Facebook Evangelization

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I’m asking everyone to join with me in the month of December and post one Scripture verse per day on your Facebook update. It might not seem like much, but there is strength in numbers. You may lose a few “friends-” I already have. But I will get new friends! Just now I posted verse John 6:35 and almost immediately it received a “like” from a performing arts friend, someone I’ve never met in person and who is a self-described agnostic. One never knows! Please join me in this effort. I’m focusing on John now, and on the Nativity passages later, but use whatever Scripture you like!:angel1:
I’m asking everyone to join with me in the month of December and post one Scripture verse per day on your Facebook update. It might not seem like much, but there is strength in numbers. You may lose a few “friends-” I already have. But I will get new friends! Just now I posted verse John 6:35 and almost immediately it received a “like” from a performing arts friend, someone I’ve never met in person and who is a self-described agnostic. One never knows! Please join me in this effort. I’m focusing on John now, and on the Nativity passages later, but use whatever Scripture you like!:angel1:
Sure thing!!

I already repost and post some Hardcore Catholic and Christian things as I am subscribed to a ton of them. I too, have paid the price, by losing a few friends, especially a close one. Oh well, how cares, Our LORD is the best Friend I could ever have, the rest is just smoke and ashes!!

I have a group on Facebook called Faith, Hope & Love and I do just that, I love that others do the same. Keep it up! 😉
Here is my FB status update for today. I know it’s five verses, not one, but I can’t in good conscience separate them, they are so theologically connected and sublimely powerful.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:1-5)
On the other threads I’m frequenting I’ve been asking others to join this little “movement” to evangelize on FB. Imagine if even 10% of CAF Catholics joined in, how many people would be reading a little Scripture in their feeds every day!😉
I’m sorry if this is rude, but - why posting single short passages like this? My reaction to John 1:1-5 posted by itself isn’t “that’s profound” but “huh, that sounds sort of weird and not at all like what I see in reality, more like an ancient version of the inspirational fluff I see on hallmark cards.” This just seems like the sort of thing that would do more harm than good, imo.
I’m sorry if this is rude, but - why posting single short passages like this? My reaction to John 1:1-5 posted by itself isn’t “that’s profound” but “huh, that sounds sort of weird and not at all like what I see in reality, more like an ancient version of the inspirational fluff I see on hallmark cards.” This just seems like the sort of thing that would do more harm than good, imo.
Thanks for sharing!🙂
Thanks for sharing!🙂
So I’m not just being negative: What I feel like would help is a bit more context to quotes, or something that’s meant to be self-contained. My main worry is that out-of-context scripture quotes can be either meaningless or sound like something totally different from their intent. With John 1, I know from context that it’s talking about the birth of Christ…but if I didn’t know that, it sounds like “huh some weird stuff talking about light and triumph and words.”
Fair enough. First, John 1:1-5 is definitely about the birth of Christ. It is also about Creation and connects directly and intimately with Genesis 1. It emphatically declares the eternality of the second Person and by necessary extension, of the Trinity. It even alludes to the nature of Christ as the active agent of God’s thought, the Logos, who is sent. I assume you know all this…but let’s say you didn’t and the quote from John 1:1-5 popped up in your Facebook feeds from friends.You might simply gloss over it. You might stop for a moment, read it, and have the reaction you describe. You might stop for a moment, read it, and not immediately understand the profound theology of the passage, or connect it to Genesis. But connections are not always made consciously. Perhaps the slightest curiosity, or nagging sense that you had heard something like “In the beginning” before. You might make the effort to find out more, maybe not right away, but in time. You might think that, well, this person posting these Scripture verses seems otherwise normal. He/she is always so positive and cheerful. Maybe there is a connection?

There are numerous other scenarios, of course, I’ve only listed a few, off the top of my hand. But Christ teaches us that faith starts as a tiny mustard seed. That seed can be planted in so many ways…🙂
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