Evangelizing Friends/Peers

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Are you expected to evangelize your friends who aren’t religious?
“Every Christian is a missionary”. If we can’t be evangelizers as Christians then our faith is not genuine. However, there may be proper methods of evangelization depending on what the circumstances dictate. In some cases words are necessary but not always. What could be more effective at times is our way of life because this reflects our faith. Thus St James says this: “What good is it, my brothers and sisters,* if you say you have faith but do not have works? Can faith save you? If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill’, and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that? So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.” James 2:14-17. When our friends see how we live then they will believe what we say.
One of the biggest turn-offs for potential converts is the “Are you saved brother” routine. Merely living you life as a genuine Christian and allowing your happiness and devotion show in your lifestyle is probably the strongest form of evangelization one can practice. Some will notice and be attracted. They will have questions. Know your Faith so that you can answer them. Others who may be really into “the good life” may not even notice or may be openly negative. 🙂
Your life should be a testamony to Gods Love, espically to people who know you well like your friends. They should be able to look at you and your life and KNOW your Christian and the goodness that has brought into your life. That doesnt mean you should get in their face about it and definetely not in a self-rightous way. Merely make it known by your actions and words that you are Christian and if they ask questions be prepared to answer them.

“Preach the gospel always, If necessary use words.” ~
St. Francis of Assisi.
Live your Catholic faith and it will be very apparent to your friends. Refuse to go see movies that contain words, pictures or actions that offend God. Refuse to participate or even listen to gossip or criticism of a person who is not there to defend themselves. Pray before and after meals, do good works. Invite your friends to church events or to Mass occasionally. I have Jesus on my keychain, a rosary haning on my rear view mirror and the Christian symbol, a fish on the back of my car. I keep my daily Missal on the back seat of my car, so when I drive others to lunch etc. they can see it, and even take look every once in a while. Never miss Mass on any Sunday or Holy Day for any reason. And, if neccessary, use words.🙂
Wasn’t it St. Francis who said, “Preach your faith often, and sometimes use words”, or something like that?

It’s not so much about what we do, as it is about who we are that shows people the way to God. Anyone can go through the motions. True faith is part of one’s character though.

Please visit my blog on the Catholic Catechism. I’d love to get more feedback on it. Thank you 🙂
=lozeerose;6609795]I would say yes. But do so with love, compassion and understanding and you should be alright. It ain’t easy though!
The answer to the first half of your question is Yes.

The second half of your question is HOW?

Know your faith, what we beleive and why. “You CAN"T share what you don’t have.”

The Best and most effective way to share is Living your faith publically and correctly

NEVER Force; but be prepared to answer WHY?

Love and prayers,
Conveying the good news of God’s love for us in Jesus IS something that every Christian is commanded to do. The challenge is HOW]. I felt acutely uncomfortable when an “evangelical” because any occasions to evangelise seemed contrived and unnatural. I also felt guilty if I avoided evangelisation. I came to the Catholic church through a profound spiritual journey not instigated by any person. It was God’s work entirely, but helped along by those willing to answer my questions and those whose lives were examples of their faith.
So now I do not feel that pressure to evangelise. Rather I feel challenged to walk closely with my Lord in the Catholic church and to be willing to talk about that relationship in natural ways with friends, as naturally as I would talk about what I do for exercise & fitness.If God likes to use me in a friend’s journey, fine; if not, that friendship is still fine & valuable to me.My challenge is to be “an open book” spiritually and to leave it to Our Lord as to who reads it.
yes we are. Mother Angelica said, “Everybody must become a missionary. We must be so excited with our faith that we want to share it with our neighbors” (almost the same words, but not exactly as she said)

=maggiedoc;6665923]Conveying the good news of God’s love for us in Jesus IS something that every Christian is commanded to do. The challenge is HOW]. I felt acutely uncomfortable when an “evangelical” because any occasions to evangelise seemed contrived and unnatural. I also felt guilty if I avoided evangelisation. I came to the Catholic church through a profound spiritual journey not instigated by any person. It was God’s work entirely, but helped along by those willing to answer my questions and those whose lives were examples of their faith.
So now I do not feel that pressure to evangelise. Rather I feel challenged to walk closely with my Lord in the Catholic church and to be willing to talk about that relationship in natural ways with friends, as naturally as I would talk about what I do for exercise & fitness.If God likes to use me in a friend’s journey, fine; if not, that friendship is still fine & valuable to me.My challenge is to be “an open book” spiritually and to leave it to Our Lord as to who reads it.
***Good and very good:)

But be open to those people God directs to cross your lifes path, and if the opportunity presents itself; then by all means share our faith.

Be mindful that “we can’t share what we don’t have ourselves,” so continue to LEARN what we beleive and why. GREAT FAITH ALONE will not be effective always as you yourself know; Faith and with it Wisdom and Understanding are gifts from God.

Welcome HOME:thumbsup:

May God continue to bless you!

Love and prayers,
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