Evangelizing at work

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I think this can be a sticky issue. A lot of workplaces prohibit excessive discussion of religion.

I was impressed with the way a co-worker reached out to me last week when I was having a bad day. She said she would pray for me. I didn’t know she was Christian. I thanked her and since then we have been having brief moments of fellowship through the day, talking about our favorite Christian radio station. I also saw her reading a Christian book during the day.

How do you evangelize at work? Do you think it is appropriate to do so?
The world will try to brow-beat Christians into not evangelizing at work, at family events, at social gatherings, or in any other circumstance for that matter… Saying that I cannot evangelize in circumstance “A” or circumstance “B” can be a dangerous thought process since God commanded Christians to preach the gospel to the whole world, not just during circumstances that we deem convenient.

It’s best not to spend too much time thinking about what might happen to you if you do evangelize and just strive to be a good Christian and leave the rest up to God. Remember, when St. Peter kicked open the door and started preaching the gospel in a city where all the apostles could have been violently martyred for spreading Christianity, nothing bad happened to any of the apostles that day. They did, however, potentially save the souls of 3,000 people through conversion. Would the Church have even existed if the apostles had stuck to worldly reason that day and played it safe?

Personally, I can totally relate to the feelings of fear that somebody might experience at the prospect of evangelizing at work. I just think this is something that needs to be overcome for us to ultimately be faithful to our Lord.

God bless! 🙂
I admire the way your coworker reached out to you. That is the perfect way to evangelize in situations that may be sticky. Little comments like that make it easy for us to find out if god is at work in a persons personal life. That I believe is the key to successful evangelism. Find out where god is at work, then follow his lead
=Lisa1967;10737872]I think this can be a sticky issue. A lot of workplaces prohibit excessive discussion of religion.
I was impressed with the way a co-worker reached out to me last week when I was having a bad day. She said she would pray for me. I didn’t know she was Christian. I thanked her and since then we have been having brief moments of fellowship through the day, talking about our favorite Christian radio station. I also saw her reading a Christian book during the day.
How do you evangelize at work? Do you think it is appropriate to do so?
Lisa; caution is a Spiritual gift of Prudence.

Allow God to present you with the opportunites to share our Faith. Then do it clearly and factually with charity. Never argue.

IF you wish to evangualize; PRAY and ask for God’s help in doing so. But the work environment may NOT be the best place untless your employer is an active Christian.🙂

If your friend was reading while she should have been working; is not a good example. “Give to Ceasar what IS Ceasars to God what is God’s” Amen?
Lisa, what I’m about to say surely does not apply to you, I’m just saying it generally.

When people know we are Christians, we have a special need to do well at our work. I remember one of my friends being so turned off by a Christian at work, because this Chrsitaian - who was evangelizing - was also not a very diligent worker, which caused others to pick up his slack.

Anything we say at work of an evangelizing nature should only be bolstered by how we act and talk in the workplace, and of course, how conscientiously we perform our jobs.
“Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.”
You can evangelize at all times - words are not the only way. 👍
Mark 16:15 American Standard Version (ASV)
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation.

If your workplace is in the world feel free to talk about your faith. Jesus said it’s ok. (He also said you’d face persecution for doing so…but that’s just part of living your faith in the world…)

Good Luck!
In the military I think we are not allowed to proselytize, but we are allowed to evangelize.

I could be wrong, but my understanding is that evangelizing is simply speaking Gospel. For example, you could speak some Gospel Truth as it bears on your situation at work. Proselytizing on the other hand is more like actively trying to convert someone or recruit someone to your religion.

One thing I try so that I’m not accused of proselytizing is to get other people talking about the Church, Jesus, The Bible, or Catholicism. I might make some comment about how if anyone is looking for me, I will be at the base Chapel during lunch. Or someone will ask if I want to do something that is in someway sinful and I will reply, “Well, I could do that, but then I would have to go to confession.” Many times people will pursue a conversation and at that point you are evangelizing because they are asking you, and you are not proselytizing because again, you are only answering their questions and not trying to get them to do something like converting to Catholicism.
Thanks all for sharing.

My co-worker was reading a book when we had a break.
In the military I think we are not allowed to proselytize, but we are allowed to evangelize.

I could be wrong, but my understanding is that evangelizing is simply speaking Gospel. For example, you could speak some Gospel Truth as it bears on your situation at work. Proselytizing on the other hand is more like actively trying to convert someone or recruit someone to your religion.

One thing I try so that I’m not accused of proselytizing is to get other people talking about the Church, Jesus, The Bible, or Catholicism. I might make some comment about how if anyone is looking for me, I will be at the base Chapel during lunch. Or someone will ask if I want to do something that is in someway sinful and I will reply, “Well, I could do that, but then I would have to go to confession.” Many times people will pursue a conversation and at that point you are evangelizing because they are asking you, and you are not proselytizing because again, you are only answering their questions and not trying to get them to do something like converting to Catholicism.
Nice job by you spreading the Gospel:thumbsup:
I teach piano as well as writing. When I teach, which is quite a social job, I often use any opportunity to talk of the Catholic Faith-although I always wait for someone to ask a question (I have an original painting of St Faustina above the piano).
Its a bit of a balancing act but one which needs to be used ina careful non pushy way. If someone mentions difficulties in some area of their life I say I will pray for them. Other than that we just have to leave it to the Lord to do the rest!
=ChurchSoldier;10739398]Mark 16:15 American Standard Version (ASV)
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation.
If your workplace is in the world feel free to talk about your faith. Jesus said it’s ok. (He also said you’d face persecution for doing so…but that’s just part of living your faith in the world…)
Good Luck!
SORRY to DISAGREE:rolleyes:

Read mark 16:14-15 AND Mt. 28:16-20 and you will discover that Jesus is Speaking directly to and ONLY to the Apostles in these passages.

That said: We ALL D have a obligation to share our Faith WHEN Christ presents the opportunity.

Work place is for WORK!

If on break you wish to do this anc may w’o risking your employment; then by all means do so. Jesus DId say: GIVE to Ceasar & to God what is God’s for a reason.😃
I wouldn’t worry about such a small thing as losing my employment when we are expected to possibly give our lives for our faith.
I would say that the work we do is for God, not for its own sake.

I wouldn’t worry about such a small thing as losing my employment when we are expected to possibly give our lives for our faith.
I would say that the work we do is for God, not for its own sake.

I’m 68, retired and a former Reatial Store manager.

The advice I gave is prudent:thumbsup:

AND PRUDENCE IS a virtue:)
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