I have a roommate who, as far as I know, lives life to the compunction of his intellect, feeling out what’s right and doing it, advancing in… “humanity.” We don’t talk much; as an example, we both use the computer frequently. In the beginning, I prayed for him heartily, but had no words (where he was disposed to perhaps hear words or friendship), so the prayers and sacrifice kind of went… somewhere.
I think he is agnostic, or rather, inactively avoids the whole subject altogether, for potentially his own good. It might not be time for me to blow the cover, so I suppose I should just live a careful life and pray for things and wait. I’m not sure if I’m the person, or it’s the place. I do live in a Catholic adult family home, and that has [an] effect. Wait, pray and see is the course.
But here’s a dilemma; what if there comes a time, and these times have seemingly come and gone, where he’s ready for… something, truth, words, more, and I’m not ready to present, deliver, etc. Are there any books that might help in this situation? I don’t want to cause aversion or outlay too much truth (over-zeal) by careless presentation, or undermine the small relationship he has with the Catholic caretaker, but I think I have a place in this situation.
These are my thoughts anyway.
I think he is agnostic, or rather, inactively avoids the whole subject altogether, for potentially his own good. It might not be time for me to blow the cover, so I suppose I should just live a careful life and pray for things and wait. I’m not sure if I’m the person, or it’s the place. I do live in a Catholic adult family home, and that has [an] effect. Wait, pray and see is the course.
But here’s a dilemma; what if there comes a time, and these times have seemingly come and gone, where he’s ready for… something, truth, words, more, and I’m not ready to present, deliver, etc. Are there any books that might help in this situation? I don’t want to cause aversion or outlay too much truth (over-zeal) by careless presentation, or undermine the small relationship he has with the Catholic caretaker, but I think I have a place in this situation.
These are my thoughts anyway.