Family members voting for Biden

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In the past 2020 election, both my parents and grandparents voted for Biden and I feel like their souls are in jeopardy. Is there any way I could pray for them so that they could see what they’ve done is wrong?
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As a Republican and a Trump supporter, I can assure you that it’s unlikely that anybody’s soul is in jeopardy because they voted for Biden/Harris. The only way in which I think that would occur would be if they voted for Biden/Harris specifically because they want their administration to promote things that are contrary to Catholic teaching. Most obviously, if their sole or main reason for voting Democrat was for the purpose of maintaining, or even further liberalizing, existing abortion laws. I know people who voted Democrat this year who did so for the best of reasons, or at least for reasons that are perfectly compatible with the Catholic faith. One of my sons and his girlfriend voted for Biden/Harris, I believe largely for reasons to do with Native American issues (she is Native American). I do not think that their souls are in jeopardy.
In the past 2020 election, both my parents and grandparents voted for Biden and I feel like their souls are in jeopardy. Is there any way I could pray for them so that they could see what they’ve done is wrong?
I have the same concern for my two sisters who voted for Trump.
Aside from my spouse, I don’t care who my relatives vote for. Though I do judge people for it! Lol
You can and should pray for your relatives all the time because we should all pray for each other, and I’m sure they pray for you too.

However, it’s unlikely they sinned if they voted for Biden in good faith and not specifically because he supports abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage etc. As others said, be careful about judging your elders, and don’t just assume people sinned because they have different political opinions than you do.
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We should always pray for ourselves and our families! But there is nothing sinful about voting for Biden. That’s so silly! Remember, Biden himself is Catholic and personally doesn’t condone euthanasia or abortion. He is just giving people their equal rights to do so.
That’s so silly! Remember, Biden himself is Catholic and personally doesn’t condone euthanasia or abortion. He is just giving people their equal rights to do so.
In other words he knows they’re wrong and supports them anyway.
Stop and think about that form moment. While Biden wouldn’t kill a baby himself, he supports people who don’t think it’s a full human. Hmm. How disgusting would it be if he said that about a different race? It’s ok to kill someone if you think they are less than human or a burden or meet assistance to survive!?
What if he was pro abortion but only for a certain race? Would everyone talk about his Catholic faith then? And say there is nothing wrong with putting a man like that in power with your vote became de of his position on unions!?
You can, and should, always pray for your parents and grandparents.
You should also pray for yor nation, that we do not sink any further into cultural depravity.
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