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I am interested in your experience with fasting. I am considering a one day a week fast for the rest of the year. I mean I would only drink water on that day. My doctor sees no medical reason not to do it and thinks it might be a good way to loose a couple of the extra pounds as long as I don’t go wild the day after the fast. What are your thoughts?
I am interested in your experience with fasting. I am considering a one day a week fast for the rest of the year. I mean I would only drink water on that day. My doctor sees no medical reason not to do it and thinks it might be a good way to loose a couple of the extra pounds as long as I don’t go wild the day after the fast. What are your thoughts?
Is there a particular day of the week that you would fast?
I fast often both intentionally and unintentionally.

I also always fast during the first Wed. of the month where I only eat plain white bread and water.
Is there a particular day of the week that you would fast?
I was thinking of Thursday because that is also the day I go to adoration.
I did exactly what you propose for several years while in my late 20’s and it was a beneficial experience in every way.

But I did not keep it up.
I just started fasting as I sensed that was the direction the Holy Spirit was taking me…God’s will for me.

In reading the diaries from Madjugorje, it seems Our Lady is asking for bread and water fasts on Wed and Fridays in reparation for sins.

I thought the Holy Spirit was calling me to fast for a few months now but I had all the excuses! I have been on a low-carb diet for months now. It would not fit in with my eating habits. I would not have energy to make it through my day.

So I ignored the Holy Spirit’s call to me. Then I decided to give in one day and start the fast, one day a week with bread and water. I prayed the Holy Spirit keep me energized, strong and satisfied.

And He was amazing! I was not hungry, and I believe I have been blessed as a result.

I decided a few months back that I want to live in God’s will ONLY - so I need to set my will aside even when it is hard. Fasting is not easy - but comes with great blessings and is God’s will.
Hey Guys: I have been struggling with my weight for all of my adult life beginning when I was 14 being up and down on the scale for the past 23 years. I have tried just about every diet and some have worked but always gained the weight back with extra lbs. I have been going to a health club for the past 1 1/2 years with little results. I did take a break for two months (June & July) this summer due to burnout and gained 10 whopping lbs. I started back on Aug 2 and have gained 5 more lbs (probably muscle). My eating habits are terrible to say the least. I decided to stop concentrating on the weight issue and return to the health club for obvious reasons such heart disease, diabetes, stroke, etc. and leave the weight issue in God’s hands. Being Roman Catholic in Southern Louisiana we generally don’t fast except for Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Fridays during Lent. And yes, we do eat things like fish and shrimp on fast days. I never felt like this was much of a fast though. Thanks for all of your suggestions. I will take your advice with much prayer.:gopray:

Hi Puppy,

I asked God to help me with the perseverence in this area.
Here is how I have had success, through God’s grace and His help…

Lent came and I gave up my favorite things…chocolate and cookies. I asked for God’s help and offered it for the souls in purgatory.

Then as lent ended, I asked God to keep me fasting in this area…and I continued to offer it up for the souls.

I also asked God to help me with exercise and perseverance. I prayed long and hard for perseverance and offered it up for the souls.

God got me exercising regularly, and put it into my heart to pray while I exercised. So I pray the rosary, etc. while I take my walk…and I offered it up to the souls.

After months – 4 maybe, I noticed nice results in my weight lose. That’s when God suggested I start my weekly bread and water fast…and I offer it up to the souls.

But with each and every activity I do, I always do two things, ask for God to help me persevere and offer it up for the souls. Occasionally I do fall and have that cookie, but then I ask God to help again.

Puppy, it is hard, and I realized a long time ago, that I cannot do this alone. God will make me successful. And so I offer it up because it is hard.

You can do this, with God.
Thank you for the information posted in this thread so far. I have decided to begin fasting, but was not sure how to go about it. Priests for Life is sponsoring a nine-week Novena beginning on August 31 with the intention being the upcoming election on November 2.

They listed several items you can commit to when you sign up for the novena:
"I will offer:
Divine Mercy Chaplets
Hours of Adoration
Days of Fasting
Prayer meetings "

I did sign up for fasting as one of my commitments, which aside from Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, will be a new experience for me. I have not decided to what extent I will fast, just smaller meals, or more. I am looking forward to the experience.

I urge everyone to sign up for this Novena due to the importance of the outcomes of this election. Please also read the Catholic Answers voters guide - it contains extremely important information for Catholic voters. Also - VOTE. It is our right, duty and responsibility!

God bless,
I use to fast on Wed or Thurs and had to use real wholesome hearty bread like the Europeans eat. White fluffy stuff was not sufficient. I eventually incorporated oatmeal into my AM because of vitamins and need for something substantial to have on my stomach prior to swallowing vitamens; mostly the B’s. no milk etc. For health reasons I stopped but have been mulling it over in my prayers lately.
I’d like to…but I fear I’d take it too far…fooey…I suppose I will have to find another sacrifice which would be hard for me.
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