Ex-SDA hardships

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I have recently left the SDA Church mainly because of their belief in their Prophetess Ellen White. I found it absolutely wrong that her teachings were held at an equal level to that of Christ, and I found some of her teachings to be un-biblical regarding salvation not to mention the fear instilled into the members regarding salvation and the Catholic Church. The paranoia and obsession over everything that happens in the world being a sign that leads up to the end of the world and the beginning of persecution for the SDA. Since I left I have been trying to get back into my Catholic faith since I was baptized as a child but, was never taken to church again by my parents after that. My Mother was a firm believer in the psychic Sylvia Brown and would always have her books and have her on the tv when ever she was on tv. I read one of her books when I was around 10 years old I believe. So, I believed in reincarnation for a long time because of her. The point behind all of this is that I cant help but feel angry and resentful since leaving SDA. I feel frustrated because everyone believes their denomination is right and they have the one truth and you need to believe in their denomination alone. Over the past few days I feel like I am one step away from being agnostic. I tried to speak to a local Priest about this but, I got the feeling he was just frustrated to talk about the SDA and was short and dismissive with me. Which I cannot blame him because the Catholic Church has been and still is dealing with a lot of difficulties and prejudices today. So I am a bit apprehensive about calling him back. But, I really need to talk to someone about this. So I am sorry if this is an inappropriate post for this forum but, what advice would you give to someone like me? I dont want to lose my faith in God but feel like walking away from religion completely because of all the confusion and difficulties. Sorry for posting so much today.
I think your feelings are normal due to recent changes in your spiritual life. Be patient, this is a process. Patience conquers everything. Pray for inner peace. God always hears the faithful.
Welcome home. It is not an easy time to return as the fellowship and group you need is not happening right now. I hope your parish has a good online presence and offers groups where you can virtually meet.

Do speak to your priest.

I’m praying for you.
I would recommend that you make an appointment to speak with a priest, it doesn’t have to be the one who was dismissive with you to see how you could make a return to the Catholic Faith.
So I am sorry if this is an inappropriate post for this forum
No, it’s not in the least inappropriate. On the contrary, people here will be happy to do what they can to help you in your difficult situation, as you can see!
I’ve never been SDA, but if there’s anything I can do to help, I’d be glad to.
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