Executions, Support for Death Penalty Decline

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Concerns about innocence continue to be a principal reason for the decline in the use of the death penalty. Five people were exonerated from death row in 2004, bringing the total number of exonerated since capital punishment was reinstated to 117.
Its bad enough when the State murders its citizens, but its horrific when the State murders the wrong person.

Thanks for sharing the good news! 👍
Refreshing news … the death penalty is going down in this country!


Life must be preserved, respected, and protected from conception to natural death.
I am quite glad to hear this news. 👍 Now, are abortion numbers going down too? 👍
You may oppose legal executions all you want, but please do not compare or confuse executions with murder. The catechism doesn’t, nor does the Bible.
Aye, but I’m rather for excecution, as thats what we were told to do, in order to cleanse evil from our midst and protect those whos minds might be influenced. :eek: I’d imagine it would be a bad thing to have the wrong bloke, but that’s been a problem since befor the Inquisition, which no-one expects 😛
If we as humans can not respect the lives of the born. How can we respect the lives of the unborn? Executions will not bring back murder victims or give comfort to the people who cared about them. The Church has always suggested that capital punishment should only be used if the murderer causes a severe risk to the public. This is not a corrupt Third World country with low tech prisons. We have the best high tech prisons in the world. Muderers in maximum security prisons are not going to break out so they are not a severe threat to the public. Death sentences are not fairly given out to all segments of our society. You pro-death penalty people know they are not. The death penalty is morally wrong.
If we as humans can not respect the lives of the born. How can we respect the lives of the unborn? Executions will not bring back murder victims or give comfort to the people who cared about them. The Church has always suggested that capital punishment should only be used if the murderer causes a severe risk to the public. This is not a corrupt Third World country with low tech prisons. We have the best high tech prisons in the world. Muderers in maximum security prisons are not going to break out so they are not a severe threat to the public. Death sentences are not fairly given out to all segments of our society. You pro-death penalty people know they are not. The death penalty is morally wrong.
Do you read the news? Murderers have recently escaped in South Carolina and Iowa. Several years ago, Pee Wee Gaskins killed another inmate while on death row and, I believe, arranged for one or more murders to be committed after he was incarcerated. He admitted to somewhere between 26 and 34 murders before he was caught. What are we supposed to do with a person like that?

Without getting into the discussion of the morality of the death penalty, I will state with no reservation that your argument doesn’t hold water.
If we as humans can not respect the lives of the born. How can we respect the lives of the unborn? Executions will not bring back murder victims or give comfort to the people who cared about them. The Church has always suggested that capital punishment should only be used if the murderer causes a severe risk to the public. This is not a corrupt Third World country with low tech prisons. We have the best high tech prisons in the world. Muderers in maximum security prisons are not going to break out so they are not a severe threat to the public. Death sentences are not fairly given out to all segments of our society. You pro-death penalty people know they are not. The death penalty is morally wrong.
Ditto to what Geezerbob said, with one addendum:

Don’t forget about the violence inmates inflict upon the prison guards & each other. Not to mention the occasional riots…

I think you’d find alot more people willing to give up on executions if the liberals would let us lock 'em up and throw away the keys…

No windows, no doors, no yard time, no library, no health care, no human contact at all. Just three very, very bland meals per 24hour period w/ vitamin supplements, a cot, and a wall clock. I’d settle for that if you didn’t let me execute 'em…
Ditto to what Geezerbob said, with one addendum:

Don’t forget about the violence inmates inflict upon the prison guards & each other. Not to mention the occasional riots…

I think you’d find alot more people willing to give up on executions if the liberals would let us lock 'em up and throw away the keys…

No windows, no doors, no yard time, no library, no health care, no human contact at all. Just three very, very bland meals per 24hour period w/ vitamin supplements, a cot, and a wall clock. I’d settle for that if you didn’t let me execute 'em…
Ditto Person … I beleive in locking up murderers for life or until they are too old to do anything ever again. State executions are morally evil and wrong!!! Period! Maybe … if the prisons had competent people working in them the inmates in there for murder would not escape. As I said before in this forum prisoners convicted of murder do not deserve a social life. One person to one cell … no showers together … no eating together in dining halls … no weight rooms (who are they getting buff for?)!!! Give them books, slip them a Bible/religious books if they want them and call it a day.
Just remember that the main point of prison is protection of the community, not punishment. Extra provisions for dangerous criminals should include keeping them away from others (so that they don’t harm anyone) but don’t need to be severe, like getting rid of their windows, or not talking to them, or giving them bad meals, or not allowing them to choose books.

But yea. It doesn’t say anywhere that if it’s too expensive or we can’t be bothered to take extra measures to keep a prisoner from harming others then we should just execute them. Or that if the liberals won’t let us use methods for keeping the prisoner from harming others then we should support the death penalty. It says that the death penalty is ok only if there is no other way of keeping them from harming others. We should support other methods of keeping prisoners from harming others - I know that it seems silly to have to spend more money and effort on someone just because they are dangerous, but from God’s point of view, it is worth the trouble so that we don’t have to take someone’s life. We shouldn’t really be all that much in favour of the death penalty as it is practiced right now, as we haven’t even tried alternatives like really really strong security, so how can we say that there is no other way of keeping the community safe?

We should support the death penalty working the way it is supposed to work - only when there is literally no other way of protecting the community. This would be an incredibly rare case.

So, fewer executions is probably a good sign that we are starting to get closer to the way the death penalty is supposed to work.
Ditto to what Geezerbob said, with one addendum:

Don’t forget about the violence inmates inflict upon the prison guards & each other. Not to mention the occasional riots…

I think you’d find alot more people willing to give up on executions if the liberals would let us lock 'em up and throw away the keys…

No windows, no doors, no yard time, no library, no health care, no human contact at all. Just three very, very bland meals per 24hour period w/ vitamin supplements, a cot, and a wall clock. I’d settle for that if you didn’t let me execute 'em…
I’d let them have the windows . But they WOULD be locked up 24/7 with no way out. Meals would be distributed carefully so they didn’t attack the guards through the pass-through or fling body waste at the guards. I would also let them have a slightly larger cell. They would stay in their cells until they died of natural causes.

Inmates have caused guards terrible injuries.
State executions are morally evil and wrong!!! Period!
The Church, who has authority in such matters, says otherwise.
…prisoners convicted of murder do not deserve a social life. One person to one cell … no showers together … no eating together in dining halls … no weight rooms (who are they getting buff for?)!!! Give them books, slip them a Bible/religious books if they want them and call it a day.
The irony of people decrying the death penalty as “morally evil” who have no problem with dehumanizing convicts for life.

– Mark L. Chance.
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