Pax tecum!
I really really really hope that there is a change back to ad orientem. I don’t like versus populum. It was a Protestant invention back in the 16th century to take away from the sacrificial nature of the Mass, as well as the importance of the ministerial prieshood. Given the fact that many Catholics now view ad orientem as the priest “saying Mass with his back to the people” and Mass as a “community meal”, I’d say that the Protestant influence has definitely crept in.
I also really want to see the Priest facing Ad Orientem. Early Christians prayed facing East, buried their dead facing East, built their Churches facing East, since that is the direction where Early Christians believed the Lord would come at the Second Coming, where the Sun rises (a symbol of the Resurrection of Jesus), and at least in Europe or some other countries, where the Holy Land is.
Though about Versus Populum, some of the early basilicas in Rome (like St. Peter’s) were built with the Apse facing the West because of terrain, or the because immediately in front of the Altar is a “Confessio”, so for the Priest to face the East, he’ll have to face the people BUT there were times in the Liturgy then when the people were required to turn their backs to the Priest to face the East with him.
Actually I’ve heard that the NO was originally supposed to be celebrated Ad Orientem and the Altars were ordered to be removed from the wall so a Versus Populum Mass
could be possible
(Since the GIRM directs the Priest to face the people six times like when;
When giving the opening greeting (GIRM 124);
When giving the invitation to pray, “Orate, fratres” (GIRM 146);
When giving the greeting of peace, “Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum” (GIRM 154);
When displaying the consecrated Host (or Host and Chalice) before Communion and saying: “Ecce Agnus Dei” (GIRM 157);
When inviting to pray (“Oremus”) before the postcommunion prayer (GIRM 165);
When giving the final blessing (Ordo Missae 141).
Kinda redundant if the Priest is already facing the people)
The instruction
Inter Oecumenici permits Versus Populum Masses, but doesn’t prescribe it. But even so, the Versus Populum suddenly became the norm and many people thought Versus Populum is required or even imposed even though
Sacrosanctum Concilium doesn’t speak of building new altars or a versus populum Mass.