Explaining Repetitive Prayer

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My Non-Catholic Christian friend was curious and listened to Catholic Radio today and heard the Rosary being said. This brought up the subject of repeating prayers. He says that he tries not to say the same prayer over and over againing cuz its like not trusting God. For example, his aunt is sick so he prayed for her once and trusts that God will do whats best for her. He said that praying for her health everday would be like not trusting in God.

My response was, when Jesus gave us the Our Father was this meant to be prayed only once?

I also said if it’s like that, why did Jesus pray the same prayer 3 times in the Garden?

He said well its not wrong but he doesn’t think its better. He said he doesn’t think God would be upset at him because he doesn’t pray alot.

How can I show him how important a prayer life is?

Thanks in advance.
You might want to check out the replies to the thread “When you pray, don’t repeat as the pagans do…” in the Apologetics forum. Same question, more responses. 😉

Also see the example of the woman who pleaded with Jesus too help her daughter who was severely possessed. The woman was a Cananite and Jesus told her he came only for the lost sheep of Israel, etc. The woman did not give up but kept pleaded to our Lord. He took this as a sign of great faith and then granted her wish. (Mat 15:21-28)

“We often find that the Lord does not grant us what we ask for immediately, he delays so that our desire might increase in ardour, so that we might better appreciate the value of what we ask for. It is not a refusal but a test that prepares us to receive more abundantly what we desire.” (St. John B. M. Vianney in a sermon on prayer)

Also see the example of St. Augustine’s mother who prayed constantly for the conversion of her son.
Protestants have no problem singing the same Praise songs over and over again. Hmm songs are but prayers put with a melody. Of course in the book of Revelation the angels are seen saying Holy, Holy Holy Lord , chanting the same verse over and over again.

We do not pray as the pagans do because we do not pray to a false God but like good Jews we do chant words of worship in repetitiion if called for.
Personally — I consider praying the rosary to be like praying one prayer. A five decade rosary, to me, is one prayer group. I often dedicate this one prayer toward some intention, such as, praying on behalf of someone.

I also will often take a direct approach and will sometimes simply ask the Lord directly for something.

I just sort of “play it by ear.” If I have the energy and the time and the silence in order to pray a rosary, I’ll do that. If not, I’ll simply take the direct approach. I do both.
Many times if I am in a difficult situation, I will just recite the Lord’s Prayer over and over - I contemplate on Jesus while I am doing it, I guess I learned this from saying the rosary. I have felt it’s like a Eucharistic Adoration in a way except no Eucharist 🙂

It really works for me, and Jesus knows I ma thinking about Him!
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