False nuns and priests

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Months ago, I’ve read a “true” story that someone wrote that “proves” Catholicism is false! I summarized the story here. As you read, hold on to your faith tightly…this affected me, and still bothers me.

The poster claimed he had a close friend who was a women. She lived as a devout Catholic and did many good works in the name of God. When she was old enough, she made arrangements to become a nun. After she arranged everything and went to a nuns’ hometown, she was to meet with the head nun who was the leader of the nuns’ organization. As the wannabe nun spoke with the head nun privately (i think at a desk), the head nun told her that before she officially confirms her decision to be a nun, there’s something she has to know.
The head nun told hee that Jesus did not literally died for our sins! She said that the Catholic Church was actually arranged to help give people a purpose in life; to give them something to hope for, and to help the world be good. She continued by stating that the Pope knows this, and many Priests are aware of it too. She said Jesus’s sacrafice is just figurative, and wasn’t actually true. When the wannabe nun heard this, she burst into tears and was completely shocked from learning the “truth”. She had depression for long periods of time. She decided not to tell her mother the “truth”, since she was a fanatic for many years and probably wouldn’t be able to take it.
She did not become a nun since she heard the “truth” about Catholicism from the head nun, and was devastated to learn this.

What do you think about this story? I have searched constantly for the board I got it from but can’t find it. If I ever do, I’ll post it.
Do you think this story is true or false? Has it affected you?
Maybe there really are priests and nuns who THINK this is true…but it isn’t. OR…perhaps the Catholic Church is false, and the Pope as well as many Priests are aware that it is. Don’t get me wrong, I’m Catholic and certainly don’t want to believe that. I sincerely, truly hope that this story is false, because if it’s true then the world’s largest and most logical religion is false!
Any comments would be helpful.
I personally do not give any credence to this story. It sounds like something made up by those who do not understand how intimate a relationship Catholics Christians actually *do *have with Christ.

I mean worst case scenario, a nun actually said this, some priests actually believe this. That does not make what they said true nor does it make Catholicism false.

I guess I would ask you a few questions to find out exactly where your shaken faith is at. Do you still believe in God? If yes, do you believe that Christ died for your sins? Do you still believe in Christianity? If you still believe in Christianity, do you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God? Do you believe the Catholic Church is Christian?

Why does gossip that you don’t even know if it is true effect your thinking to this extent?

Your sister in Christ,
It doesn’t bother me in the least, and if it really bothered you that much, I doubt that you would have forgetten the “source” of this hot article. It’s all made up.
If Christ did not die for our sins, then we are indeed the most pitiable of people … summarized from 1 Corinthians 15:19-20.
It doesn’t bother me in the least, and if it really bothered you that much, I doubt that you would have forgetten the “source” of this hot article. It’s all made up.
apparently it “bothered” him enough to post the same thread in two forums

Troll meter is beeping
Troll with 125 posts? Could be but most trolls expose themselves sooner.
This story is just that…A STORY! Stop and think for a minute. If what the so-called head nun ( they are called Mother Superior nor “head nun”) said to the young lady you have to ask, WHY DOES THE CHURCH STILL EXIST?

If all the Apostles were liars and they followed a liar - Explain why so many suffered martyerdom for a falsehood! If the ebtire Church is a lie, then it’s a miricle thaat it lasted and flourished for 2000 years.

That story was just a story, forget it!
Even if I found out that 90% of those who claimed to be in the Catholic Church were really demons, I would still remain in the Catholic Church.

If that story is true, then the Prioress or Abbess (whomever it was), then that nun will have to answer for her actions when before the seat of judgment.
I sincerely, truly hope that this story is false, because if it’s true then the world’s largest and most logical religion is false!
Even if it were true, there is no logical reason to believe that Catholicism is false. It is a great fallacy to believe that what a part portrays as the whole is necessarily what the whole truly is. I hope that makes some sense to you.

“If you find a perfect church, by all means join it! Then it will no longer be perfect.” - Billy Graham
What a bunch of hooey!! Even if “a” nun told someone this nonsense (which I don’t believe ever happened here) how faithful could someone be to not only believe it, but to have their faith shaken? :rolleyes:
This sounds distinctly like one of those urban legends.

No credence at all.
Interesting story but I really don’t give it much weight. First of all, it is hearsay and that is not always reliable. It is too subjective. You have to really know the facts of both sides to know what was said, and even better, what was meant.

In the off-chance that it is true, it is not surprising. Unfortunately, there are many false teachings out there, many of which in our very own RCC. I recently spoke with someone who had a problem regarding an annulment. It seems that when her husband attempted to get the priest to annul his first marriage, the priest told him how hard it would be, that it would take a long time, but for a certain dollar amount, (he handed him a piece of paper with a figure on it) he could make it all go away. Sadly, he left the church and is now trying to find his way back.

I feel sorry for the priest because he will have much to answer for.

However, it does not invalidate the Truth of the Church. I look to the Mass and one of my favorite parts is when the priest says “look not on our sins, but the faith of Your Church”

God Bless
Although, an organization that “…was actually arranged to help give people a purpose in life; to give them something to hope for, and to help the world be good…” is probably not a de facto Bad Thing and a step up from "opiate of the masses” status it equates it to nothing more than a civic club.

While a BIG part of what a faith does is provide hope and comfort (any faith that didn’t wouldn’t be long for this world) the idea that that is all it is kinda misses the point.
There are people that believe false things in every religion. I don’t think that you should pay much attention to this “true” story.

If it really bothers you and you think there must be some validity to it, contact your priest or some one else that you trust. Maybe you could post in the “ask an appologist forum”. Vetter yet, look it up in the catechism.

Have faith…If you believe that Christ died for our sins what else matters?
You can’t put too much credence in stories like this. They will always have stories that supposedly prove Catholicism wrong, but these modern day Jack Chicks have nothing that they can back up with proof. I wonder why no one has ever heard this before this person gave you this story. I could make things up too like I could say that it is a fact that 85% of aithiests are rapists but that would be dishonest and it would be untrue. You can’t place your beliefs in God on the beliefs and the stories of other people.
If you would like to come on a Catholic forum and attack Catholics, fine, we like a good debate as well as anybody, but please follow the posting rules, and do not post the same thread on multiple forums.
The software allows the moderators to merge all of these multiple threads into one single thread.
As the wannabe nun spoke with the head nun privately (i think at a desk), the head nun told her that before she officially confirms her decision to be a nun, there’s something she has to know.
Setting aside the gross theological errors, there are some obvious factual errors in your story. First the ‘head nun’ is known as a Superior or ‘Mother’. And the ‘official’ confirmation of a nuns decision comes only after a novitiate of several years, usually. The decision is not made sitting at a table. This ‘head nun’ would not be a nun at all with those unfounded opinions. There would be no rational purpose for her to keep her vows if she really believed what the story states.
Hey everyone, I’m NOT a troll and I seriously do not know how this got posted again. Look at my last post on this toipic in the apologetics section. And my faith was shaken before because I was just coming to Catholicism and open to junk like that. However, I stated before when I posted that it just bothered me. I did not make it up; it was from a different forum that I constantly searched for again but couldn’t find it since I first read it months before.
Unless there is a whole big conspiracy going on, your story has no proof.

There is historical evidence of Jesus outside of Christianity.

There is the testimony of the martyrs. Would they have given their lives for a sham?
I posted about this already. If you want to see what my latest response was about this read this same topic in ‘apologetics.’
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