In mind of G.K. Chesterton, that being his concern of Fairyland.
This is my defense of many fantasy stories of old. Those of Lore. Medieval stories. Those even with Dragon’s and Knight’s, and Princesses…, Prince’s, Kings, and Queens!
But let’s look further and deeper in our own childhood.
I remember as a child, the make believe battles. Fighting evil monsters. And story telling, as you were in the story. Make believe was a land and world of it’s own. Or even the game of Cop and Robber.
Thus, in true tales past relating. All little lives and brave (I borrow from G.K. Chesterton’s the Song of the Many III.)
The world of Fairyland, to mean the general world of tales. Of make believe. This is a child’s world, don’t touch it. It was known as their Sacred territorial and premise. No one, not even adult would dare step in. And try to change it! However, men and women did!
And how! That is when the Transgender movement walked in. This political beast, or it could be looked upon as a Seven Headed Hydra!
It came to change things. And disrupt Elvin Land, Fairyland, and all the worlds.
Children, girls were no longer Princesses. Boys were no longer Prince’s. They were sabotaged by this monstrous beast. It’s hideous strength, it’s head rearing and rising high.
Boys thought to become girls. And girls thought then to become boys. The world of Fairyland was broken into. The high state of Royalty was undermined. And settle not even to the Jester. But to something worse. Nay, not even worse. But, something not even dignified enter these children’s world.
Boys no longer fought Dragon’s to rescue girls (Princesses.) But were to become Queens. But none of the Royalty. But something called “drag.” Girls were to lay down their dignity for something of the beastly monstrosity. To lower themselves less than ladies. But to think of themselves as the beasts of the field. Wherefore dark things lurk. Wherefore in corners that serpentine spirits thrive. Trolls welcomed the night. For the sun would betoken them to stone. Girls settle for the night, wherefore these intrepid Trolls, predators walked and advanced. Taken them. And thus, girls were taken captive. Or to forsake themselves as girls. To hide themselves from these monsters, girls are told to hand over themselves into becoming boys. The Orcs and Ogres of the night have also pushed boys, if they want to be saved from destruction of these monsters, to become girls.
Thus, this became the destruction of Fairyland. The world of which known as the Adult World, could not stay into its’ own premise. And thus, came into collision. Sabotaging all the kingdoms whence forth.
This Adult World, is the Cavern, the Lair where once the Dragon rested. Now it is opened! The Dragon has been released!
And thus, children have been attacked. Their world was no longer protected. The Wizards have become slack. And there their powers waned. away.
This is my defense of many fantasy stories of old. Those of Lore. Medieval stories. Those even with Dragon’s and Knight’s, and Princesses…, Prince’s, Kings, and Queens!
But let’s look further and deeper in our own childhood.
I remember as a child, the make believe battles. Fighting evil monsters. And story telling, as you were in the story. Make believe was a land and world of it’s own. Or even the game of Cop and Robber.
Thus, in true tales past relating. All little lives and brave (I borrow from G.K. Chesterton’s the Song of the Many III.)
The world of Fairyland, to mean the general world of tales. Of make believe. This is a child’s world, don’t touch it. It was known as their Sacred territorial and premise. No one, not even adult would dare step in. And try to change it! However, men and women did!
And how! That is when the Transgender movement walked in. This political beast, or it could be looked upon as a Seven Headed Hydra!
It came to change things. And disrupt Elvin Land, Fairyland, and all the worlds.
Children, girls were no longer Princesses. Boys were no longer Prince’s. They were sabotaged by this monstrous beast. It’s hideous strength, it’s head rearing and rising high.
Boys thought to become girls. And girls thought then to become boys. The world of Fairyland was broken into. The high state of Royalty was undermined. And settle not even to the Jester. But to something worse. Nay, not even worse. But, something not even dignified enter these children’s world.
Boys no longer fought Dragon’s to rescue girls (Princesses.) But were to become Queens. But none of the Royalty. But something called “drag.” Girls were to lay down their dignity for something of the beastly monstrosity. To lower themselves less than ladies. But to think of themselves as the beasts of the field. Wherefore dark things lurk. Wherefore in corners that serpentine spirits thrive. Trolls welcomed the night. For the sun would betoken them to stone. Girls settle for the night, wherefore these intrepid Trolls, predators walked and advanced. Taken them. And thus, girls were taken captive. Or to forsake themselves as girls. To hide themselves from these monsters, girls are told to hand over themselves into becoming boys. The Orcs and Ogres of the night have also pushed boys, if they want to be saved from destruction of these monsters, to become girls.
Thus, this became the destruction of Fairyland. The world of which known as the Adult World, could not stay into its’ own premise. And thus, came into collision. Sabotaging all the kingdoms whence forth.
This Adult World, is the Cavern, the Lair where once the Dragon rested. Now it is opened! The Dragon has been released!
And thus, children have been attacked. Their world was no longer protected. The Wizards have become slack. And there their powers waned. away.
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