Michael Mayo;14762697:
Raises the question: Does God express divine nature through creatures? I think so. That loving cat expresses God’s love for you, shares in it, helps make it tangible
But what of the wild raccoon or coyote that would love to tear into you beloved cat. Does God have a wild side also? When I lived by the ocean and took walks on the beach I thought those wild crashing waves expressed a bit of God’s wild side.
The raccoon or coyote may be violent towards our pets or ourselves. But they are loving with their babies.
It’s natural for animals to be wild, it’s self-protection because of predators, but also because humans for no good reason tend to kill every living animal they find and would kill other people outside their own tribes too if we hadn’t established some moral and social codes.
With respect to weather events and earthquakes and such, I think God is reminding us of things like His power and how unstable our earthly life really is. Also, without bad weather (or fierce animals) we would not appreciate good weather (or friendly animals).
I think if I was going to look for wildness and power, I think I might ponder the existence of
magnetars, where life as we know it cannot even survive.
I’m not pessimistic about the possibility of life in the universe, and in fact I think there are probably a lot of possible places for life to exist, but I think much of the matter in the universe is also bound up in forms that wholly alien and virulently hostile to life as we know it.
God protects us with the enormous expanse of the universe He has made, an expanse which results in an extreme isolation. I know the extreme expanse of the universe frustrates us in our desire to explore, but I think we should quite literally be thanking God for it.