jdnation << I’d hardly call evolution the ‘best’ scientific theory, even calling it a theory at this point in scientific discovery is being too generous. Evolution (well macro-evolution) has been under immense attack from within and outside for years. >>
Nope, evolution is the
best scientific theory, in fact, its the
only scientific theory today that explains natural history. Unless you’re going to tell me that creationism, especially the young-earth variety you seem to accept, is scientific. It is not, and the creationists themselves have said so. I’ve quoted them before, I can do it again. I’ll summarize:
Duane Gish: “Creationism is not a scientific theory.”
Henry Morris: “Creationism is not a scientific theory.”
jdnation << Though even then evolution is a theory in crisis… >>
BTW, the man who wrote that book (Evolution: A Theory in Crisis) has since accepted evolution. It seems it is not a theory in crisis anymore.
Michael Denton is now an evolutionist
jdnation << It is the same with Creationists, but who you gonna trust more? That of men whom we know pulled this stuff out of a hat? Or that of the Word of God, whom we can at least give the benefit of the doubt to. >>
Thanks, I’ll go with the science, and leave the Word of God out of the science classroom.
jdnation << Seems evolutionists have gone to the trouble of even considering that life originated in another part of the universe with better circumstances, and was transported here, probably by aliens. >>
Who are they? Name them.
Steve Spielberg is not a biologist, and hasn’t signed on Project Steve just yet.
jdnation << I feel it’s time evolution should go the way of a flat earth, but you know how dogmas and beliefs can be… >>
Sorry dude, biology is not going anywhere. Consider the
500+ Steve’s who signed this statement:
“Evolution is a vital, well-supported, unifying principle of the biological sciences, and the scientific evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the idea that all living things share a common ancestry. Although there are legitimate debates about the patterns and processes of evolution, there is no serious scientific doubt that evolution occurred or that natural selection is a major mechanism in its occurrence. It is scientifically inappropriate and pedagogically irresponsible for creationist pseudoscience, including but not limited to “intelligent design,” to be introduced into the science curricula of our nation’s public schools.” (
Project Steve statement)
flat earth belief is much more akin to the young earth belief, sorry to inform you.
jdnation << however the evolutionist community is in an uproar taking schools to court simply for minor things like putting stickers on books saying ‘Evolution is only a theory.’ However whatever arguments they’re using in court, I guarantee you they wont be arguing the scientific evidence, just more Church State seperation nonsense. >>
The scientific evidence was already argued in court. Sorry the classic young-earth creationists lost big time.
Here is the statement of Judge Overton from Jan 1982. Read it and weep.