Evolutionsits turned Creationists

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(Copied from a website called The Young Earth Creation Club)
Former theistic evolutionists:**
Emeritus Professor Tyndale John Rendle-Short,
Dr. Alan Galbraith,
Dr. Donald Batten(Agriculturist),
Dr. David Catchpoole (Plant Physiologist),
Dr. Robert V. Gentry - (Physicist)

Former atheistic Evolutionists:
Charlie Lieberts (Chemist),
Dr. Gary Parker (Biologist),
Dr. D. Russell Humphreys (Physicist),
Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith (NATO Gen.)

Are dinosaurs more modern than previously thought?

Here is an eyewitness testimony from a German submarine captain druringWW1:

Captain Georg von Forstner described what happened:
  "On July 30, 1915, our U28 torpedoed the British steamer Iberian carrying a rich cargo in the North Atlantic. The steamer sank quickly, the bow sticking almost vertically into the air. When it had gone for about twenty-five seconds there was a violent explosion. A little later pieces of wreckage, and among them a gigantic sea animal (writhing and struggling wildly), was shot out of the water to a height of 60 to 100-feet. At that moment I had with me in the conning tower my officers of the watch, the chief engineer, the navigator, and the helmsman. Simultaneously we all drew one another's attention to this wonder of the seas…we were unable to identify it. We did not have time to take a photograph, for the animal sank out of sight after ten or fifteen seconds. It was about 60-feet long, was like a crocodile in shape and had four limbs with powerful webbed feet and a long tail tapering to a point."
More examples of “dinosaur” sightings:
(From site called livingdinos.com)

In 323 B.C., Alexander the Great and his fighting men reported while in Africa, they were forced to retreat from a huge dragon that was 105 feet long and had eyes the size of a shield. It was apparently worshiped by the locals.
 In **1271 AD** Marco Polo wrote that dragons were used in China to pull the emperor’s cart on special occasions.

  The “father” of written history (Herodotus) wrote that in Arabia he saw many leathery-winged, serpent-like creatures on the shore of the Nile Delta.

  In** 565 AD**, Saint Columba, a missionary from Ireland reported seeing a giant monster in Loch Ness.

 While visiting Lucerne, Switzerland in **1619**, Christopher Shores reported seeing a giant winged dragon that had a long neck and tail, and large jaws.

Around** 722 to 705** the king of Assyria (King Sargon II) was sailing in the Mediterranean Sea when he stated that he saw a sea serpent.
In 1734, missionary Hans Egede wrote that he saw an enormous sea serpent near Greenland.
  An official government report from London, England, was written in** 1793**. It says the following:
   “In the end of November and the beginning of
  December last, many  of  the  country  people
  observed…dragons…appearing in  the  north
 and  flying  rapidly towards   the   east;  from
 which they concluded,  and their  conjectures
were  right,  that   boisterous  weather would
In 1848 Captain Peter M’Quhae and the crew of the H. M. S. Daedelus were off the coast of South Africa when they saw a sixty-foot sea serpent for twenty-minutes.
    At 10:15 AM, December 7,** 1905**, zoologists and members of the Zoological Society of London, Nicoll and Meade-Waldo observed a large plesiosaur-like creature off the coast of Brazil. The creature had a large fin on it’s back with a long neck and turtle-like head. The next day the crew of the ship reported seeing a strange creature. Please note that there were several plesiosaur sightings in South America about this time.

  In **1907**, British Army officer Major Percy Fawcett was commissioned to settle a dispute between Bolivia, Peru, and Brazil concerning borders. While venturing deep into Amazon jungle he encountered an animal which he called a diplodocus. Major Fawcett was regard as a honest, “meticulous recorder of facts.
At 10:00 P.M.,** July 28, 1918** Commander Werner Lowisch of the submarine U-109 reported that he and another crew member saw a giant, crocodile-like monster that was near one-hundred feet in length.
  In **1943** lieutenant commander Russell Flint was motoring a boatful on soldiers across Loch Ness. “It was a gorgous, sunny day, we were heading south from Inverness, when there was the most terrific jolt, everybody was knocked back, and there it was, a very large animal form, which disappeared in a flurry of water. It was definite a living creature, certainty not a debris or anything like that.”
He later to wrote to admiralty Headquarters:
“Regret to inform your lordships; damage to the starboard bow following colison with the Loch Ness Monster.”
  In **1964**, an expedition led by G. Rukosuyer arrived  at Lake Khaiyr, Russia, searching for the alleged monster. A biologist and staff member of the Yakut Branch of the Academy of Sciences, N. Gladkika went to lake to get to water, when he saw a strange creature on shore. It had a small head, long neck, black skin, and a fin on it’s back. It appears in his sketch that the monster had large flippers. Later the expedition leader and several others saw the animal in the center of the lake. It was slapping the water with it’s long tail. Geologist, Rukosuyer wrote “You can imagine our astonishment when we saw with our own eyes that the stories were true.”

  On **June 12, 1983**, zoologist Owen Burnham and several of his family members were walking along the beach in Gambia, Africa when they discovered a dead reptile laying on the beach. It was about fifteen feet long, had four large flippers, large jaws, and a short neck. There is doubt in my mind that the creature belonged to a species of pliosaur (not plesiosaur). Soon after natives arrived took the creature away. However, Burnham buried the head of the creature in the sand and an expedition is going to be looking for it.

 At Lake Tele (Africa) in** 1983**, scientist Marcellin Agnaga was on an expedition when he saw Mokele-mbembe swimming in the lake. The creature was half-way out of the water and he could see it’s head, neck, and part of it’s body. His sketch resembles a sauropod dinosaur. He got his camera and began filming, but left the lens cap on and lost all proof of his encounter.

 While working with Campus Crusade for Christ in Nepal, Rev. Resham Proudal and his companions came across a 40 foot creature that resembled a log. It had very large jaws and his informants told him that it was a very dangerous “dragon” type creature.

 In **May of 1995**, a pastor in Papua New Guinea reported seeing a giant bipedal dinosaur in Lake Murray. Local natives soon affirmed also seeing a similar creature just a day before.

 After reading these documented reports how could one say that the witness are just lying? On **July 19, 1896**, there were over two-hundred people who saw a giant sea reptile off the New England coast. In the years following reports continued – in the hundreds. It is nigh impossible that all could have been lying or misidentified what they saw. Take for example the zoologist Owen Burnham, can you explain what he found other than a sea-going reptile that supposedly died out hundreds of millions of years ago (according to evolutionary teachings)?
I don’t understand how the survival of these animals disproves evolution or proves instantaneous Creation!
I don’t understand how the survival of these animals disproves evolution or proves instantaneous Creation!
It doesn’t. Nor does there lack of presence prove evolution.
I am actually a 24/6 creationist turned theistic evolutist.
Mostly because of physics.
I think it odd they do not take into account what the words translated here actually mean.

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.

Isaiah 54:9 - "To me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth. So now I have sworn not to be angry with you,
never to rebuke you again.
Ezekiel 28:13** You were in Eden, the garden of God;

According to God, the Garden of Eden was real, as was Noah and his ark.
Anomolous evidence is ignored since it would call into question one of the pillars of atheism. Supposedly, the oceans had a different composition millions of years ago, yet we have the coelocanth. Supposedly millions of year old underwater plants have been “rediscovered.”

Petrified trees pass through many rock strata and even into coal seams but this is ignored since it would bring dating methods into question.

Evolution and the dating of the earth are both looking less and less credible.

“On July 30, 1915, our U28 torpedoed the British steamer Iberian carrying a rich cargo in the North Atlantic. The steamer sank quickly, the bow sticking almost vertically into the air. When it had gone for about twenty-five seconds there was a violent explosion. A little later pieces of wreckage, and among them a gigantic sea animal (writhing and struggling wildly), was shot out of the water to a height of 60 to 100-feet. At that moment I had with me in the conning tower my officers of the watch, the chief engineer, the navigator, and the helmsman. Simultaneously we all drew one another’s attention to this wonder of the seas…we were unable to identify it. We did not have time to take a photograph, for the animal sank out of sight after ten or fifteen seconds. It was about 60-feet long, was like a crocodile in shape and had four limbs with powerful webbed feet and a long tail tapering to a point.”
They killed the loch ness monster!! 😦
Anomolous evidence is ignored since it would call into question one of the pillars of atheism. Supposedly, the oceans had a different composition millions of years ago, yet we have the coelocanth. Supposedly millions of year old underwater plants have been “rediscovered.”

Petrified trees pass through many rock strata and even into coal seams but this is ignored since it would bring dating methods into question.

Evolution and the dating of the earth are both looking less and less credible.

I’ve yet to see anything that credibly debunks carbon dating in the slightest.
Anomolous evidence is ignored since it would call into question one of the pillars of atheism. Supposedly, the oceans had a different composition millions of years ago, yet we have the coelocanth. Supposedly millions of year old underwater plants have been “rediscovered.”

Petrified trees pass through many rock strata and even into coal seams but this is ignored since it would bring dating methods into question.

Evolution and the dating of the earth are both looking less and less credible.

No. On polystrate fossil trees:



As for the age of the Earth:

I’ve yet to see anything that credibly debunks carbon dating in the slightest.
One of the common arguments against carbon dating is that it’s only accurate for ages up to about 50,000 years max… what a lot of people then assume is that dating much old things is just guesswork, not realizing that we use about 5 other dating methods besides carbon dating for older or non-organic things. In one of the most confusing stories, a creationist had fossilized dinosaur bone carbon dated, which came out to of course in the thousands of years. This was picked up an run with a lot, with people not realizing that first you can’t even carbon date fossils since it’s non-organic at that point, and second that using carbon dating for something like that is like using a ruler and trying to measure the distance to the moon.
Do sightings of Bigfoot, aliens, etc. prove that they are real?
Do sightings of Bigfoot, aliens, etc. prove that they are real?
I second this. The fundamentalists are suffering from denialism – evolution is occurring, most likely under purely naturalistic means (I do sympathise with the intelligent design folk, but I am at the same time extremely sceptical of them.)
I second this. The fundamentalists are suffering from denialism – evolution is occurring, most likely under purely naturalistic means (I do sympathise with the intelligent design folk, but I am at the same time extremely sceptical of them.)
All I am saying is this:

I believe that the Prophets of the Old Testament were spoken to by God (much in the same way that He would later appear to saints in the Catholic Church, like St. Faustina). He would speak to the Prophet and have him write down the messages and visions.

Now, if you read the Books of Prophets like Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, etc., you will see that God says things in reference to past events, such as Adam, the Garden of Eden, Noah and his Ark, Moses, Abraham…
Besides, what about the SABBATH?

I know that the Bible is full of allegory and symbolism, but it is also literal.​

Here is why I have lately become skeptical of evolution:
God says one thing, and the world says another. I choose God. I think it is pretty straightforward.
Yes, microevolution does occur to a degree. This has been known for thousands of years, though. Ever hear of dog breeding?

It does stay within the boundaries of a species. You will* not* get a new species of animal if you breed enough dog species. (Although you may get a new species of dog.)
Yes, microevolution does occur to a degree. This has been known for thousands of years, though. Ever hear of dog breeding?

It does stay within the boundaries of a species. You will* not* get a new species of animal if you breed enough dog species. (Although you may get a new species of dog.)
Okay, and we domesticated dogs over what? A few thousand years? And now you have a great dane vs a pug. Now imagine those extreme changes over a million years. Up to 1000 times the changes you see between a pug and a great dane. Now imagine them over 100 million years. I’m just not sure how you can deny that widescale evolution exists. The *only *options you really have are to blissfully deny evidence, or assume God made it look this way for some reason.
Yes, microevolution does occur to a degree. This has been known for thousands of years, though. Ever hear of dog breeding?

It does stay within the boundaries of a species. You will* not* get a new species of animal if you breed enough dog species. (Although you may get a new species of dog.)
There is no difference between micro and macro evolution. The distinction is a matter of timescale.
Yes, I know.

AS I see it, evolution does occur, but only within set “boundaries”. Evolution occurs withing certain biological boundaries as I see it.

The Galapagos islands are a wonderful testimony to the many wonderful workings of microevolution.

I know that my opinions on biology don’t mean much, considering I never went all the way to the Ph.D level, but I feel that I have enough of an understanding of evolution to disagree with it (as it is currently presented).

I know that the people who study and accept as fact evolution are hard working researchers who only want to know the truth, but I also am very aware of the fact that personal worldviews and biases can affect this issue on both sides.

You may be a scientist, but first and foremost, you are a human!
All I am saying is this:

I believe that the Prophets of the Old Testament were spoken to by God (much in the same way that He would later appear to saints in the Catholic Church, like St. Faustina). He would speak to the Prophet and have him write down the messages and visions.

Now, if you read the Books of Prophets like Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, etc., you will see that God says things in reference to past events, such as Adam, the Garden of Eden, Noah and his Ark, Moses, Abraham…
Besides, what about the SABBATH?

I know that the Bible is full of allegory and symbolism, but it is also literal.​

Here is why I have lately become skeptical of evolution:
God says one thing, and the world says another. I choose God. I think it is pretty straightforward.
My friend, don’t you see that “creation science” is psuedo-science? This is the position Christians should have:

"In discussing questions of this kind two rules are to observed, as Augustine teaches (Gen. ad lit. i, 18). The first is, to hold the truth of Scripture without wavering. The second is that since Holy Scripture can be explained in a multiplicity of senses, one should adhere to a particular explanation, only in such measure as to be ready to abandon it, if it be proved with certainty to be false; lest Holy Scripture be exposed to the ridicule of unbelievers, and obstacles be placed to their believing. "
My friend, don’t you see that “creation science” is psuedo-science? This is the position Christians should have:

"In discussing questions of this kind two rules are to observed, as Augustine teaches (Gen. ad lit. i, 18). The first is, to hold the truth of Scripture without wavering. The second is that since Holy Scripture can be explained in a multiplicity of senses, one should adhere to a particular explanation, only in such measure as to be ready to abandon it, if it be proved with certainty to be false; lest Holy Scripture be exposed to the ridicule of unbelievers, and obstacles be placed to their believing. "
You do make a good point, but at what point do we draw the line? Should we accept the faulty reasoning of the human mind above Divine Revelation?
God Himself has implied many times to various prophets that the world was created in a week. Should we judge the words of God in light of our limited perception of reality? Should we “pick and choose” according to what others say is true?
You do make a good point, but at what point do we draw the line? Should we accept the faulty reasoning of the human mind above Divine Revelation?
Divine revelation? I’m pretty sure you’re not getting information from God. The options are to believe what we see and experience here in this current reality, or to believe a book written by humans and interpreted differently by even those that devote their lives to it.
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