Faith and Family in America, Part One: Beliefs and Behavior

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Special Series: Faith and Family in America, Part One: Beliefs and Behavior

In a recent poll on religion and the family conducted for Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research Inc., almost three-quarters of all Americans agree that “God’s plan for marriage is one man, one woman, for life.” A strong majority of Americans (71%) idealize the traditional family even as divorce, cohabitation and nontraditional family situations are becoming more accepted across religious groups. Only 22% of Americans think that divorce is a sin, while almost half (49%) say that cohabitation is acceptable. Survey findings also show a growing acceptance of divorce occurring among religious conservatives, with only 34% of evangelical Christians and 30% of traditional Catholics saying that divorce is a sin. And, although Americans overall still oppose legalizing gay marriage, attitudes are more mixed about gay adoption.

In the debut program of a special four-part series based on this survey focusing on the intersection between faith and family, Kim Lawton visits five families of differing faiths for a look at how religious affiliation influences their family structure, beliefs and practices. According to Dr. Nancy Ammerman, a professor of sociology at Boston University, “Religion has always had a strong interest in the family, because families were seen as the way in which the next generation would be socialized into, taught the traditions of the religious community.” the full story or watch the video
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