Everyone as a person of God?--seems so in modern days

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It seems we all are out to decide what is legalistic in the Bible and Tradition as if we were in charge of The Faith. There are some, such as those in wymenchurch, who believe God is within them and God is they. They are more overt but there are many less outspoken than they living as if they were a person of the godhead–above those God chooses through their ministry to guide the Church. They may not be intentionally doing so and they can be Catholics for Choice, Feeneyist, or just out there on their own like “Pope Michael”. Of course, many more believe what the Church teaches well enough, but we live as if God is not our Lord and Master by whom we are judged after death. That may not always be as scanalous as knowingly lying about the true teachings to impressionable minds (though that can be done by the ignorant), which may not all be young ones, but living scandalously drops morale through the floor pretty quickly also and may lead others to question the Church’s God-given authority as teacher of morals and faith. The latter is usually not as malicious in intent by as many as maliciously hide or mangle necessarily truths, because most of us have a hard time remembering our place in God’s plan, God’s rights to have us be obedient to Him, to love God and know Him, the horrors of hell, the glories of heaven and so forth.
There’s only room for 3 Persons of the Trinity and they have taken those spots for eternity. Satan’s been doing a really good job in recent centuries (esp. recent decades) convincing us otherwise.
… which is why we need to look at the fruit. All really good trees produce mostly good fruit, and cannot do otherwise. Occasionally we see a couple that are worm-eaten or storm-damaged, etc., which are those imperfections to which the just man falls seven times daily. But overall, their lives witness to the gospel truths and teachings of Holy Mother Church. We do well to listen to the fruit-bearers if want to avoid indigestion. :yup:
People do the best they can but there are many out there who prefer their feelings over sound doctrine when they recognize sound doctrine as such, but decide to do otherwise as an intellectual thing. That’s my point
Who will live or who will die we will without God decide and in all we do we will let our conscience be our guide. That could be the motto for the faithful of the religion of man. They would use conscience as a euphenistic substitute for feelings with no base in reason or objective truth.
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