I believe that the words and explanations have to in the words of the person giving the medal.
The story and facts must be correct but each person has to tell the story in his/her own way.
It has to be a part of them, for the person listening will either see conviction in the eye of the giver or not. That is important. Conviction is catchy.
I would recommend reading the life of St. Catherine Laboroure, who was chosen by Mary to present the Miraculous Medal to the world. The Medal was of Mary’s own design. And she said she wanted everyone to have one. Then also read the miracles about it that are found.
Also read other miracles of Mary.
Once a person is convinced how powerful and glorious this medal really is, the better this medal and Mary will be presented to others. They will see that it isn’t just a blessed medal, but it also has the very backing of Jesus’ own mother.
It is also important to understand just how much Our Lady loves us, and loves everyone. She even stated that GREAT and ABUNDANT graces will be given for those who ask for them using her medal. That is an impressive reason for all catholics to wear one, especially the clergy. What a simple thing to ask us to do and yet how much she will do for us by placing our hands into hers.
How many people need peace of mind today? How many people need protection from the devil?
How many people need to know that they have a mother in heaven who dearly loves them?
How many people need hope from someone? How many people know that they have someone they can unload they heart to? How many know they have more than just a friend in heaven?
The medal is a special sign on Mary’s part that she is there for them. It is a sign of her special love for them.
And there is so much more that could be said about Mary and her special medal. If looked for, it can be found easily.
The Chapel of the Miraculous Medal in Paris
The following testimony was originally was told to me, by a sister from the Daughters of Charity a few years ago. I have recently amended the account of the testimony, when some new facts came to light. (I thank my both my original source, and the more recent source of this information.)
A mother from Brazil took her dying daughter on a trip to Paris, to visit the chapel where the apparitions of the Miraculous Medal occurred in 1830. When they arrived at the chapel, they saw a nun who was arranging flowers on the sanctuary. The mother asked her if it would be possible for her daughter to touch the chair, that our Lady had sat on while talking to Saint Catherine Labouré during one of the visions. The nun said that it was not allowed. She then went into the back room to get some more flowers. The area where the chair was, had been roped off. The mother thought to herself, “I did not come all this way, just to look at the chair.” She told her daughter to get down on the floor, work her way on her stomach under the rope, move up and quickly touch the chair and then come back. To the mother’s distress the little girl went up to the chair, and placed her head upon it, and would not come back for quite a while despite her mother’s pleading. The mother was worried that the nun would come back and that they would get into trouble. Eventually the little girl came back, and the mother asked her why she had done this. Her reply was “I am sorry mummy, but the lady told me to rest my head on her lap”. After this they returned to Brazil on the plane. Soon after their return to Brazil doctors found that the child was fully healed.
The prayer on the Miraculous Medal prayer is: “O Mary conceived without sin pray for us, who have recourse to thee”. Many favours are granted to those who wear the Miraculous Medal and who pray to Our Lady confidently trusting in her intercession.