Fare thee well

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Fare thee well.

I am moving on towards becoming a holier Catholic and a faithful priest. I have been in a personal retreat for a little while and have come to the conclusion that I must leave this e-community for the betterment of my own faith and soul.

Before I leave I wish to say a few things. I have learned much here and I feel that there is great possibility for this MB. However, there is a strong spirit of nastiness and a significant lack of charity displayed by many here on all sides of the issues. As an Irishman, I am all for a good bout of fisticuffs. However, as an Irishman I am accustomed to sharing a pint of stout with that same fella afterward. That spirit of reconciliation and respect for ones adversary is sorely missing by many here. That is sad.

What is even sadder is that I have fallen into this very trap while engaged with others here. There a re a number of times I have lost my cool, composure, and charity. There is no excuse for that. I won’t blame it on the others who were engaged in e-debates with me, for while there was a definite lack of charity, the responsibility for my own failure to act in a Catholic manner is mine alone. It is a sin I must bear, confess, and learn from.

To which, I am sorry for having offended anyone at anytime while I was here. I am sorry for not always displaying charity towards anyone at anytime. If any of my words have hurt anyone here I am very, very sorry. Know that even though I am educated and am on my journey towards the priesthood I am not the essence of Catholicism at its greatest. I am, as I have often signed off, a penitent sinner striving for holiness and a greater relationship with my Redeemer and King.

I will keep all of you in my prayers, especially those who suffer from mental illness, as well as those who provide medical care for everyone, and to whom I have had the pleasure and honor to converse with here at this MB. I ask that you do the same for me.

Your unworthy brother in Christ and by the Grace of God a future priest,
Godspeed to you. I know what you mean, people really can get overwrought around here, I’ve noticed. That’s why I can’t seem to stay serious for long, I might end up getting angry…

So, take it easy. Stay cool. :cool:
As an Irishman also, I would LOVE to share a pint with you:dancing:

Thanks for the words.

Via con Dios DCMAC.

May the wind rise to meet you…ahh you know this one 😉
if you’re still reading, my friend, i wish and pray for you the best. may God richly bless you as you seek to become more like Him. i’m excited about the prospect of the first sentence of your post.

may it be so. 🙂

That is the main temptation for one who engages in these kinds of discussions, especially apologetical debates, anger.

It takes a lot of strength to remain calm and composed even when your ideas are criticized or even ridiculed.

May God be with you.

Dearest dcmac

I am sorry you have decided to leave the message boards. I’ve not had the pleasure of reading any of your thoughts or threads until I found this one. You know passion for the faith can sometimes come across on this limited medium of the internet as being aggressive, when in reality it is not aggression but passion for the faith. I truly am sorry you feel this way, as on balance I have a good feeling that we would all benefit from you remaining here and giving us the benefit of your wisdom, thoughts and knowledge. We ALL learn from each other and there is always the rough with the smooth. Even Jesus became angry in the temple. It is not a sin to be angry. I hope and pray you reconsider, if not can I take this opportunity to give you all my best wishes in your vocation to the Priesthood, you will also remain in my prayers for this too. Much peace and love to you. God Bless you xx
May God go with you and bless you richly.

I think it’s the medium. I consider myself a good writer, but I have a hard time sometimes expressing my true intent on a computer forum. I know I come across as crabby or nasty, when I don’t intend to at all.

I think a lot of people have this problem. Something that sounds cute in person, something that would be delivered with a smile and a touch of the hand, sounds nasty on the computer forum.

So to me, the answer is to just keep posting and try to improve my computer forum skills.

And I think that for the most part, this board has a lot of charitable, non-nasty, extremely thoughtful and intelligent people compared to the Protestant board that I also hang around! (Was that nasty to the Protestants? I hope not!)
Fare thee well.

Before I leave I wish to say a few things. I have learned much here and I feel that there is great possibility for this MB. However, there is a strong spirit of nastiness and a significant lack of charity displayed by many here on all sides of the issues. As an Irishman, I am all for a good bout of fisticuffs. However, as an Irishman I am accustomed to sharing a pint of stout with that same fella afterward. That spirit of reconciliation and respect for ones adversary is sorely missing by many here. That is sad.

Your unworthy brother in Christ and by the Grace of God a future priest,
Not to dispute this, I know there have been some experiences like this here. However, it has been my experience that these forums are, generally speaking, much more charitable and full of loving and caring people then any other forum I have visited (associated with my secular activites, weightlifting, fishing, boating etc.). I have found the majority of the people here to be true lovers of God and to try very hard to be charitable and kind to the others. In fact it has lifted my spirit and has given me more confidence in my faith.

Thanks to all.

dcmac, God Bless You, this is wondeful news!
Dear DCMac,

I’m really sorry that you are leaving…you gave me some great encouragement on the thread regarding “Mental Illness”. Thank you.
I know you are going to be a good priest…please know that you are in my prayers.
Much Love In Christ,
dcmac I thank God for your encouragement and blessings here. please keep all of us in your prayers and we will keep you and your family in ours. You have been a wonderful source of solace and I feel you are truly going to be a gift to God’s community of priests. God Bless you and keep you as you follow His call.
Thank you for the kind words and well wishes. I do feel I need to rectify some things however, for I do not want to leave giving the wrong impression.

I am moving on to more spiritual formation relating to my journey of faith and calling to the holy priesthood. This includes language studies, as well as spirituality studies, etc and that is before I am entered into priestly formation - I am already involved. I am not leaving solely because of a lack of charity per se. I am simply growing in formation and as a part of that I recognize that I can fall into these uncharitable debates on occasion myself far too easily.

That is a terrible hindrance for one becoming a holy priest. At the core of the priesthood is a sacrificial humility - that imitation of Christ so much made perfect by Grace in cooperation with one’s sacrifice of one’s self. That can not be a real, livable ideal for me as long as I am tempted into the occasional bit of uncharitable debating. The most often forgotten part of reconciliation is the “go and sin no more” mandate of “…to avoid the near occasion of sin…” As I can not beat this temptation right now, I need to remove myself from it.

My comments on the uncharitable nature of a not insignificant number of posters here are simply an observation from one of those people. By far most here are gracious and charitable. That is true and obvious. However, there is a serious lack of charity with a not insignificant number of posters. That is sad. Is it better here than other places? Probably - as it should be. Yet, that does not remove the reality that it is here more than it should be. I know, as I have been on both sides of this problem. I have been uncharitable to a number of people…that is something I am very sorry for.

As for my medical professional friends here and those I have conversed with regarding health issues, well I will miss you very much. Probably because I am close to those issues. I hope that all friendly, and not professional, advice I gave will aid you in your 'Purgative walk’ with Christ in this world. Remember that you are on the front lines of this very real war between holiness and evil that my personal hero, Fr. John Corapi SOLT, speaks so often about. Your suffering is truly a redemptive suffering and if “offered up” is a spiritual nuclear weapon in this war. You are true warriors for Christ by the suffering you endure. And those who care for you and others in need of medical care are most definitely great imitators of the Jesus Christ and the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. Your care for and commitment to the sick is an awesome, Godly act indeed.

Slainte an Bhradain Chugat (The health of the salmon to you),

Donnchadh Críostóir Dónal Meiscil mag Eochadha, A.O.H., KofC, ‘an t-Aithríoch’ (the penitent/repentant one)
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