Familiar with Campus Crusade?

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Our military community (apparantly all religious groups here) are sponsoring a marriage seminar sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC for now) due to the increase of maritial problems in the community. The schedule looks innocent but I researched the faith statement of CCC because I wanted to see the differences. Well, there are quite a few big ones. However saving a marriage might be overlooked over their statement of ONLY 66 books in the Bible. My neighbor and friend (who grew up Catholic, but left the Church) and husband (minister’s son) are the point of contacts. I gave her their the statement of faith and showed her the parts that Catholics do not (or should not) agree with. I asked her if she has seen the curriculum so I could see what it was about (they don’t have it yet). She states that even the Jewish community is invited, so she doesn’t think there will be much reference to Jesus or scripture but CCC is having speakers at the event. However this goes against their mission. I went to speak to our regular priests about this but they are out-of-town for the rest of the week.

I guess my questions are:
  1. Is anyone familiar with Campus Crusade for Christ;
  2. If so, do you know anything about their marriage seminar title Five Threats to Oneness program? and
  3. How do I continue to approach my friends/neighbors about this without putting them on the defensive?
  4. Should we encourage Catholics to go to this event (currently it is advertised in the bulletin, but could not find out who authorized it due to the priest being gone)?
There was already a very lively thread on this topic in this forum. Here was one of the things I pointed out then:
Why don’t we let Mr. Bright [Bill Bright, the late founder of CCC] speak for himself? A recent article from the Catholic Educators Resource concerning the signing of the ecumenical document Catholics And Evangelicals Together quotes many anti-Catholic Evangelical leaders as criticizing Evangelical signers of the document, including Bill Bright. Bright’s rationale for signing the document, however, was less than pure:
"Other endorsers have emphasized the opportunity ECT provides for presenting the Gospel to Catholics. Commenting on his meeting with his evangelical detractors, Bill Bright wrote to his supporters that ECT ‘facilitated our evangelism in Catholic countries.’ He argued that removing his name from the document could result in the loss of salvation for many Catholic souls: ‘Since the ECT Statement had already helped us reach more Catholics in other countries, the Holy Spirit brought tears to my eyes before these men [McArthur and Sproul] as I explained that repudiating the agreement would probably cause tens of millions of Catholics to not hear the gospel and to be eternally lost.’
Bright’s Campus Crusade for Christ International, in fact, has targeted Spain for mission work. One wonders if Campus Crusaders will remember ECT’s distinction between legitimate evangelization and sheep-stealing?"
This speaks for itself. To see the whole article, go to:
Here is the link to the entire thread:

Thank you for the link to the thread. I am familiar with the great discussion as I was reading it this past summer/fall. I re-read the discussion and attempted to read the article you attached, but the site has moved…

My friends/neighbors are not anti-catholic and I know this was not their intent. Their intent was to build stronger marriages based on God’s word (here at a military post we don’t have to worry about the same-sex marriage issue). She never even saw CCC’s statement of faith until I gave it to her. I don’t mind the marriage retreat as long as what is discussed is in accord with Catholic teachings. I’m all for strong marriages. I’m also not as worried about people who are strong in their Catholic faith attending, as they know the differences in theology. I’m more worried about the people who attend who think they know the Catholic faith just because they go to Church each Sunday.

Therefore I was primarily looking to see if anyone knows about their Five Threats to Oneness to see if it is in accord with Catholic teachings or people’s opinions about the seminar. Also how I go about showing my neighbors that just because they say it is a non-denominational group, it really is.
Please also read this thread:

While I was a college student, I was quite active in going to Campus Crusade events, Bible studies, meetings and training.

In evangelistic circumstances, there are situations where an initial invitation may seem to be one thing – and the actual subsequent meeting or event may be that and also more than what you might initially expect.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. I hope that the meeting will be beneficial to those who attend. And I also hope that people will not be drawn away from the Catholic Church.

Many of my friends that I initially met at a Campus Crusade meeting were Catholics who left or were leaving the Catholic Church. After all these years, I am now in RCIA.
Check out focusonline.org/html/foundersmessage.html

FOCUS is a Catholic college program started by Curtis Martin. Curtis is a revert who left the Church during college with Campus Crusade. When he returned to the Church, he decided Catholics need a similar ministry.

He’s also an excellent apologist.

God Bless,

Thank you for the link to the thread. I am familiar with the great discussion as I was reading it this past summer/fall. I re-read the discussion and attempted to read the article you attached, but the site has moved…
Sorry. Here is a more current link to the same article.
I don’t know if anyone knows Biff Rocha, he was an active Campus Crusade staff person, as I am currently, and he was and always has been a Catholic. He and I are having discussions since I am considering entering the Catholic Church.

If you go to benedictine.edu/benedictine.aspx?pgID=1389 and click on R for Rocha and click on his name, you will find his details.
I attended Campus Crusade meetings at my university before I became Catholic.

It’s definitely Protestant, evangelical, and yes they do try to evangelize Catholics… many there don’t consider Catholics “saved”. And the theology is very different. I would personally be very very careful
Contact NATIONAL MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER and see if they would put on a weekendn at your base. There is World Wide Marriage Encounter also, but they are divided to serve specific denominations while National is a christian, but more ecumenical group that does not push any particular denomination or church. You can find the group nearest you on the internet.🙂
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