Family Planning

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My first year of marriage, I used the birth control pill. I was ignorant to what the pill actually does. Once I found out that it could possible abort, I refused to use that method again. After a year of marriage, we tried to have a baby. It took me 9 months of trying and 2 miscarriages before I had my son. My doctor had found out that I have luteal phase defect which means that I cannot hold my child through the first trimester of pregnancy without a hormone supplement (progesterene). Now whenever I try to have a child, I must use the hormone supplement 3 days after I ovulate as I did for my first child through my first trimester. When I was trying, I used a ovulation predictor kit to help figure out when I ovulate, so I know when to take the hormone supplement. I do not ovulate regularly.

I’ve now had 3 early miscarriages and I do not want to loose another soul. In my situation, I need to know when I’m trying so I can take the supplement to hold my child in my uterus for the first trimester. I wanted to do the Natural Family Planning. I know some couples may get pregnant even while doing the NFP method. I would normally love and accept if I conceived even while doing the NFP, but in my situation that would mean I would miscarry if I didn’t know until my 4th or 5th week. I am so scared to take the chance of loosing another baby. My 3rd miscarriage was extremely hard on me.

I know condoms and the rythm method are not accepted either, but I don’t know what to do in my situation.
My first year of marriage, I used the birth control pill. I was ignorant to what the pill actually does. Once I found out that it could possible abort, I refused to use that method again. After a year of marriage, we tried to have a baby. It took me 9 months of trying and 2 miscarriages before I had my son. My doctor had found out that I have luteal phase defect which means that I cannot hold my child through the first trimester of pregnancy without a hormone supplement (progesterene). Now whenever I try to have a child, I must use the hormone supplement 3 days after I ovulate as I did for my first child through my first trimester. When I was trying, I used a ovulation predictor kit to help figure out when I ovulate, so I know when to take the hormone supplement. I do not ovulate regularly.

I’ve now had 3 early miscarriages and I do not want to loose another soul. In my situation, I need to know when I’m trying so I can take the supplement to hold my child in my uterus for the first trimester. I wanted to do the Natural Family Planning. I know some couples may get pregnant even while doing the NFP method. I would normally love and accept if I conceived even while doing the NFP, but in my situation that would mean I would miscarry if I didn’t know until my 4th or 5th week. I am so scared to take the chance of loosing another baby. My 3rd miscarriage was extremely hard on me.

I know condoms and the rythm method are not accepted either, but I don’t know what to do in my situation.
You should learn one of the methods of Natural Family Planning.

Specifically, I’d recommend the Creighton Model. Visit for information.

NFP is highly effective for both conceiving or postponing and can be used specifically in your circumstances. There’s a whole chapter in my book on your infertility situations including an insufficient leutal phase and what to do about it. The NaPro center in Omaho, NE, and Dr. Hilgers have helped many couples to conceive and succesfully carry pregnancies to term even with issues such as yours.
Hi Kas,

I’m so sorry about the miscarriages and pain you’ve experienced. Knowing the pain of one miscarried child myself, I can only imagine what you must have gone through with several. My heart goes out to you.

My doctor also said I have a short luteal phase and recommended progesterone to increase it and the likelihood of carrying a baby. You may not be aware that there are also natural supplements that increase your luteal phase as well (my doctor certainly didn’t mention them to me.) Marilyn Shannon has done some incredible research on the influence nutrition and various vitamins have on one’s fertility. The supplement Optivite, which has B6 vitamin in it, has been shown to increase women’s luteal phases. Here’s a link to an article she wrote which explains it more in-depth:

She also has a book you might check into called “Fertility, Cycles, and Nutrition.”

It sounds like you’re also nervous about the effectiveness of NFP. When my husband and I first got married and began using nfp to delay pregnancy, it was a scary thing to me. Even though statistics cite it as 99% effective when used properly, there’s something scary about the possibility you could misread signs and mess it up (even if it results in something as wonderful as a baby, it was still intimidating to me.) But once we started practicing nfp, it was incredibly freeing and not nerve-wracking at all. Once you learn the method and get used to making some observations, fertility signs are usually pretty easy to read. It’s then up to you and your husband to abstain and avoid pregnancy, or not and try to acheive pregnancy. NFP really is very effective once you learn the method, moreso than many other contraceptives.

Even though it sounds like you’re nervous about getting pregnant while using nfp which might result in a miscarriage, there would be just as much a chance of that (if not more) with contraceptives. I’d encourage you to pray about this and ask Jesus to help you trust in Him on this, especially to heal your pain from previous miscarriages. NFP has been such a blessing and intimacy booster to our marriage, that I hope you will be able to experience that as well.
FYI, with Sympt-Thermal Method, your positive sign of pregnancy is 21 days of elevated temperatures. So you’ll know about three weeks after conception that you are pregnant.
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