Explicit confession adults only

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several weeks ago i was using a drug known as psilocybin mushrooms and i was relaxing in my bed. time passed and i began to hallucinate. eventually i saw something that i came to believe was a divine being (later i found it was either the opposite or all in my head or both). it took the form of 100 women’s faces; all were beautiful to look at. in the time i was with this thing it told me that: god is in all things, he is flaw! and it told me: you’ll lose your identity when you join god. i believed these blasphemies but i still thought it was ok with me, that i didnt mind god was in flaw and losing my identity was a small price to pay to be with him. these blasphemies i now know are untrue. while this thing had me wrapped around its fingers it reminded me of adam and eve’s time when it was okay to not wear clothing. so since i believed it and thought it was okay i took off my robe. now here’s where if you don’t want to see anything explicit you have one more chance to leave this thread… well anyway it opened up some sort of hole in the air! :eek: it was about the 2-4" in width and we committed sexual immoral sin. anyway, should i seek help now? i don’t believe in the blasphemies i heard and i believe what i confronted was a demon of some kind. i’m so confused and in need of help, i didnt know where to post this. thanks for your reading.
You may not like my answer. I have lots of experience with people who have had and some still are having trouble with mental health. It could be drug induced or just in the genes. If you are well then you will not even hesitate to consult a doctor. if you are unwell you will work out a hundred reasons why you don’t need a doctor.
If you get a doctor to tell you to consult a priest then do so.
But if you are reasonable you will recognise that every human in this world is mentally ill to a lesser or larger degree and get yourself checked out. Only a doctor can examine and direct you.
I will pray you make the wise choice.
okay, well i’ve been to a doctor before. i went to a psychiatrist for family issues for around a year and he told me i was depressed and i had ADD. never told me i was nuts or anything. i don’t have depression anymore and i’m doing fine in school. but i guess now i may have become nuts… hopefully they won’t drug me to stupidity 😦 i guess pretty much everyone here’s going to say i’m nuts. i might as well go talk to my parents about a doctor now. thanks for the quick reply, i’ll talk it over with my parents today.

what do you think i should say to them? i don’t really feel comfortable telling them this story. it would worry them a lot! 😦
what you mention sounds like a pretty normal trip on mushrooms. That said, the devil never misses an opportunity to confuse and lie to man so you can count on him being active in your vision or at least using it to confuse you.

What I would do is repent, go to confession and talk to your general practitioner about the after effects of mushrooms. They do have lasting effects, especially if you are a habitual user. Do yourself a favour and never use them again, and while youre at it, lose the friends that supplied you with it.
Your GP may well suggest going to a psychiatrist. Do what he says, these people can sort your head out, trust me, I owe my life to one of them.
Enough said.

God bless!
ah, you posted while i was writing lol.

Go to your psych and talk it over. maybe it reactivated the old depression or something of the sort.

Just because you had depression and ADD you’re not nuts. You wouldnt think you were nuts if you actually were 😉
thanks for your reply. i’ve never been to confession before, i’ve only been to mass a few times. i was going to join the RCIA program at one of the local churches here soon. how do i go to confession?

p.s. i’m not feeling depressed right now, just a little stressed over handling this but i’ll handle it.

i think i’ll go to a psych again, it’s been years since i’ve been (around 2-3). hopefully i can find a catholic psychiatrist!

I have no experience with mushrooms, but i guess they have halucinogenic effects. You may not be ill. You really need to talk it out with a good doctor.
You don’t have to tell your parents. Just see a regular doctor and have yourself checked out. If he refers you to a pschychaiatrist then you may have to tell your parents you are having some hallucinations but don’t go into detail. And it does not mean your nuts. 1/4 of people suffer some form of serious mental illness. And the rest have there problems too. If it’s not just the mushrooms then there are many great medications that you may only need short term. You really need to see a good doctor. And don’t worry about what to say to the doctor, they’ve heard everything.
And the advice above is good. Get to confession ( if your Catholic otherwise ask Gods pardon for your sins) and never take or associate with mushhrooms or people who use them.
I’ll keep you in my prayers.
I’m assuming you’re baptised, in which case you just prepare yourself mentally (by genuinely regretting your sins etc -you’ll find plenty of help for confession on this site on other threads), walk into a church and tell a priest that you need to confess and that its your first time.

If you’re not baptised do the same but its obviously a longer process. I’m not from the States so I don’t really know much about RCIA, but basically you’ll need to talk to a priest or a catholic layperson you know about becoming Catholic. You will go through a period of spiritual and personal formation and eventually recieve the sacraments, starting from baptism.

Don’t lose heart if its a long process - its worth it in the end. And since you’re posting here I’m guessing you know in your heart of hearts that it is the one true way to peace with God.
Go for it buddy, you’ll never regret it.

I’ll be praying for you 😃
I am very concerned for you. Definitely for what occurred during your hallucination - like others said seek a medical doctor, psychiatrist, and your local priest. One or all of these will be able to help you sort this situation. I must say a large bit of concern is in regards to taking an ilicit drug just to relax or chill. This is not a light issue!! You may need a substance abuse program in addition to help with why you were taking an illegal drug. You are not very old and you can nip this in the bud before it takes over your life and spirit. God bless and feel free to keep us posted on what happens from here on.
I am very concerned for you. Definitely for what occurred during your hallucination - like others said seek a medical doctor, psychiatrist, and your local priest. One or all of these will be able to help you sort this situation. I must say a large bit of concern is in regards to taking an ilicit drug just to relax or chill. This is not a light issue!! You may need a substance abuse program in addition to help with why you were taking an illegal drug. You are not very old and you can nip this in the bud before it takes over your life and spirit. God bless and feel free to keep us posted on what happens from here on.
i won’t be taking these ever again, i decided that not long after it happened. thanks, i’ll keep you guys posted.
Ask a Catholic priest if he knows a good Catholic psychaiatrist. And join up RCIA and you will get to go to confession.
Until then try this act of contrition-
My God I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.
In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things.
I firmly intend, with your help. To do penance. To sin no more. And to avoid whatever leads me to sin.
Our saviour Jesus Christ suffered and died for us.
In his name, my God , have mercy.

And just do your best. Like Jesus told us - don’t worry.
I will pray you enter the Church. God bless.
thanks for your reply. i’ve never been to confession before, i’ve only been to mass a few times. i was going to join the RCIA program at one of the local churches here soon. how do i go to confession?

p.s. i’m not feeling depressed right now, just a little stressed over handling this but i’ll handle it.

i think i’ll go to a psych again, it’s been years since i’ve been (around 2-3). hopefully i can find a catholic psychiatrist!
You had a very vivid trip. I’ve done mushrooms a few times (not anymore, they make me sick just thinking about them…anyway) and I remember a specific time when I was out looking at christmas lights and there was a catholic family down the street. When i stopped at there house they had a large lit up angel in there yard. I thought it was a demon. I thought it was after my soul and I proceeded to take off screaming down the road until i reached my house. I then locked myself in my bathroom, covered the windows with towels and stayed there until i had to go to class the next day. Though the irrational fear was gone and I could look at the angel again I don’t think I’ll ever forget what it looked like that night.

When you have a bad trip, it is terrifying. But when you are also religious and what you have seen throws your faith into question, that is even worse. I think you did the right thing, going to your doctor. I would also advise you to go to confession, start reading the bible, anything to take your mind off it. Also, don’t do mushrooms again.
Before we get too far, what was that about losing identity?

When you are in an altered state of consciousness, whether that state is brought about by drugs, lust, anger, or for that matter contemplative prayer, things seem different.

In a certain way, being with God does involve losing one’s sense of identity. It was Adam’s sense of identity that brought us original sin.

Altered states of consciousness give us different ways to feel or think. In fact, “altered” really requires some “standard” way of thinking for it to be considered altered.

I want to hear more about what you think about losing your sense of identity.

Remember Jesus said we have to deny our very selves, and that we have to be like children to enter the kingdom of heaven? Well a very young child has no sense of “self” and therefore “other”.

In order for us to have a sense of self, we have to have a sense of “other” which implies separation.

Oops I gotts go for a while. I’ll get back and read your post more carefully. Let’s not advocate mushrooms, but let’s not also discount there may be some value in your vision. After all, I got a vision for Word Peace when I was locked in a psychiatric ward, and I haven’t given up on it. In fact, I’m working on it right this moment. Every post I make on this forum has that as the underlying motive. That plus I like to talk and think everybody needs to know what I have to say. Faithless, but I have fun!


[edit] Oh, i just saw the end of your post, and that it was about more than a vision of oneness with God. i’ll be back, but I do have to go.

I saw them referenced but no link so here you go, you should be able to find one in your area. God Bless and take care of yourself, don’t open yourself up to the evil one’s influence anymore!! :tsktsk:

That reminds me about a talk given by Fr. Corapi. He talks about his past life when he was a drug abuser and he personally saw the dealers hex the drugs invoking the devil upon them. Scary stuff. :eek:
:whistle: Yeah, kiddo, stay away from the psychedelics. Not exactly relaxing, was it? <friendly, wry smile>

Back in my misspent youth, I had a bad trip on mescaline. That was the last time I did psychedelics. It took me longer to give up on smokin’ and drinking…

I advise staying away from drugs. I’ve got short-term memory damage from all the marijuana. You don’t know what you may be doing to yourself. I found out after the damage was done.

God wants your mind to be clear!

If you have trouble relaxing, I suggest saying the Rosary and/or the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, applying your mind and heart to them. When I “come down” from that high, I am Ms. Mellow for quite a while! It has to do with giving myself to God.
Jennifer123 said:

I saw them referenced but no link so here you go, you should be able to find one in your area. God Bless and take care of yourself, don’t open yourself up to the evil one’s influence anymore!! :tsktsk:

That reminds me about a talk given by Fr. Corapi. He talks about his past life when he was a drug abuser and he personally saw the dealers hex the drugs invoking the devil upon them. Scary stuff. :eek:

it’s surprising that there aren’t any listed for my area. i’ll keep those options in mind. and yeah that is creepy! :eek:
I worked in a Substance Abuse clinic for 15 years. All drugs and alcohol have a tendency to zero in on peoples mental health issues. Depression is an underlying factor for 93% of alcoholics, who are often described as using the alcohol to “self medicate”. People with these conditions should stay away from substances that trigger psycological reactions, especially hallucinogenics. I cannot understand why anyone would want to be “out of control” of themselves on pupose. Looks to me like you’ve learned your lesson, and maybe it will give you a jump start towards finding something more fulfilling to spend your time doing. Talk to somebody who is familiar with substance abuse issues, call or check out the website of your diocese to see if they have something appropriate for your needs. You need to promise God you will never do such a thing again.
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