This could quickly become a very convoluted story so I’ll keep it as brief as possible.
Background: I was raised Catholic and left the faith around 10 years ago. I married my husband (we’re both men) several years ago. I am well aware of the Church’s stance on this and that’s not what I’m here to ask about.
Prior to our wedding, I had a conversation with an aunt and uncle (both Catholic, siblings not spouses), where they said they could not attend the ceremony. I fully expected this. What I did not expect was the variety of other hurtful things they said about my parents that were completely unrelated to the issue. Since then, my mother has consciously fallen out of contact with them.
My parents are both very active in their parish. Despite my lack of belief, I fully support them in theirs, as it brings them great fulfillment, and I love them unconditionally. They, likewise, love me unconditionally, as they celebrated with my husband and I at our wedding.
Recently my parents learned that around 2 years ago my uncle (who attends a different parish) had attempted to have them removed from their roles at their parish simply for attending my wedding (again, a vast oversimplification of how it actually happened, but not the point). He apparently does not believe they are true Catholics. I think their faith is completely sincere. They are still very active in the church, so the pastor apparently did not see their attendance at my wedding as something to be concerned about.
Before I try to have any sort of discussion with him, I’m trying to determine if my uncle’s actions were out of true concern for the integrity of his faith, or if they were motivated by anger. After a relatively deep dive turned up nothing of substance, my question is this: Is attending a same-sex wedding ceremony grounds for any parishioner to be removed from their involvement in the celebration of mass (specifically being a mass coordinator or extraordinary minister). If it would be possible to provide sources for your thoughts in either direction, I would very much appreciate it. If this has already been answered elsewhere, please direct me there.
Background: I was raised Catholic and left the faith around 10 years ago. I married my husband (we’re both men) several years ago. I am well aware of the Church’s stance on this and that’s not what I’m here to ask about.
Prior to our wedding, I had a conversation with an aunt and uncle (both Catholic, siblings not spouses), where they said they could not attend the ceremony. I fully expected this. What I did not expect was the variety of other hurtful things they said about my parents that were completely unrelated to the issue. Since then, my mother has consciously fallen out of contact with them.
My parents are both very active in their parish. Despite my lack of belief, I fully support them in theirs, as it brings them great fulfillment, and I love them unconditionally. They, likewise, love me unconditionally, as they celebrated with my husband and I at our wedding.
Recently my parents learned that around 2 years ago my uncle (who attends a different parish) had attempted to have them removed from their roles at their parish simply for attending my wedding (again, a vast oversimplification of how it actually happened, but not the point). He apparently does not believe they are true Catholics. I think their faith is completely sincere. They are still very active in the church, so the pastor apparently did not see their attendance at my wedding as something to be concerned about.
Before I try to have any sort of discussion with him, I’m trying to determine if my uncle’s actions were out of true concern for the integrity of his faith, or if they were motivated by anger. After a relatively deep dive turned up nothing of substance, my question is this: Is attending a same-sex wedding ceremony grounds for any parishioner to be removed from their involvement in the celebration of mass (specifically being a mass coordinator or extraordinary minister). If it would be possible to provide sources for your thoughts in either direction, I would very much appreciate it. If this has already been answered elsewhere, please direct me there.