Fasting while breastfeeding?

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Does anyone know if this is OK?

I’m nursing 2 kids (2 yr old daughter 4x/day, and 3 month old son whenever he wants to).

Have any of you mamas had experience with bread & water fasting, and would one day/week affect milk supply?

I doubt if it will kill you. Why don’t you give it a whirl and see how it goes? Take a calcium supplement and a vitamin one. Drink lots of water. If you start geting cranky and snapping at the kids, then it kinda defeats the purpose.
i don’t really recommend it, talk to your doctor or pediatrician before doing it just in case
Why would it hurt? As long as you get calories and fluids, I doubt if it would affect the milk supply. Make sure that’s a whole grain bread. It’s better than eating junk food and pop, IMO.
True, but it couldn’t hurt to check it out with a doctor to make sure
I think that if you are nursing two children, that is already more than enough penance, and you should not even think about fasting right now. To fast on bread and water at this time is likely to impair your health and the health of your children.
I think that if you are nursing two children, that is already more than enough penance, and you should not even think about fasting right now. To fast on bread and water at this time is likely to impair your health and the health of your children.
As a fellow breastfeeding mother, I would agree with this post. I believe this is one of the exceptions to fasting. 🙂
arnulf said:
I think that if you are nursing two children, that is already more than enough penance, and you should not even think about fasting right now. To fast on bread and water at this time is likely to impair your health and the health of your children.

:eek: Good point. Nursing 2 at one time sounds like a very good sacrifice. Ya don’t want to get a martyr syndrome! My hat’s off to ya…:tiphat:

(Be sure and eat lots of greens!)
I think that if you are nursing two children, that is already more than enough penance, and you should not even think about fasting right now. To fast on bread and water at this time is likely to impair your health and the health of your children.
Good point.
You know, I never thought about it like that before. I think it would be easier for me to fast on bread & water for one day, than to get through the day without even mentally complaining to myself that I am nursing my two children. So I guess could be something better to offer up than fasting.
My experience with bf was that my supply was IMMEDIATELY affected by what I ate.

If I fasted, I would drastically lose supply for the day–which makes for a cranky baby and a crankier mom!!

Would I make my baby fast? No. So I cannot–when I am breastfeeding.

There are other ways to fast, though, instead of only bread and water. I would find something else to sacrifice for the day.
I am a registered nurse who breastfed my own children. I do the bread and water fast but would not have done it while nursing. I agree with arnulf and the others on this. Offer up the breastfeeding and eat well to nourish your children. Perhaps the time you are feeding could be a time for spiritual nourishment, also. Use it to talk to your little ones about Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. If you truly have a desire to fast, try just abstaining from meat or some other favorite food once or twice a week, while ensuring adequate nutritional intake so that your milk supply remains healthy. God bless you and your children.
I believe, also, though I don’t have my CCC to hand for reference, that the Church makes an exemption from fasting for those over a certain age or for medical reasons; perhaps breastfeeding would fall into the latter category?
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