing, I was typing this kind of quickly because I was going out. I used icons for lack of a better word, but it is true what you did say about veneration.
I have recently determined that one of the best ways to show our sick, secular society that Christ is not only alive but He waits for them in the Mass is for people to wear their faith on their sleeves (or backs, as the case may be). Our religious orders must return to their habits, as well, but that is a different thread…

I think you have a splendid idea! Just be very careful of the message you send. Words have great power…choose them wisely.
The Christian novelist is like a man who discovers a treasure in an old house, but the owners moved out to the suburbs long ago and “they’re bloody sick of the old house and everything in it.” The Christian artist believes the good news, but for most of the world this news has become like a weary canned commercial.6
Putting the gospel message on T-shirts further devalues the true message of Christianity. I want to vomit every time I see one of the trite, idiotic “Christ’s Gym” or whatever cheesy corporate brand rip off Christians have decided to violate.

The language (and by extension, the message) of Christianity is as worthless as a confederate dollar. Good luck with your evagelization.
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