Ever cause people to fly into a rage just by calmly stating your beliefs?

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You’ll be alright Binary; just keep doing what you do! 👍

…And pray for a lot of patience!


just on the internet? What about in your personal life?

i get persecuted right and left for what i believe…

sometimes it isn’t easy to know absolutely that a given person is flipping me *** just because of my faith or some other reason (I am not 20 yrs old??? I am not wealthy??? :rolleyes: they can sense i am “different” without me saying anyting at all???

hmmm… :hmmm:


just on the internet? What about in your personal life?

i get persecuted right and left for what i believe…

sometimes it isn’t easy to know absolutely that a given person is flipping me *** just because of my faith or some other reason (I am not 20 yrs old??? I am not wealthy??? :rolleyes: they can sense i am “different” without me saying anyting at all???

hmmm… :hmmm:
No, I find people are a lot more rational when they are not anonymous. I just mean that saying something like, I’m catholic, or I believe in God, or I oppose abortion will make some people reply with great vitriol. I guess what surprises me most is how intolerant some people are with regard to beliefs. It’s as though they would control other people’s minds if they could.
No, I find people are a lot more rational when they are not anonymous. I just mean that saying something like, I’m catholic, or I believe in God, or I oppose abortion will make some people reply with great vitriol. I guess what surprises me most is how intolerant some people are with regard to beliefs. It’s as though they would control other people’s minds if they could.
you must live in a very big city.

where i live people dont mind if you mention God… some kinda like it. But thye don’t want you to mention anything Catholic. Funny thing is,this just makes me see how narrow- minded a lot of anti-Catholics are and makes me stronger than ever in my faith.
Last year, someone was bragging about the good time they had at a wedding for two gay men. I guess I should preface this that this discussion was in the sacristy of our church as we (the Extraordinary Eucharistic ministers) were preparing to go out to minister for mass. I interrupted and said…I would not have gone to the affair because it wasn’t a wedding. I would have gone to a party if these men were just throwing a party, but I would not celebrate a gay union because there is no such thing…it’s a farce. Marriage is between one man and one woman. I said it calmly and quietly…well, needless to say, all heck broke loose. However, what really threw me under the bus was that someone said, what kind of a gift do you give a gay couple?? Yeesh! Are these people truly practicing Catholics that even have these kind of discussions? I just don’t get it…You would have been proud of me…I held my own and did not raise my voice or get crazy as the partygoer did. I defended my beliefs in our faith. And to this day will do the same.


I am not so brave. Praying for courage to stand up for my beliefs and the Church.
You have the courage given to you by our baptism and confirmation. I should have prefaced this all with…before I spoke I sent up a silent prayer to the Holy Spirit to fill me with the right words…and I have never been unable to speak up. It surprises the heck out of me when the right words seem to fill my mouth. But it’s the Holy Spirit doing the work, I am just the receptacle. God is good ! All the time!
Years ago I mentioned Cursillo to someone–I wasn’t trying to get her to go to one, I just mentioned that I had made one in the conversation we were having, and the reaction was unbelieveable! She looked at me like I was satanic and begin babbling about it being a cult, the people were freaks, and other nonsensense that I could not fully understand as it was a mixture of Spanish and English, and she was unbelieveably LOUD about it. Then she backed away from me like I was a demon and quickly exited the area. I am not exaggerating. I think the lady thought I was possessed and she would be too if she stayed around. Needless to say, I was quite embarrassed, not because of Cursillo, but because of her unbelieveable reaction, which caused others around me to stop and stare at us.:blush:shrug:

We have a Hispanic Cursillo community around here, and I wonder if someone from that community said or did something that caused her to react in this way. I don’t really know, but it sure was strange.
where i live people dont mind if you mention God… some kinda like it. But thye don’t want you to mention anything Catholic. Funny thing is,this just makes me see how narrow- minded a lot of anti-Catholics are and makes me stronger than ever in my faith.
I can sympathize with this! I was at a luncheon today with a lot of my mother’s friends. This lady was talking about all the work she does with her church (one of those huge evangelical megachurch dealies) and about homeschooling, and I chimed in and told her about some things we are doing. She was interested and the conversation was going good until she asked me what church I go to, and when I told her “St. _____ Catholic Church” she visibly recoiled and then couldn’t wait to change the subject! 😦
In person too, for me.
Me: How are you doing?
Them: OK. So, Why are you dressed so, uh, differently? ;)Are you going to church or something?
Me: Actually, yeah. See ya.
Them: Well, you believe all that stuff then:rolleyes:?
Me: Yep. What do you believe? (Worried about being late, shifting weight, glancing at clocks)
Them: I suppose it’s OK to believe in something that gives you a feeling of peace if that’s what it takes to comfort you when you’re not capable of dealing with reality. As long as you don’t take it seriously.
Me: It is reality.
Them::mad:Why do you assume you’re better than I am? Why did you get into ignorance and hatred and stuff like that?
Me: I don’t, I didn’t, and –
It doesn’t happen as much these days as a few years ago. I hope that doesn’t mean anyone thinks I’m no longer a Christian or something. Maybe I should bring it up more often. Or, maybe they’re starting to realize how they appeared.
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