I feel that God is calling me to be a priest in His church. However, my biggest problem is that my parents do not support me. Why? Well, I come from an ethnic Chinese background, and I am also the only and last male in the family. If I do not have kids, the family name will come to an end, and for many Asians that is a big taboo. Many would consider it my duty to reproduce in order to carry on the family name. If I do not have kids, my mother said that my extended family will disown me and hate me for it. However, my desire to serve God is greater than all other things in my life. I have been through many trials and tribulations, and the only reason I am here today is because of the Lord’s grace. (I use to run with the wrong crowds, and got involved in the bad things, but I was eventually able to get out of that life because of God’s mercy) Now, I truly want to devote my life to serving God as a priest in His holy church, but at the same time I really want my parent’s blessing in doing so. I believe that this may be a test from God to see if I will choose to follow His will over the expectations of my family. At this moment in time, I am still working on convincing my parents, but either way I will pursue priesthood, sooner or later.
Also, some additional info that may or my not affect this situation: My parents are both Protestant, and are Christians who do not go to deep in their faith. They believe in just practising the most basic fundamentals. However, I consider myself a very deeply spiritual individual. I focus most of my time every day in prayer, reading the bible, reading about my faith, singing hymns and other related things.
I really do not know how to go about things right now, and would appreciate anyones comments and (name removed by moderator)ut.
Thanks and God bless!
Also, some additional info that may or my not affect this situation: My parents are both Protestant, and are Christians who do not go to deep in their faith. They believe in just practising the most basic fundamentals. However, I consider myself a very deeply spiritual individual. I focus most of my time every day in prayer, reading the bible, reading about my faith, singing hymns and other related things.
I really do not know how to go about things right now, and would appreciate anyones comments and (name removed by moderator)ut.
Thanks and God bless!