Fanatic "Christian" anti-Catholic cult

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Well, I always thought our European Middle Ages were long over. Apparently, I was sadly mistaken.

While surfing the Internet, I stumbled upon this ‘strange’ website: Link removed for inappropriate content

Allthough some of his moral teachings are shared by us, others clearly are not.

A few striking quotes taken from the chapter “Other things for Christians to avoid”, you should read this chapter (but I strongly suggest you read all of this site - it’s just one page of serious fanatic madness):

“WASHING MAHINES WITH TRANSPARTENT LID AROUSE SINFUL THOUGHTS! As lingerie rotates around the washing machine, if you watch it, it arouses sexual thoughts in your mind!”

“Dinosaurs. Every true christian knows that earth was created about 6000 years ago! This is told in the Holy Bible which, as we know, is the Word of God because it is told in it! So dinosaurs were created at that time as well. Bible says, two of all unclean animals were on the ark, so, the remaning (not yet extint) dinosaurs were on the ark. They degenerated faster than other animals and died later.”

Flag of USA! Yes, flag of USA! Did you know it contains fifty satanic symbols called pentagrams!!! Satan worshippers are govern the United States of America, which claims to be “One Nation Under God”! Blasphemy!!!”

“Teletubbies and the Smurfs are evil. Star Trek (movies, toys, cartoons, everything by satan!)
Star Wars (movies, toys, cartoons, everything by satan!) There are more people in out christian net who know that Star Wars is EVIL! But watch out if you read the things at that site, I fear it might have been made by some satanist!”

“There is one very important thingh about lesbian behaviour: it is NOT always a deadly sin if practiced WITHIN THE HOLY MATRIMONY for the PLEASURE OF THE HUSBAND! This is proven in the Bible!
Lesbianism is not always evil! The truth is, the Holy Bible says homosexual men are evil, not true lesbians. At every point, bible says thou shalt not have sex with other MEN. True Christianity therefore does not condemn True Lesbianism. Another fact: it is pleasurable for men to watch two women having sex. On the other hand, there is nothing more revolting than two homo men.
Originally, it was perfectly ok for one man to have many wives, says the Bible. So it has always been natural for the wifes to enjoy each other when the man was away. Also, wifes had sex with each other for the pleasure of their husband. So, lesbianism is perfectly fine for wifes of their own husband. This is True Lesbianism! Of course, it is unnatural to have two women living together. That is a deadly SIN! Only when a man has MANY WIFES, may lesbianism be practiced for the pleasure of the man.”

“It has been scientifically proven that the northern european white race is the smartest race on Earth. We can clearly see that from the accomplishments made by our race; all important technological inventions have originated from us!
We should not mix blood with asian, african, indian, australian and pacific races, which did not originate in Atlantis.
Everyone knows that northern european white race originated in Atlantis. Before its downfall, our superior race sailed forth (leaving the sinners to sink down with the continent) and founded the civilizations of Ancient Greek and Rome.”

“Hitler was a good Christian”

He also says that the Catholic Church is the Church of Satan and that Catholics pump a poisonous gas inside the homes of bachelors which makes them gay.

Any comments on this man’s “teachings”?
Pious Redeemer:
Any comments on this man’s “teachings”?
His “teachings” are ex ignoratia et ad ignoratiam. They are pleas made out of ignorance in an appeal to ignorance. No one with 10 minutes of theological training would pay any attention to this brainless drivel. This junk makes the claims of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons look credible.
Comments:bigyikes: This guy is a deranged physco pervert,who probably has a following,which is scary.I agree with Scott when the JW’s and Mormons begin to look reasonable it is very important to RUN:eek: God Bless
Yes, Lisa, this Guru (his name is Niilo Paasivirta) has many followers, especially in his homeland Finland. Due to his websites, he’s seducing and winning the hearts of many people living abroad too, sadly enough.

Here is a quote taken from this Guru’s guestbook, which is actually a message board similar to this one, but less advanced. It was written down by one of his Finnish followers:

"Niilo Rebresentz a great Grand part ov Finish bebople here Hee rebrezents the part of finnish bebople hoo Pelieve in God and want to Ficht for God = Niilo and Kill all the infiddekls such as Muslims and udder non civilised Beboples so that the only even partially civilised Bebople of the World The Finnis kan reign over the other Bebople with a strong and punishing Hand.michael moore is a pig fat man hoo is in vapour of the terrorists hee is a communist. Amricans comited a Grime when they killed Hilter and started to propagandate the holohoax The holohoax is a kind of Lie that americans tell apout Hilter having concentrations cambs for Joos. in reality the gamps wwere in Sovyet yunion and they were led py a Joo his name was Naphtali frenckel. that is all pegause britishers and americans did not help finland against stalin. they were cowards. hilter was the only won hoo helpt finlant aganst stalin. then bpritish and amricans were ashamed ecause they knew they were doink wrong when they not help finland aganst stalin. they were jellyous of hilter pegause hilter was such a great good man that hee whelped finland against stalin. so they greated this holohoax lie apout jooish consentratzion camps in germany, so that they have a pretext to kill hilter the great good man helper of finnish. now evrypuddy still repeating the holohox lie. nopody speaks apout stalins jooishcontrolled contzentratzion gamps…Niilolujaa Niilolujaa Niiloluyah Niiloluyah Nee-law-loo-yah Nee-law-loo-yah.

IMHO, this is pure revisionism, which is forbidden by law!
Pious Redeemer:
Yes, Lisa, this Guru (his name is Niilo Paasivirta) has many followers, especially in his homeland Finland. Due to his websites, he’s seducing and winning the hearts of many people living abroad too, sadly enough.

Here is a quote taken from this Guru’s guestbook, which is actually a message board similar to this one, but less advanced. It was written down by one of his Finnish followers:

"Niilo Rebresentz a great Grand part ov Finish bebople here Hee rebrezents the part of finnish bebople hoo Pelieve in God and want to Ficht for God = Niilo and Kill all the infiddekls such as Muslims and udder non civilised Beboples so that the only even partially civilised Bebople of the World The Finnis kan reign over the other Bebople with a strong and punishing Hand.michael moore is a pig fat man hoo is in vapour of the terrorists hee is a communist. Amricans comited a Grime when they killed Hilter and started to propagandate the holohoax The holohoax is a kind of Lie that americans tell apout Hilter having concentrations cambs for Joos. in reality the gamps wwere in Sovyet yunion and they were led py a Joo his name was Naphtali frenckel. that is all pegause britishers and americans did not help finland against stalin. they were cowards. hilter was the only won hoo helpt finlant aganst stalin. then bpritish and amricans were ashamed ecause they knew they were doink wrong when they not help finland aganst stalin. they were jellyous of hilter pegause hilter was such a great good man that hee whelped finland against stalin. so they greated this holohoax lie apout jooish consentratzion camps in germany, so that they have a pretext to kill hilter the great good man helper of finnish. now evrypuddy still repeating the holohox lie. nopody speaks apout stalins jooishcontrolled contzentratzion gamps…Niilolujaa Niilolujaa Niiloluyah Niiloluyah Nee-law-loo-yah Nee-law-loo-yah.

IMHO, this is pure revisionism, which is forbidden by law!
This person whould be punished just for his atrocious use of the English language.
Niilo Rebresentz a great Grand part ov Finish bebople here Hee rebrezents the part of finnish bebople hoo Pelieve in God and want to Ficht for God = Niilo and Kill all the infiddekls such as Muslims and udder non civilised Beboples so that the only even partially civilised Bebople of the World The Finnis kan reign over the other Bebople with a strong and punishing Hand.michael moore is a pig fat man hoo is in vapour of the terrorists hee is a communist. Amricans comited a Grime when they killed Hilter and started to propagandate the holohoax The holohoax is a kind of Lie that americans tell apout Hilter having concentrations cambs for Joos. in reality the gamps wwere in Sovyet yunion and they were led py a Joo his name was Naphtali frenckel. that is all pegause britishers and americans did not help finland against stalin. they were cowards. hilter was the only won hoo helpt finlant aganst stalin. then bpritish and amricans were ashamed ecause they knew they were doink wrong when they not help finland aganst stalin. they were jellyous of hilter pegause hilter was such a great good man that hee whelped finland against stalin. so they greated this holohoax lie apout jooish consentratzion camps in germany, so that they have a pretext to kill hilter the great good man helper of finnish. now evrypuddy still repeating the holohox lie. nopody speaks apout stalins jooishcontrolled contzentratzion gamps…Niilolujaa Niilolujaa Niiloluyah Niiloluyah Nee-law-loo-yah Nee-law-loo-yah.
This fellow’s post is garbage, from start to finnish. 😃
Yes, you’re right about that, Scott LOL :D!

In the above quote I provided you can see that this follower identifies his leader with God (“Niilo = God”). Who’s doing the blasphemy here?:rolleyes:
Btw., I always thought, when I joined this forum, that my English wasn’t too good. After I read these “English” posts made by the Finnish followers of this Guru on his message board, I hope I musn’t be ashamed of my English skills anymore 🙂
Pious Redeemer:
Flag of USA! Yes, flag of USA! Did you know it contains fifty satanic symbols called pentagrams!!! Satan worshippers are govern the United States of America, which claims to be “One Nation Under God”! Blasphemy!!!”
The fact that I am “Natvie American”, I can not totally disagree with this one. :rotfl:
Uh, guys? I think you’re missing the point here. This site is very clearly a joke. If you look at their list of links at the bottom, one of them is the Landover Baptist Church, which is an hysterical joke church site. This site is nothing but a joke, admittedly one in poor taste, but a joke all the same.
I don’t know if you have read this guy’s guestbook. I suggest you do - warning: contains very explicit content!. This Guru’s followers don’t seem to be joking at all, I’m afraid. They attend his “sunday school” where he puts crazy thoughts into the minds of his followers.
I just watched that “Landover Baptist Church” website that Guru linked to, as you rightfully said. These people are as crazy as this Guru himself! They sell women’s underwear with a picture of Jesus’ face on it:tsktsk: . And if you accept Jesus in your life, guess what, you get a playstation 2 for free!!!:bigyikes: :rotfl:
Well, I just want to know why a person from the northern hemisphere is not meant to marry an Australian. What is wrong with our blood?

Hello, Maggie, of course there is nothing wrong with your blood! Nor with anybody else’s on this planet. I think that cult leader refers to Australian Aboriginal blood, and if you are an Aboriginal or another Australian, read my first sentence again: there is nothing wrong with your blood, only in this guy’s psychiatric distorted mind!

Since he claimes that the European “white race” is superior, because they originated in Atlantis :rolleyes: , their blood should not be “mixed” with “inferior races”, f.e. coloured people. So, following his “logic”, “white” Americans and Australians who have ancestors in Europe can “mix” their blood (can get married with each other or with Europeans).

When I first, by accident, stumbled upon this guy’s website, I thought it was some kind of a joke. But then I looked at his guestbook (there’s a link in the beginning of his webpage), which is actually a message board, and I realised he has many followers, not only Finnish people, but also a few Danish, German and American people.

I’m a European myself (I was born and live in Belgium), but I never ever considered our “race” to be superior. There has been another violent lunatic around here who claimed the superiority of the Aryan “race”, namely Hitler. My parents and grandparents, as many, many others, have witnessed what racial “theories” can do: the murder of millions of innocent people. Dear God, I beg of you, do not let this happen ever again on this globe! :bowdown:
Pious Redeemer:
I just watched that “Landover Baptist Church” website that Guru linked to, as you rightfully said. These people are as crazy as this Guru himself! They sell women’s underwear with a picture of Jesus’ face on it:tsktsk: . And if you accept Jesus in your life, guess what, you get a playstation 2 for free!!!:bigyikes: :rotfl:
For those that don’t know, Landover Baptist was started by the girlfriend of the founder of the Church of Satan, Betty Bowers. She is a practicing (if you can call it that) Laveyan Satanist.
Thanks to all who have taken part in this discussion.
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