False Priests

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I live in Indonesia. I grew up, was baptized as a Christian, and was converted into Catholic early this year. I was happy for a while thinking that I have finally found my true calling…then I started hearing and even seeing the priests are having affairs with some of the women in their parishes. These priests are still leading the masses and even teaching at the Seminary schools. Nobody are doing anything. I have even asked this one priest about his affairs and he straight out lied about it. Pls. help 'cause I don’t know how to handle it. I am losing my faith every day…
Don’t lose faith! Yes, there are false priests out there, but that is no reason you should turn away from being Catholic! Try to believe, yes people sin and lie and to bad things. We all sin. As much as we hate it.

Try going to another church if you can, seek help from a true priest. Try to look past the human flaws, and try to find God at Mass. He’s there and He must have called for you.

They are not “false” Priests. They are Priests who are committing sins. Unfortunately, they not only imperil their own souls but yours and they scandalize the entire community, not just the Church.

Sometimes it is as much a sin to accept scandal as it is to give it.

I wonder how the Bishop views this situation. Or is he part of the problem.
…then I started hearing and even seeing the priests are having affairs with some of the women in their parishes. These priests are still leading the masses and even teaching at the Seminary schools. Nobody are doing anything. I have even asked this one priest about his affairs and he straight out lied about it. Pls. help 'cause I don’t know how to handle it. I am losing my faith every day…
I am sorry to hear of the situation. My first question of course would be if you know for certain that these affairs are occuring, or if they are just rumor. Are you certain that the priest you spoke to lied? If you know for certain that these things are going on, however, I would report them to your local bishop. Then, if necessary, the papal nuncio.

Secondly, do not lose your faith over this! Sin is unfortunately a part of the human condition, and while it should never be tolerated, it will also never destroy the Church. Christ promised that the gates of Hell would not prevail, even when the leaders of His Church do sinful things. The effectiveness of the Sacraments is in no way limited by the state of a priest’s soul.

There is a story of St. Francis, who was once asked, “What if you were to receive Communion, and you knew that the priest lied, cheated, and had 3 mistresses on the side?” St. Francis answered, “I would receive my Lord from his annointed hands”. For it is not the priest, in his failings, who acts in the Sacraments, but Christ who acts through the priest.
the catholic church is all truth. just because some priest do some very bad things dosen’t mean truth changes. here’s a simple formula i always tell my non catholic friends at work when they can’t believe i stay with the catholic church after all they have heard that some priest have done. 2 plus 2 equals 4. every one would agree with that. that is the absolute truth that can never change. some priest do some bad things. is 2 plus 2 still 4???ABSOLUTELY. it isn’t 5 now that them priest did some bad things.so where am i to go??? am i to go to a different church down the road that dosen’t have all truth??? i think i’ll stay with ALL truth and pray for them priest .
I live in Indonesia. I grew up, was baptized as a Christian, and was converted into Catholic early this year. I was happy for a while thinking that I have finally found my true calling…then I started hearing and even seeing the priests are having affairs with some of the women in their parishes. These priests are still leading the masses and even teaching at the Seminary schools. Nobody are doing anything. I have even asked this one priest about his affairs and he straight out lied about it. Pls. help 'cause I don’t know how to handle it. I am losing my faith every day…
My dear friend…I suggest that you contact your local Bishop & talk it over w/him…it is his responsibilty to deal w/ such things, & hopefully he will. If left unattended to it could well evolve into a problem like unto the current scandal here in the U.S. I agree fully w/ the above posts, & the fact is that your faith is not at all contingent upon the morality of these priests…The Sacraments, (most of them anyway) bring us grace based on their own nature & our willingness to receive that grace & cooperate w/it not on the worthiness of the priest involved.
On another note: Now you see why it is so very vital that we pray diligently for our priests. I suggest you pray to St. John Vianney (Called the Cure D’Ars) who is the patron saint of parish priests & ask him to help your priests get right w/ the Lord. The devil LOVES to attack our priests because he recognizes them as the consecrated souls that they are. We should also be consecrated as well, & by our prayers and fellowship support these very human men who have who have answered the call from God…and fallen. We must NEVER forget that we are engaged in a spiritual battle for the souls of all the world.
I will join you in prayer.
do not place your faith in priests or any other humans, place your faith and trust in Jesus Christ who chose as his apostles and anointed representatives on earth sinful, vacillating, doubtful, craven men who, except for the betrayer, went on to become saints.
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