Just looking for some (name removed by moderator)ut on a family situation.
I have an arrangement with my brother to drive him to college each day. I’m happy enough with that. It’s only a few km out of my way on my journey to work. We live 8 km apart.
Now I’m the only sibling with a car and sometimes I feel like it’s taken for granted that I’ll be available to drive people wherever they want to go. I don’t mind giving a ride every now and then, and I think my brother understands not to be asking too often.
However my mother tends to get very involved and become abusive if I express a desire to be left alone on a Saturday morning rather than giving a ride to someone. This upsets my wife as she obviously feels that there are some boundary issues there (I agree). My mother has the habit of kind of trying to manipulate things to make it seem like you’re unreasonable to say no. She and my wife had a big conversation about this today and I think my wife came away upset because my mother didn’t take her points on board. She doesn’t ever really see how her comments are manipulative or out of order. And she seems to think I’m making a profit if I ask for money for petrol.
I don’t want to stop giving rides to my brother/family altogether, but at the same time I want to make it clear that I’m not a taxi service and there are boundaries and it’s out of order to try to guilt trip me for saying no every now and then.
Any advice on how to deal with such a situation effectively.
I have an arrangement with my brother to drive him to college each day. I’m happy enough with that. It’s only a few km out of my way on my journey to work. We live 8 km apart.
Now I’m the only sibling with a car and sometimes I feel like it’s taken for granted that I’ll be available to drive people wherever they want to go. I don’t mind giving a ride every now and then, and I think my brother understands not to be asking too often.
However my mother tends to get very involved and become abusive if I express a desire to be left alone on a Saturday morning rather than giving a ride to someone. This upsets my wife as she obviously feels that there are some boundary issues there (I agree). My mother has the habit of kind of trying to manipulate things to make it seem like you’re unreasonable to say no. She and my wife had a big conversation about this today and I think my wife came away upset because my mother didn’t take her points on board. She doesn’t ever really see how her comments are manipulative or out of order. And she seems to think I’m making a profit if I ask for money for petrol.
I don’t want to stop giving rides to my brother/family altogether, but at the same time I want to make it clear that I’m not a taxi service and there are boundaries and it’s out of order to try to guilt trip me for saying no every now and then.
Any advice on how to deal with such a situation effectively.