…then I started hearing and even seeing the priests are having affairs with some of the women in their parishes. These priests are still leading the masses and even teaching at the Seminary schools. Nobody are doing anything. I have even asked this one priest about his affairs and he straight out lied about it. Pls. help 'cause I don’t know how to handle it. I am losing my faith every day…
I am sorry to hear of the situation. My first question of course would be if you know for certain that these affairs are occuring, or if they are just rumor. Are you certain that the priest you spoke to lied? If you know for certain that these things are going on, however, I would report them to your local bishop. Then, if necessary, the papal nuncio.
Secondly, do not lose your faith over this! Sin is unfortunately a part of the human condition, and while it should never be tolerated, it will also never destroy the Church. Christ promised that the gates of Hell would not prevail, even when the leaders of His Church do sinful things. The effectiveness of the Sacraments is in no way limited by the state of a priest’s soul.
There is a story of St. Francis, who was once asked, “What if you were to receive Communion, and you knew that the priest lied, cheated, and had 3 mistresses on the side?” St. Francis answered, “I would receive my Lord from his annointed hands”. For it is not the priest, in his failings, who acts in the Sacraments, but Christ who acts through the priest.