The Catholic Church is a Monarchy, which has made me wonder as a society , most people have fought against being ruled by monarchies, an sought freedom to self govern through their own concensus as a society. America as just one obvious example or not wanting to be ruled by a monarchy or king.
Though in the old testament you can find passages that suggest there was a people searching for a king to rule them and make them a great people.
so there are some things to mirror for this discussion…
How then is being a Christian in the Catholic Church not a catch 22, where we are free to enter into the Catholic Church but not free to leave if we feel it is not the right fit for us ? And then in turn when Bishops are choosing men for the priesthood, that is a two way street as well, Bishops can deny an applicant at any point, or the applicant may step down and move on, yet once one becomes a priest, that is it , they can leave but there are so many obstacles to getting out of the priesthood in good standing that is, if not allowed at all, yet one is still bound to being in the catholic church… Religious are given the same chances to come and go with stipulations, and can leave at any given time through the same hoops to jump through, though again religious an clergy can get out, being the main point, but layity can not. there is no out, you are just deemed a lapsed catholic and that is that.
Though in the old testament you can find passages that suggest there was a people searching for a king to rule them and make them a great people.
so there are some things to mirror for this discussion…
How then is being a Christian in the Catholic Church not a catch 22, where we are free to enter into the Catholic Church but not free to leave if we feel it is not the right fit for us ? And then in turn when Bishops are choosing men for the priesthood, that is a two way street as well, Bishops can deny an applicant at any point, or the applicant may step down and move on, yet once one becomes a priest, that is it , they can leave but there are so many obstacles to getting out of the priesthood in good standing that is, if not allowed at all, yet one is still bound to being in the catholic church… Religious are given the same chances to come and go with stipulations, and can leave at any given time through the same hoops to jump through, though again religious an clergy can get out, being the main point, but layity can not. there is no out, you are just deemed a lapsed catholic and that is that.