This thread was started so as not to drag the other one off topic.
Over on the TLM Question thread, someone happened to say
Moreover this legislation is enshrined in the rubrics of the missal of 1962, and all previous missals upto 1570. The rubrics of the 1962 are unchanged in this respect and say the same thing every missal has said. General Rubrics V, 3 and XII,2. I think the sanctamissa.org site has them
The Address to the Assisi delegates has nothing to do with the versus populum being allowed during Holy Week. By which I mean that the rubrics governing versus populum werre already in place long before, the versus populum was already being done at prior liturgical congresses, and was increasingly being done by the priests at all Masses. AFAIK, there is nothing against versus populum, or saying that it could or could not be done during the Holy Week.
Pius XII was merely speaking of the general custom because of his concern that the tabernacle remains on the altar, and there is nothing in the whole speech that links that to the Holy Week or any special permission given to celebrate Mass versus populum.
The versus populum that did concern the Holy Week was not during the celebration of the Mass of rather during the various blessings and such e.g. the blessings of the palms and the holy water, whereas previously they were not done so.(e.g. the palms were blessed at the altar rather than a table)
The altar is without the tabernacle because it is the Papal altar of St. Peter’s basilica
Over on the TLM Question thread, someone happened to say
which prompted a reply from Thursday1the priest celebrates facing the altar and not the people,
Someone better tell this guy he’s facing the wrong way. . .
To which stmaria respondedThis is one of the biggest misconceptions about the EF, i.e it has to be said ad orentium. Much like people thinking the Latin Mass= 1962 missal, it is a commonly held belief, but wrong.
What is the date of your photo? The priest facing the people was allowed under Pope Pius XII but only during Holy Week. Removing the Tabernacle as it appears to have happened in this Photo was a concern of Pius XII.
Pope Pius in 1948 established a liturgical commission where he allowed minor changes to the Mass but only during Holy Week where the priest would occasionally face the people.
In his book, Reform of the Liturgy, Father Annibale Bugnini. who helped writhe the new liturgy recounts these early days of the reform.
REFORM OF THE liturgy PG 8-9 “ On May 28, 1948 a commission for liturgical reform was appointed…Father Annibale Bugnini…was appointed secretary…In the twelve years of its existence the commission held eighty-two meetings and worked in absolute secrecy…the commission enjoyed the full confidence of the Pope { Pius XII}, who was kept abreast of its work by Monsignor Montini {Pope Paul VI }
Pg 10 the first fruit of the commissions work was the restoration of the Easter Vigil [1951] Holy Week [1955],
Pope Pius XII made it clear in 1956 in a speech that the Tabernacle would remain on the altar.
The Liturgical Movement
An Address of Pope Pius XII to the
International Congress on Pastoral Liturgy
(September 22, 1956)
All Papal Masses were celebrated ad populum since that is ad orientum before and after the 1950’s. Was done then, is done now with the difference that the corpus of the cross faces the other way and the cross is not in the center. The same applied to Masses coram Summo PontificeThe priest could face the people but only during Holy Week.
Moreover this legislation is enshrined in the rubrics of the missal of 1962, and all previous missals upto 1570. The rubrics of the 1962 are unchanged in this respect and say the same thing every missal has said. General Rubrics V, 3 and XII,2. I think the sanctamissa.org site has them
The Address to the Assisi delegates has nothing to do with the versus populum being allowed during Holy Week. By which I mean that the rubrics governing versus populum werre already in place long before, the versus populum was already being done at prior liturgical congresses, and was increasingly being done by the priests at all Masses. AFAIK, there is nothing against versus populum, or saying that it could or could not be done during the Holy Week.
Pius XII was merely speaking of the general custom because of his concern that the tabernacle remains on the altar, and there is nothing in the whole speech that links that to the Holy Week or any special permission given to celebrate Mass versus populum.
The versus populum that did concern the Holy Week was not during the celebration of the Mass of rather during the various blessings and such e.g. the blessings of the palms and the holy water, whereas previously they were not done so.(e.g. the palms were blessed at the altar rather than a table)
The altar is without the tabernacle because it is the Papal altar of St. Peter’s basilica