Faith and God as a Monarchy

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The Catholic Church is a Monarchy, which has made me wonder as a society , most people have fought against being ruled by monarchies, an sought freedom to self govern through their own concensus as a society. America as just one obvious example or not wanting to be ruled by a monarchy or king.

Though in the old testament you can find passages that suggest there was a people searching for a king to rule them and make them a great people.

so there are some things to mirror for this discussion…

How then is being a Christian in the Catholic Church not a catch 22, where we are free to enter into the Catholic Church but not free to leave if we feel it is not the right fit for us ? And then in turn when Bishops are choosing men for the priesthood, that is a two way street as well, Bishops can deny an applicant at any point, or the applicant may step down and move on, yet once one becomes a priest, that is it , they can leave but there are so many obstacles to getting out of the priesthood in good standing that is, if not allowed at all, yet one is still bound to being in the catholic church… Religious are given the same chances to come and go with stipulations, and can leave at any given time through the same hoops to jump through, though again religious an clergy can get out, being the main point, but layity can not. there is no out, you are just deemed a lapsed catholic and that is that.
The Pope is not a monarch; he’s a vicar. But I would say that since God is indeed a monarch, then His church would be a monarchy --a kingdom, if you will. It is certainly neither a democracy nor a republic nor yet some nebulous ‘group’.
the Church is a monarchy- a part of the greater monarchy of the whole world, which Almighty God holds.
There is one God and one truth. That doesn’t leave a lot of room for rule by consensus. Be glad of that.

Rule by consensus works best when the people are guided by higher principles. When the US was founded, Americans had a strong sense of higher purpose, righteousness, and duty to God, neighbor, and country. This made the US strong, and the US became a leader among nations.

The moral decline began perhaps a hundred years ago. It really got rolling in the 1960s, and has accelerated every decade since. Today most Americans worship the false gods of pleasure, wealth, power, and above all, self. This explains much of the disorder in American culture, from the sexual revolution to the crippling national debt, to more recent anomalies like gender ideology.

At the same time, the Church has suffered a decline in some aspects. This is not entirely surprising, because the Church lives to some degree in the culture. However, the Church would be far worse off if it had been run by consensus or as a democracy.
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The Catholic Church is a Monarchy, which has made me wonder as a society , most people have fought against being ruled by monarchies, an sought freedom to self govern through their own concensus as a society. America as just one obvious example or not wanting to be ruled by a monarchy or king.

Though in the old testament you can find passages that suggest there was a people searching for a king to rule them and make them a great people.

so there are some things to mirror for this discussion…

How then is being a Christian in the Catholic Church not a catch 22, where we are free to enter into the Catholic Church but not free to leave if we feel it is not the right fit for us ? And then in turn when Bishops are choosing men for the priesthood, that is a two way street as well, Bishops can deny an applicant at any point, or the applicant may step down and move on, yet once one becomes a priest, that is it , they can leave but there are so many obstacles to getting out of the priesthood in good standing that is, if not allowed at all, yet one is still bound to being in the catholic church… Religious are given the same chances to come and go with stipulations, and can leave at any given time through the same hoops to jump through, though again religious an clergy can get out, being the main point, but layity can not. there is no out, you are just deemed a lapsed catholic and that is that.
Once baptized there is a spiritual character imprinted which never is lost. One is baptized into the Church of Christ which subsists in the Catholic Church. The members are always bound to the remain in full communion and to follow the laws of the Church which has been given the power to bind and loose sins.
some decent attempts at answers, but so far i just see skirting around what I actually posed. an some typical generic answers that i expected as well. i’ll check back in a day or so to see if anyone has some (name removed by moderator)ut that is inline with what i posed.
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Perhaps it would help if you take the time to state the question more clearly.

Specifically, you open with some remarks about monarchy. Then you seem to abandon that and talk about the irrevocable nature of one’s response to a calling.

So what is the question?
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I would say that the Church is a family which is organized as a monarchical system. We can’t compare it strictly to a state system, because the governmental system is without caritas.

Revelation 21:2

And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
5 And He who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I lam making all things new.”
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you figured out that much but you cant figure out the question ?

oh well.
I just dont understand why we throw our freedoms away if we want to be apart of the catholic church, to then have people decide our well being who are really not better able to judge than a politician is able to judge for the well being of the people he or she is elected to govern, at least in a state system we are able to correct bad politicians who make bad decisions or laws, where as in this monarchy, we are stuck, and are supposed to believe that God is some how directly intervieining in clerlical life when we see crime after crime being commited time an time again and are just expected to do nothing but accept that people we do not know from a hole in the wall, nor have had any (name removed by moderator)ut in electing , an allow them to make spiritual laws and decisions on our behalf.
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just dont understand why we throw our freedoms away if we want to be apart of the catholic church
No man is free: he can either choose to be chained to the delights of the flesh, which leads to the difficult cycle of an unfulfilled hell, or chain himself to the discipline of Jesus’s teachings.

As far as the other things you’ve brought up, I’m really having trouble understanding what you’ve written. I wish you could be more clear. There are people here who would genuinely like to understand you and have a discussion with you. Maybe start with one clear question. It seems like there are lots of emotions mixed into your thoughts. God bless you.
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it is simple enough to understand,

im free as it is, i dont have to choose one or the other and i dont see why i need others to dictate what is best for me when i have enough information as it is to decide between what is right for me or not.
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