False Asceticism: 1Timothy 4:1-5

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First Timothy Chapter 4 verses 1-5:
*The spirit distinctly says that in later times some will turn away from the faith and will heed deceitful spirits and things taught by demons through plausible liars- men with seared consciences who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by believers who know the truth. Everything God created is good: nothing is to be rejected when it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by God’s word and by prayer.

*How is this meant to be taken? Who does it apply to? What the heck does it mean? Thanks!
Nice to meet you, Isaac,

My footnote from NAB says that the epistle reiterates the Christian teaching that neither salvation nor damnation is to be found in material creation. Man is saved only by the action of God.

Hmm. Very true. My thinking is that if one believes asceticism alone will earn us greater favor with God, we would err due to temptation from demon spirits, who inspire false ideas of penitential disciplines. Through some reading I have done on the lives of the saints, I have realized that excessive penance that is not inspired by God and performed out of disobedience to the superior’s directive, can be utterly detrimental to our spiritual growth - in fact, it will hinder it greatly, besides ruining one’s health.

The penance I believe God desires is the interior mortification of our heart which is far superior, but maybe more difficult. One can, for example, fast daily and give all his money to the poor, yet slander his neighbor with his tongue, and carry an awful pride in his own righteousness, rather like the pharisee.

Remember Christ’s words in speaking about those who are eunuchs for the kingdom, “let him take it who can?” If God calls a person to this vocation, well and good, and if God calls one to fast or abstain, it should be properly motivated and directed to a good end, rather than an end in itself.

Example: I rarely share this with anyone publicly, but it seems to fit here. Many years ago, I had difficulty with clothes, for when I was well-dressed, it caused me to preen myself inwardly when in the company of others, and I was little inclined to hear their conversation. I had an inspiration to wear a uniform to correct this disorder, and after discussing it with my spiritual director and obtaining permission from my husband, I wore it for about six months.

To me it was very humbling because I told nobody why I was wearing it, and felt very embarrassed about their supposition that I was playing the role of a nun. :o After a time, my husband began to be annoyed with this and when I observed his displeasure, I went back into street clothes. The beauty of it was that my horrible temptation was completely cured, and never in over 25 years have I been troubled by it. I must admit my taste in clothes became much more simple, and I never desired to seem better in others’ eyes.

So one can fast from much more than food, huh? Jesus taught us that if our eye becomes an occasion of sin, pluck it out; and if it is our hand, cut it off! That would apply to anything in the material world that causes us to offend God. I think you can sense here that it is not “things” that are the problem, but our ill-ordered use of them that should be at the root of our “fasting.”

👋 IsaacSheen,

I read in your post you are Catholic, so lets first start with some promises about His Church.

:bible1: Mt. 16:18 tells us that the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church

:bible1: John 14:16 tells us that the Holy Spirit will be with you always.

:bible1: 1Tim 3:15 tells us the Church is a pillar and foudation of truth.

From these we can be assured that the Catholic Church, the Church founded by Christ Himself will always be a “pillar and foundation” of Truth.

Okay, so lets look at the Scripture you brought up. These are frequently brought up by those who do not think Catholics are Christians.

First Timothy Chapter 4 verses 1-5:
*The spirit distinctly says that in later times some will turn away from the faith and will heed deceitful spirits and things taught by demons through plausible liars- *

The NKJV uses the words “depart” from the faith.

Okay, which faith has been here all along? Who departed from it? Protestants left the Catholic Christian faith and teachings. With the promises about Her Church, how can the Catholic Church teach falsehood?

men with seared consciences who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by believers who know the truth.

The Catholic Church does not forbid marriage. Priests choose celibacy because Scripture tells us that this is the prefered way to serve God. The Catholic Church does have married priests today. Usually converts who were already married. Priests who are new may be given an option to marry in the future. It is a rule that can change. Since the Church was given the authority to make and change the rules, this falls under the Church’s authority given to Her by Christ Himself.

:bible1: Mt 19:12 Jesus Himself teaches that there are those “who have made themselves enuchs for the kingdom fo heaven’s sake. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it.”

:bible1: 1Cor 7:8 St. Paul says he himself is celibate

There are several other places in Scripture where celibacy is celebrated for the good of God. Priest’s are celibate because that is the best way, according to Christ Himself, to serve Him. There are religious cults today who forbid marriage to anyone.

As for food, I could also quote verses in the Bible that tell us how to fast and abstain.

Jesus told us how to fast. Mt 6:16 - 18. Giving up food for God is completely Biblical. Today, I can think of Seventh Day Adventists who don’t just have days of fasting or abstinence on a certain day, but completely forbid the eating of certain foods as “unclean”.

I hope this helps a little.

God Bless,
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