We hear more and more cases of parents who help their children “transition,” even before the traditional age of reason, and even before the child can tie his own shoes. One famous case
involves Thomas Lobel, an eleven-year-old boy who identifies as a girl named Tammy. His adoptive lesbian parents claim that Thomas has identified as a girl ever since he was three, and say they worried about suicide risks if he didn’t use hormone blockers to stave off puberty.
There should be protective alarm bells instinctively going off in our brains when we hear any adult say such novel and outrageous things!
These adults ignore the real mental health risks involved in trying to change a child’s sex. Johns Hopkins University professor Paul McHugh points to a thirty-year study in transgender-friendly Sweden that found that,
ten years after having reassignment surgery, the mortality rate of transgender people was twenty-fold higher than the non-transgender population. (Walt Heyer is
one example of sex-change regret, and he has made it his mission to reach out to others who regret their operations, and to educate the public about the harm of such surgeries.)