Exposition a public devotion?

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The following appeared in our Sunday newsletter:

'…we have come to realise that Exposition should take place in the presence of a significant number of people as a public devotion. It should not be conducted in a semi private way behind closed doors at night (9:00pm - 11:00pm was the only time Fr allowed us and of course the public doors were closed. Entry was via the sacristy) with only a few people present. To my knowledge none of our priests have ever been to Adoration.

My question is: is Exposition/Adoration a public devotion? I have always thought of it as a time of private prayer in front of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament as a natural follow on from Mass. I have no problem with Benediction at the conclusion of a period of Exposition but I am saddened that the evening times have been cancelled for what I think is an incorrect reason.
Our parish has continuous adoration, from early Monday morning till Saturday (the adoration chapel is then used for a crying room on Sunday). Whenever I have gone in during the week, there are never more than a few people there, sometimes only one. I believe they are “supposed” to have someone keeping our Lord company at all times, although I really don’t know if every overnight hour is covered. (The chapel is locked at night and adorers are given the code for the lock).

I hope this is what you wanted to know…
So long as at least one person is with the Blessed Sacrament, exposition may take place. We have expositiion nightly for about an hour after evening mass. I am sorry that you are losing this wonderful thing. You all need to raise a fit to your priest that this is imortant. Gather materials and preach to your fellow Catholics that this is something very important. Hopefully if another interest is raised, the priest will reinstate Holy Hour. As far as it being public, yes everyone should be allowed/encouraged to attend. I think a lot of people do not attend because they do not know what it is. This is Jesus sitting right in front of us. What a great time to just talk, pray, and listen to our Lord. If your parish demands this, you will get it.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament does not have to be a public devotion as described in your statement. The Pope himself has asked that all churches promote this devotion and support it if possible. Usually there are to be two people assigned to cover each hour of exposition. The Blessed Sacrament is NEVER to be left alone due to the possibility of being desecrated, therefore it is mandatory that someone is committed to each hour. Please do not give up on keeping Adoration in your parish. Here are some websites which may help you get the information out.



God Bless you in your devotion to Him!
We are one of the lucky parishes who have adoration 24/7. At times like 3 a.m. there may only be one person in the chapel and at other times like 5 p.m. ther may be 10 or 12. The chapel only seats about 20 people. It has been a great benefit to us.
In my chapel, exposition is from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm on Thursdays. Attendance is from 10 - 50 people. The chapel holds from 300 - 400 people.

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