All essences can only manifest themselves through act of existence otherwise they cannot exist.
Potential essences cannot manifest themselves from nothing. That is a contradictory concept. All Potential essences are brought into existence by that which is identical with existence. Otherwise essences are coming into absolutely nothing and therefore remain nothing.
There are not such a thing like essentially-existence. Existence owe its very essence to consciousness.
It would be more correct to say all contingent natures owe their very actuality to an intellect that is identical to the act of existence. It is meaningless to speak of a consciousness that doesn’t have an act of existence in some sense, much-less be the cause of anything.
1. Out of nothing comes nothing because there is nothing in nothing - there are no objectively
true states of affairs in absolute nothingness because it is not a state but rather it is the absence of a
true state of affairs. Nothing is just a
word we use to symbolize the absence of potential things or states in
comparison to things or states that actually exist.
2. Absolutely nothing cannot actually exist because it is nothing
true - it cannot be a true objective state because a true state of affairs is always something.
Conclusion: Therefore there is a nature that is the act of “
existence” itself; Its isness is identical with its whatness. It exists necessarily because thats what its nature is - Existence. All potential natures owe their actuality to the “
act of existence” because that which is existence can share existence with potential things. Hence there is a being that is essentially the act of existence. This is the being that i worship.
You cannot just make assertions without giving a rebuttal. Otherwise you are just dictating what you believe. You are not doing philosophy.
To speak of consciousness you have to speak of it as either coming into the act of existence, or you must speak of it as being identical to existence. If it doesn’t have an act of existence, or if it is not identical to its act of existence, it is meaningless to speak of a real consciousness in the first place.
You cannot say that existence is secondary because existence is required to speak meaningfully of anything. Otherwise you are not talking about something that truly exists.
Existence is primary and everything else is contingent.
They decay to give the room for change with the aim to become perfect which is the state of no change.
I don’t know how this follows logically.
That which changes is imperfect by definition because it is not identical with the act of existence. That which is imperfect cannot become perfect through its own nature.
That is correct but what does exist on the spot comes into existence and goes out of existence. Existence is a quality hence it is secondary, consciousness is an ability hence it is primary.
Existence is not a quality. Existence is the antithesis of nothing. You cannot speak meaningfully of natures without first speaking of the fact that they exist. They cannot have an act of without existence and so it is contradictory to speak of existence as being secondary to the fact of a things nature. Insofar as the act of existence is concerned you can only speak of a nature as being either contingent upon the act of existence or identical to the act of existence.