Today, I am very Lukewarm, but feel a helpless feeling too.
I doubt if you are as lukewarm as you think you are, but I can understand how you feel, especially when comparing yourself to the lives of the Saints.
I’ve been thinking about you and what you experienced since reading your lead note here. If you don’t mind, could you share what you experienced with us? The Trinity always leaves me baffled. I think to fully understand the Trinity, the Lord must reveal it to us as it appears He may have done for you. I’d be interested reading what you have to say about it.
As I’ve said, it was the Person of Jesus Christ Who appeared to me. He is a man and looks no differently than the rest of us…BUT the Power of Love that encompassed my whole being by just looking into His Eyes is unspeakable. The painting of Jesus that St. Faustina was commissioned to paint by Jesus is pretty close to what Jesus looked like when He appeared to me. From what I experienced, the Rays St. Faustina painted proceeding from the Heart of Jesus represents the Power of Love I experienced coming from Jesus simply by looking into His Eyes. As St. Paul, whether I was in my body or out of my body when I met Jesus, I do not know. I think I was in my body because Jesus says in the Scriptures that He would come “in to” us and sup with us, but it was definately in another dimension, maybe a Spiritual Dimension? I was wide awake sitting in a chair reading the book “The Greatest Story Ever Told” when I was drawn right into the Story of the Crucifixion as if I were right there 2000+ years ago when it took place. As I watched the Crucifxion and the Agony of the Blessed Mother, I was sobbing my heart out and telling Jesus how sorry I was when I was then drawn into another dimension where I found myself alone kneeling at the Foot of the Croos looking up into the Eyes of Love Himself. In that instant I was changed forever. Before I even had time to think about what was happening to me, Jesus was then standing before me in His Glorious Risen Body with the most unbelievable loving smile in His Eyes as He looked at me. It was like He was so happy to show me the Truth of the Power of His Resurrection.
Anyway, for years since I’ve experienced this Great Blessing in my life, I’ve wondered if Jesus Himself was not the Holy Spirit when He comes to us in a Spiritual Dimension like that? The Bible says in Jesus was the fullness of the Godhead. Although I was blessed beyond measure that Jesus appeared to me and I rode on a cloud of Love for days later, I was also left with hundreds of questions. I thanked Jesus profusely for reaching down from Heaven and picking me out of the pit of despair I was in, but I found myself questioning…WHO are you Jesus? Where did you come from? How did you do that??? Oh my gosh, you REALLY are ALIVE!
Let me just say, unlike St. Faustina, there was NOTHING holy about me when Jesus came to me. I saw myself a terrible sinner who KNEW I need God to help me. He was my ONLY Hope and I was simply searching for Him and His help before He came to me.
Like yourself, Imkwo, I, too, felt Jesus left me after a time of being on cloud 9 and loving EVERYBODY. I did something that I knew I should not have done and instantly I felt like the Lord left me. I sobbed my heart out and begged Jesus to forgive me. He did and I’ve experienced His Presence and work in my life these past 20 years…not like I did when He first manifested Himself to me., but in small little consolations in answer to my prayers.
Like yourself, I also feel so unworthy for having been the recipient of such a Great Grace and Gift and feel I have wasted it and that someone else would have accomplished so much more for the Lord had they received what I received. When I read the lives of the Saints and see how far short I fall, I end up in tears. When I see the suffering souls all around me who I so desperately would like to lead to the Lord, I beg the Lord to forgive me and to help make me worthy for Him to use in this world.
Well, to get back to the point of this note… would you explain how you now understand the Trinity since your vision? Can you put into words and explain what you experienced?
God bless you