Family Rosary

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If you would please,
Give me your best advice for getting all members of the family, parents, teens, young children… invovled in saying a family rosary.


Hi Darcee!

Are you the Mom in this family? If so, first I would get Dad on board. If you announce that you want to pray the family Rosary and Dad rolls his eyes and groans, you’re in trouble.

I would recommend discussing with your husband which night of each week the Rosary will be said, then ask him to announce to the kids when it will take place, then stick to it no matter what.

It’s easy for us because our kids are young; better for you to first get all the adults on board and then just inform the kids with no debate allowed.

Good luck!

I am thinking more in general. Our kids love the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet . Our local Catholic radio station plays a sung version of the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the children sing along…

I am working on gathering resources to start a Rosary “club” at our Parish school. But I need ideas to help parents start family rosaries.

Hi Darcee,
My suggestion would be to just start praying! I have found the more I try to plan, the more obstacles get in the way. I have 5 children ages 4-15. We have used things such as rosary videos (Family Theater’s Dramatized Rosary is awsome!) I put together a little binder of the beautiful pictures of the Mysteries of the Rosary for the little ones to follow along with sometimes. Dad is with us most of the time, but if he is busy, or any of the other children are busy, I will just start praying. My husband is very supportive of this, and it helps alot. Although I’m not sure if he would start it every night if I weren’t around :rolleyes: I do get a huff from him once in a while too…but we pray anyway…and all is peaceful by the Hail Holy Queen…every single time :yup: I can testify that Our Lady blesses those who at least try…and now it is so neat that even if my husband and I are out…my older kids will make sure that the rosary is said… I just pray that it lasts.
Another thing that does help is to give them a time that we will start praying…I will announce at 7:00 that we will start our prayers in 1/2 hour…that does help limit the excuses when prayer time does arrive! Good Luck! I will pray for you!!
We have just started doing this in our family (three weeks ago) and it has been going well. My wife and I decided to start with once a week to see how it goes. Our three boys (9, 15, 16) have been real good sports about it and seem to like the family time together, especially since we try to make it kind of special by dimming the lights, lighting lots of candles, and varying the meditations. Last week we used the Holy Land Rosary video from EWTN, which the boys liked too. I guess the best way is to just do it, try not to complicate it too much, make it as fun and reverent as you can, and stick with it (as I hope we can!) 🙂
When I was young the whole family got together once a week for what we called family night. this would be a night of prayer, games, and a snack. we almost always prayed a decade of the rosary (this was done so the younger ones would not get to rammy). While it was not the whole rosary it was enough that we all learned to pray it and most of us still do. 🙂

In His love
Thank you for this thread. At dinner this evening I asked my wife
and two daughters (8 and 11) “when” they would like to pray the rosary. We decided as a family to pray one decade each night after dinner and then have desert. We are trying to become better Catholics one day at a time.

God Bless
We have only been praying the rosary for a few months- just a decade at this time. It is a great routine to get in to!

One resource you may want to check out- “A Rosary for the Family” CD- $19 includ. shipping

This was featured on Morning Air awhile ago- I just received mine yesterday. My first impression is very good. It has a family praying the rosary and the introductory prayers focuses on the family, which is nice.

Their website is:

God bless all families! 🙂
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