Ever met someone really holy?

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Have you ever met someone ( priest or other) who you instantly knew was really holy? Have you felt God’s presence when encountering anyone?
Last Fiday night I met a priest for confession, for the first time, and was struck with what I perceived to be the presence of God. Afterwards he gave some talks and proved me right. A very holy priest.
Anyone else had any experiences like this, or other experiences of a similiar nature?
We had a priest give a talk in RCIA. Listening to him I felt the pull of the holy spirit to ask him to be my confessor. I have since talked to him before baptism and found him to be soft spoken, kind, and he radiates love ( at least to me ) when I am ready to go to my first official confession he will be the one I will ask for! So yes I have had the same feeling.

Praise be to God. :bowdown:
Welcome to the Church Mike (in advance). It’s a great blessing to have a confessor you feel you can trust and confide in. And who is holy, and charitable. I wish you all the best on your journey into the Church. God bless.
I met Bishop Sheen…I realize that my opinion is not worth :twocents: , but I could have* 😉 told *everyone that he was a saint way back then!!
Thanks John, it does make it easier. I am sorry if I gave the wrong impression, I was baptised this last Easter so I am a card carrying RC! Thanks be to God!

John Russell Jr:
Welcome to the Church Mike (in advance). It’s a great blessing to have a confessor you feel you can trust and confide in. And who is holy, and charitable. I wish you all the best on your journey into the Church. God bless.
Dear friends

I knew a Priest who has since left our Parish and he was truly holy, he was as Christ to me. I have no doubt in my mind that this Priest is holy and a saint.

I see many suffering people, people suffering with terrible illnesses such as MS and Cancer and they suffer so well in Christ, they suffer a holy suffering, they too are saints.

Then there are many old people in my Parish, little old men and women faithful to the end, they too are holy and saints.

I see many young children, innocent and beautiful, they too are holy and saints

I see many Priests soldiering on despite all the attacks on their Holy Office, they too are holy and saints.

I see many parents striving to raise their children in the faith, when everyday is a struggle against the tide of secularism that desires to steal their children’s souls, they too are holy and saints.

I see many people striving to struggle on in their faith that the world opposes, they too are holy and saints.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Our first parish priest was really holy. Everyone whom he meets agree, and feel this holiness about him. He’s very gentle to everyone, always smiling, radiating God’s presence. Even Protestants acknowledge it, and feel that holiness about him. I would say that the parish he is in now is blessed to have him.
Yes. I looked in the mirror the other day. 😃 Seriously though, we got a new priest from Africa and he is definitely holy! He’s the best confessor I’ve encountered and he’s always smiling and happy!
Yes and I can’t even remember her name. I met her just a couple weeks before she died in the nursing home. She was an elderly mother/grandmother and wife. There was something very special about her I can’t explain easily. She simply glowed with love. She remained lucid till the end at which time she died quietly and peacefully in her sleep. No, she was not medicate to the max. Even in repose shortly after her death when the priest was praying over her she looked like a vision of loving peace. I hope I don’t forget her love.
We had an associate pastor a couple of years ago who just radiated holiness, you could just feel it when you were in his presence.He gave excellent homilies, his liturgies were beautiful and reverent, and he was a great confessor. I really believe he was a saint in the making. I wish he would be transferred back to our parish.
I was honored to see our late Holy Father JPII up close twice and was struck both times by how he simply RADIATED holiness. I’ve met a few other, less famous, people who had the same quality and it is just awesome, peaceful and humbling to be in their presence even (or especially) when they are small and unassuming. The quality they seem to have is a peaceful presence, unaffected by the world, but not detached from those around them. I’ve met famous and successful people that were very personable and had friendly and expansive personalities, but holiness is much different.
I know what you mean by “radiating” holiness. I met an older priest once, who was like that. When I was introduced to him, I had never met him before, I knew nothing about him but his name, but I could tell he was a very holy man.

Once you meet someone like that, the question becomes “How did s/he get that way?” By that I mean, there are plenty of faithful and devout Catholics, but how do you get to the point where you “radiate” holiness?
Rocco Fortunato~changed his life around for God
Sister Mary Elieen~my youth group leader and spiritual mom (to me and about 100 other teens)
Some one else but he tends to have a big head so I won’t mention his name…and his wife…she’s great…
Yes, undeservedely I met a saintly man in my early 20’s. He taught me the basics of Latin and introduced me to the Church Fathers.

He single-handedly reversed the pro-abortion opinon in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo (with 15 million inhabitants) by going from pharmacy to pharmacy hanging pro-life posters every little free time he had. Nowadays, Sao Paulo is the only major city in Brazil which is majorily anti-abortion.

May God bless him in his crusade. :gopray:
I’m sure some of us meet holy people that we never notice. I know my parish priest is a very holy man.

I never had the priveledge of meeting the Pope, but there was something about him, even just on television, that made me want to meet him so badly, to just tell him thank you. I would have loved to have had an hour of his time, to ask him how he prays.

Gracie 🙂
My youngest nephew, John, who is a little over a year and a half, has Down Syndrome. When I look into his eyes I see as close to a perfect picture of innocence and closeness to God, that think I will ever see on this earth. He is already a great teacher to my family; his biggest lessons to us are to love freely and smile all the time. His smile is full of only love and happiness and his eyes are so beautiful. He is pure, sweet, and I know he is already one of God’s saints. When I hold him, I feel an immediate connection with God.
My youngest nephew, John, who is a little over a year and a half, has Down Syndrome. When I look into his eyes I see as close to a perfect picture of innocence and closeness to God, that think I will ever see on this earth. He is already a great teacher to my family; his biggest lessons to us are to love freely and smile all the time. His smile is full of only love and happiness and his eyes are so beautiful. He is pure, sweet, and I know he is already one of God’s saints. When I hold him, I feel an immediate connection with God.
I know what you mean!
In my parish is a boy now about 16 who has Down’s Syndrome. He is greatly loved by everyone. He is one of our regular altar servers, helps takes up the collection, knows just about everyone.
What strikes me about him is that if ever our parish priest mentions that someone’s relative has died or is sick, he is the first one to go and comfort that person as soon as Mass is over. He goes up and embraces him or her, quite spontaneously and without any of the embarassment others might have felt, offering words of comfort. He will put his arms around anyone, sometimes kneels and kisses Father’s hand after Mass - is always smiling. You can’t help loving him and you can see how his parents adore him (without spoiling him - indeed they do have to keep a bit of a check on his exuberance!)
I’m not saying he is especially holy, but he can teach us all a lesson, as can all these children, who are often a true joy and treasure to their families and all who know them.
I know what you mean!
In my parish is a boy now about 16 who has Down’s Syndrome. He is greatly loved by everyone. He is one of our regular altar servers, helps takes up the collection, knows just about everyone.
What strikes me about him is that if ever our parish priest mentions that someone’s relative has died or is sick, he is the first one to go and comfort that person as soon as Mass is over. He goes up and embraces him or her, quite spontaneously and without any of the embarassment others might have felt, offering words of comfort. He will put his arms around anyone, sometimes kneels and kisses Father’s hand after Mass - is always smiling. You can’t help loving him and you can see how his parents adore him (without spoiling him - indeed they do have to keep a bit of a check on his exuberance!)
I’m not saying he is especially holy, but he can teach us all a lesson, as can all these children, who are often a true joy and treasure to their families and all who know them.

Thank You for the post about the loving young man. There must be a reason that Down’s Syndrome people are here. Yes they do teach us! I know a girl who may be 18 now and she is much like the loving young man. She works in a Child Care Service.
I have know several holy priests and lay people, to the extent that we on earth can know. The one that most pops to mind is the late Fr. Bill Sommerville of St. Mary Star of the Sea, Freeport, TX. He is not my priest, but did serve as my confessor and I will miss him.
My dear Grandmother on my father’s side. She was extremely devout. She taught me about prayer and reverence and devotion to Jesus and Mary.

As I grew up, my parents had problems in their marriage and we stopped going to mass and my sister and I no longer attended CCD, which made me happy.
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