Arguments for and against “evolution” in many threads indicate that some on both sides have insufficient knowledge about the Existence of GOD. We cannot understand GOD, but we can have some knowledge about GOD. As Catholics do we not believe that GOD’s Essence is BEING? Is He not the BEING of Infinite Existence, which includes Infinite Power and Infinite Knowledge? GOD is the Pure, Absolute, Infinite Act of BEING. Ego sum qui sum. I AM WHO AM.
Do we not believe that “everything” that is not GOD is created by GOD? I do not say “was created,” but always “is created.” Nothing can exist or continue to exist unless GOD maintains His Creative Will to sustain that existence. That applies to the universe, to earth, to Man, and to each sub-atomic particle down to levels yet unimagined by the most advanced theoretical scientists. Only GOD is self-contained, self sustaining, dependent upon no cause externally or internally. There can be no independent “being” outside of the Infinite. That would render BEING to be less than Infinite and, therefore, not GOD! We misuse the idea of “infinite.” There is no such thing as “infinite space” or " infinite time." These are absurdities. The “Infinite” (not finite) cannot be “defined” (from the finite).
Everything GOD creates has a specific purpose. GOD is Infinite and cannot Will anything without a purpose. He cannot “not know” the ends for which His Will creates. Therefore, everything that is not GOD is caused deliberately by GOD and has a specific purpose and the means to achieve its purpose. Those who promote “evolution” as a random existence that forms through unintelligent chance deny the very Existence of GOD. For those who claim that “evolution” is the Intelligent and Deliberate process willed by GOD, I have no serious problem. That is, I have no problem unless they deny any Truth infallibly established by the One, Holy, Catholic (Universal), and Apostolic Church. A most notable certainty is that all human beings are biologically descended from the First Man (Adam). This is a necessary derivation from the dogmas on Original Sin. Neither the belief that GOD breathed an human, immortal soul into a single non-human animal nor that He formed the First Man directly from earthen clay contradicts Sacred Scriptures, if it is maintained that the whole human race descends from that First Man.
Do we not believe that “everything” that is not GOD is created by GOD? I do not say “was created,” but always “is created.” Nothing can exist or continue to exist unless GOD maintains His Creative Will to sustain that existence. That applies to the universe, to earth, to Man, and to each sub-atomic particle down to levels yet unimagined by the most advanced theoretical scientists. Only GOD is self-contained, self sustaining, dependent upon no cause externally or internally. There can be no independent “being” outside of the Infinite. That would render BEING to be less than Infinite and, therefore, not GOD! We misuse the idea of “infinite.” There is no such thing as “infinite space” or " infinite time." These are absurdities. The “Infinite” (not finite) cannot be “defined” (from the finite).
Everything GOD creates has a specific purpose. GOD is Infinite and cannot Will anything without a purpose. He cannot “not know” the ends for which His Will creates. Therefore, everything that is not GOD is caused deliberately by GOD and has a specific purpose and the means to achieve its purpose. Those who promote “evolution” as a random existence that forms through unintelligent chance deny the very Existence of GOD. For those who claim that “evolution” is the Intelligent and Deliberate process willed by GOD, I have no serious problem. That is, I have no problem unless they deny any Truth infallibly established by the One, Holy, Catholic (Universal), and Apostolic Church. A most notable certainty is that all human beings are biologically descended from the First Man (Adam). This is a necessary derivation from the dogmas on Original Sin. Neither the belief that GOD breathed an human, immortal soul into a single non-human animal nor that He formed the First Man directly from earthen clay contradicts Sacred Scriptures, if it is maintained that the whole human race descends from that First Man.