It seems that NCR—the National Catholic Reporter—has a problem with EWTN, because it has been a success.
One person’s “hit piece “ is another’s “exposé” I guess. What I got from the article was EWTN’s alleged lack of loyalty / support for Pope Francis, not “the Church.”I saw NCReporter’s hit piece against EWTN this morning. It’s the height of hypocrisy for NCReporter, of all publications, to write a series of articles strongly insinuating that EWTN of all organizations, is not loyal to the Church.
They’d probably claim they were too busy fighting injustice and helping the poor to spend the money on a television network.Just saying, what was the problem that liberal, progressivist Catholics have never been able to start a television network of their own, get on virtually every cable and satellite system in the country, and be as successful as EWTN has been?