as a DRE I propose an alternative: I will charge you for the actual cost of materials, $15-20 for textbook, $4 for bible $8 for catechism, (more for a children’s bible), $4 each for cost of photocopying “Catholic Prayers and Practices” in English and Spanish, $8 per child for photocopies misc. for one year, and $4 per child for consumables (crayons, paper etc.). This does not cover my (exceedingly modest) salary, nor that of my part-time secretary, my computer and software for record-keeping and preparing syllabus and materials, and does not even address costs associated with sacramental preparation. this also does not cover materials for training catechists and their ongoing formation, materials for parent meetings, snacks for youth who volunteer as for two sessions, videos, AV equipment, AC and lights for the school building we use for CCD, toilet paper and paper towels, janitor’s wage to clean the mess your kids leave behind.