I am 16 and after two years of research and prayer I decided to become Catholic. My parents ( very southern baptist) were not happy but let me start going to Mass. My Dad snapped this evening and started yelling at me saying how I am dishonoring him by not going to his church and that they are brainwashing me and he doesn’t want me going to Mass anymore. Well he stormed out and after two hours of cooldown came back and apologized and said I could keep going to Mass even though he didn’t agree with it. Well I took this time to evangelize. After two years of research into Catholicism I knew all the arguments and rebuttals. I destroyed all of his arguments against the church and he even agreed with some teachings ( venial and mortal sins). My Mom I took to Mass this morning and she loved it. She said it was beautiful and she got a blessing out of it. I think I got them maybe a year from converting! Thanks be to God!