I’m waiting for this to come out on Xbox. Thought the first game was OK… not much play time (only took 25 hours to finish). And though it was ripe with opportunity- it seems it was just LACKING somehow.
I’m hoping that Lost Chapters has opened some doors. And I’m looking for reactions to those who have it, or who are playing it. It’s only out on PC right now. Won’t be out on Xbox till November.
Nice thing about this title is, they are retailing it for the “Platinum Game” discounted price of $19.99.
So, thoughts anyone?
I’m waiting for this to come out on Xbox. Thought the first game was OK… not much play time (only took 25 hours to finish). And though it was ripe with opportunity- it seems it was just LACKING somehow.
I’m hoping that Lost Chapters has opened some doors. And I’m looking for reactions to those who have it, or who are playing it. It’s only out on PC right now. Won’t be out on Xbox till November.
Nice thing about this title is, they are retailing it for the “Platinum Game” discounted price of $19.99.
So, thoughts anyone?