Ever had any vivid dream(s) about angels or demons?

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This question came to me since it’s bedtime. My dreams are rather boring for the most part, so i was hoping some of you might find your sleeping hours more exciting with visions of angels and / or less agreeably, terrible demons, or both.

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Once. I dreamt that I was walking along some seashore and it was very dark at night. I then ended up on some path where I was walking faster and faster until I was being sucked down the path at incredible speeds (like a dark tunnel). Immediately I ended up in a gondola where the colors were so bright and vivid and I was looking out the window at the sea below me and I knew it was the Mediterrean Sea and it was the sea that I was walking next to in the dark earlier. I look up and saw the most gorgeous snow-capped mountains in the distance and the colors were fantastic (nothing you see on earth).

Then… here’s where the angels/demons come in… I look across from me and I see two beings dressed in white with white skin and hair and they are sitting in the seat across from me. Both look rather perturbed that I was there, they never said a word but gave me the distinct impression that I wasn’t supposed to be there and that they were upset at me. Immediately I woke up.

I had this dream 5 years ago and can recall every single detail. I don’t know if it was just a dream or an NDE or OBE. I just know those beings were mad I was there, while I was so happy to be there. My guardian angels telling me to go back to life? Angels guarding heaven? Demons pretending? Who knows?
No, and don’t wish for such. If you HAD a dream involving a demon you’d be a basket case. 😱
When I was meditating one night I had an odd experience. It was 11:00 pm and I had just sat down for meditation. I began my breathing mantra; in, out, in and out. Feeling the cold sensation of the air as it passed through my nostrils; and the warm sensation as it left my lips. My mind began to calm as the minutes passed me by. As I sat in still darkness my mind became enveloped in serenity. Nearly a half hour had passed by since I began and just as I let myself fall into a deep state of mindfulness; a light flashed before me. The light was like that of a car headlight heading directly for me. In a panic and confused state my eyelids jumped open, but nothing was there. The room was still dark, all forms of technology were out of site. As I scanned around me I could find no cause. Then with no control near me the t.v turned on, again without cause.
I’ve had two dreams of demons. The first involved two flying women with their limbs twisted in horrific ways, trying to convince me that God isn’t real and couldn’t protect me. The second dream there was also a woman, this one was trying to seduce me. I was able to decline the offer, however, and suddenly there stood the most disgusting thing I ever saw in her place, it looked like a tall and slender ALF, with its skin flayed off.

At this point a comforting voice told me to look around the room for the most powerful object to drive the demon away, and the first thing I saw was a bunch of swords. The voice wanted me to keep looking around, but I didn’t trust it, so before I had a chance to see any more I grabbed a sword and swung it at the neck of the beast. The blade just went through like nothing was there and the voice was very angry at me, but after a few seconds the voice and the demon were gone and I woke up.

I don’t know if these are just weird dreams or something more, and I try not to speculate on it, but whatever the case you should be very thankful for your boring dreams. The first time you have a nightmare of this degree it can be very hard to enjoy going to sleep again after.
Dreamed I murdered someone -
and got away with it -
and as I aged -
I was in terrible dire straits -
between confessing to the Police - and going to jail
or not confessing - and going straight to Hell.
I’ve had dreams periodically since childhood of battling demons. Very disturbing!
One night several years ago, I dreamt that Satan was choking me. I woke up out of it literally gasping for air. Then I prayed. I never want to experience that ever again.
Yes, I believe you. I think that really happens. For some reason, God allows the devils on ocassion to torment us in that manner. Choking is something they do, but they don’t kill people that way, pretty sure. But it is pretty disturbing!

Thanks for sharing.
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The light was like that of a car headlight heading directly for me. In a panic and confused state my eyelids jumped open,
I’ve had the same experience, could be something to do with the nerves in the eyes, you know like when you press on your eyes and lights appear from the pressure?
In one dream my seven year old came to me from the yard and said there was a dark man outside. I looked and it was a black shadow, very tall figure out by the woodpile very near the house. I cried out to my husband who stormed outside and shouted “in the name of Jesus Christ, be gone!” And the thing evaporated.

The next dream I was in my car parked facing a chain link fence. A really sinister looking man approached the passenger side of the car and I knew he was going to try to get in. Of course the car wouldn’t start and of course he was able to open the passenger door. I was trying to escape but my legs felt heavy and slow. He crawled over the console as I slid out the door and ran around the back of the car, thinking I could run off. Suddenly I was trapped by the chain link fence and he came around the back of the car and just looked so evil. I woke up struggling in my bed before he grabbed me.

I had another one in high school that was in black and white about witchcraft. A skull came alive, flew off a table and bit me. I felt the pain and woke up hurting where it was biting me in the dream.

On a lighter note, one time I dreamed I was brushing my teeth and woke up spitting on my pillow. That was gross but so funny!
Did you ever find the skull? And were there any bite marks??
Haha no! But it really hurt and I’ve never had a black and white dream before or since.
Dreams are interesting. Sometimes they mesh with the spiritual world. Angels and also demons can interject themselves into our minds as we sleep.

Most of the time Saint Joseph learned important things from angels while he was dreaming.
Recently I had a wakeful dream, if that’s what they are called, those hallucinations right before you fall asleep?

Anyway, I was laying face down with my arms over my head on my pillow and I saw and felt hundreds of spiders with their front legs up in attack mode running over my arms and pillow toward my face! I woke up scrambling out of bed screaming in the doorway. It was really weird to be half asleep and know it wasn’t real and realize I was standing and screaming out loud as I woke up.

Not really a demon, but freaky angry spiders, close enough!
Yes, I have a reoccurring nightmare and it scares me badly. I am still fighting it. It began years ago and it never changes, and is the same issues going on in the dream. I hope to be free of it someday. It involves demons and this horrible old house of which I need to walk thru freeing people from the grasp of these creatures with only consecrated host and Holy Water. I am dressed in a black robe with brown leather belt that holds the hosts in a pouch type bag attached to it. It is terrifying. I hate it when I have that nightmare.
Spiders are not so bad. I heard once they came to the rescue of a little 7 year old girl who had fallen though the ice on a small lake that had frozen over somewhere in Michigan in February. The spiders jumped into the water and kept her from drowning while others were able to spin a web they used as a rope to pull her back onto the surface.
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You should pray the St. Michael Prayer before bedtime. I think it often keeps away the unclean spirits from bothering a person when they sleep.
It’s pretty heroic, though. I’ve never heard of a more Catholic action adventure dream. Too bad that it’s scary. Very interesting, though.
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